Map to identify the PBX file type for a given file extension

Property definitions

nitc :: xcode_templates $ Sys :: pbx_file_types
	# Map to identify the PBX file type for a given file extension
	private var pbx_file_types: Map[String, String] is lazy do
		var map = new HashMap[String, String]

		# Source code
		map["m"] =			"sourcecode.c.objc"
		map["c"] =			"sourcecode.c.c"
		map["h"] =			"sourcecode.c.h"
		map["cpp"] =		"sourcecode.cpp.cpp"
		map["hpp"] =		"sourcecode.cpp.h"
		map["vsh"] =		"sourcecode.glsl"
		map["fsh"] =		"sourcecode.glsl"

		# Images
		map["png"] =		"image.png"
		map["gif"] =		"image.gif"
		map["jpg"] =		"image.jpeg"
		map["jpeg"] =		"image.jpeg"
		map["pdf"] =		"image.pdf"
		map["ico"] =		"image.ico"

		# Others
		map["app"] =		"wrapper.application"
		map["plist"] =		"text.plist.xml"
		map["storyboard"] =	"file.storyboard"
		map["xib"] =		"file.xib"
		map["xcassets"] =	"folder.assetcatalog"
		map["xctest"] =		"wrapper.cfbundle"

		return map