Return the position of the method's block of class cl in self if cl has an invariant position in self,

Otherwise return a negative position

Property definitions

nitc :: virtual_machine $ MClass :: get_position_methods
	# Return the position of the method's block of class `cl` in `self` if `cl` has an invariant position in self,
	# Otherwise return a negative position
	fun get_position_methods(cl: MClass): Int
		# The class has an invariant position in all subclasses
		if cl.position_methods > 0 then return cl.position_methods

		# The position has an invariant position for this class and its subclasses only
		if positions_methods.has_key(cl) then
			var pos = positions_methods[cl]
			if pos > 0 then return pos
			return -1

		# No invariant position at all, the caller must use a multiple inheritance implementation
		return -1