The live targets of a specific callsite.

Property definitions

nitc $ RapidTypeAnalysis :: live_targets
	# The live targets of a specific callsite.
	fun live_targets(callsite: CallSite): Set[MMethodDef]
		var mtype = callsite.recv
		var anchor = callsite.anchor
		if anchor != null then mtype = mtype.anchor_to(callsite.mmodule, anchor)
		mtype = mtype.undecorate
		if mtype isa MClassType then mtype = mtype.mclass.intro.bound_mtype
		var mproperty = callsite.mproperty
		var res = live_targets_cache[mtype, mproperty]
		if res != null then return res
		res = new ArraySet[MMethodDef]
		live_targets_cache[mtype, mproperty] = res

		for c in live_classes do
			var tc = c.intro.bound_mtype
			if not tc.is_subtype(mainmodule, null, mtype) then continue
			var d = mproperty.lookup_first_definition(mainmodule, tc)
			res.add d

		return res