Check that sub and sup are equvalent types.

Do not display an error message.

This method is used a an entry point for the modelize phase to test static equivalent types. Some refinements could redefine it to collect statictics.

Property definitions

nitc $ ModelBuilder :: check_sametype
	# Check that `sub` and `sup` are equvalent types.
	# Do not display an error message.
	# This method is used a an entry point for the modelize phase to test static equivalent types.
	# Some refinements could redefine it to collect statictics.
	fun check_sametype(node: ANode, mmodule: MModule, anchor: nullable MClassType, sub, sup: MType): Bool
		return sub.is_subtype(mmodule, anchor, sup) and sup.is_subtype(mmodule, anchor, sub)