a fun language for serious programming

Constants and enumerations

Currently, there is now way to define constants or enumerations in Nit.

Various workarounds exist but there is no clear really better approaches.

Constants as immediate top-level functions


  • simple
  • should be optimized with --global and --semi-global


  • does not work if some caching is needed
# A bad approximation of pi.
# Or a very good for a Manhattan geometry.
fun imprecise_pi: Float do return 4.0

print imprecise_pi

Constants as attributes of Sys

Sys is the only global object, so its attributes are global, so one can use Sys as a big global state.

These attributes can also be marked as lazy to delay the allocations to the first use.


  • works for complex constants


  • ugly
  • broke the isolation of the memory
  • ugly
redef class Sys
    # A very bad approximation of pi.
    # Or a very good for a Chebyshev geometry.
    var really_imprecise_pi = 8.0 is readonly

print sys.really_imprecise_pi

Constants as onced top-level functions

once is a low-level undocumented facility that evaluates an expression only once in the live of the program)

Because it is low-level and undocumented, please do not complain if it brakes your programs or your heart.


  • works for complex constants
  • does not hijack Sys


  • bad
  • fragile
  • ugly
# A complex number
class Complex
   var real: Float
   var imag: Float

# The complex number 0 (00i)
fun cpx_0: Complex do return once new Complex(0.0, 0.0)
# The complex number 1 (10i)
fun cpx_1: Complex do return once new Complex(1.0, 0.0)
# The complex number i (01i)
fun cpx_i: Complex do return once new Complex(0.0, 1.0)

Enumerations as Int

Just use integers to code the values of the enumerations.


  • simple
  • fast


  • no reification
  • no fine-typing
  • no static control of range

For example, it is used for the <=> of comparable tat returns -1, 0 or +1.

class Node
    # Status of the node in the search.
    # Use:
    # * 0 for unmarked (not discovered)
    # * 1 for open (to process)
    # * 2 for closed (already processed)
    var mark: Int

Enumerations a singleton objects

Create a class and specific instances to code the enumeration.


  • It the nearest form of what reified enumerations should look like.
  • Values of the enumerations are genuine objects instances of genuine classes.


  • A lot of code
  • Where, when, and by who the values are allocation and initialized is not optimal. See the workarounds used for constants at the top of this page.
class Node
    # Status of the node in the search.
    var mark: NodeMark

# The status of a `Node` in a search.
# Available values are
#   * `sys.unmarked`
#   * `sys.open`
#   * `sys.closed`
class NodeMark
    # Additional fields and services can be used
    var value: Int

redef class Sys
    # unmarked (not discovered)
    var unmarked = new NodeMark(0) is readonly
    # open (to process)
    var open = new NodeMark(1) is readonly
    # closed (already processed)
    var closed = new NodeMark(2) is readonly

Enumerations as FFI Int

This use the FFI to create a extern type bounded on int.


  • type distinct of Int but usable as a C int on the C side.


  • unusable with the interpreter
  • possible additional work for the GC.
  • abuse of the new factories

This is mainly used on wrapper of C libraries that use int to code enumerations or flags.

class Node
    # Status of the node in the search.
   var mark: NodeMark

extern class NodeMark `{ int `}
    # unmarked (not discovered)
   new unmarked `{ return 0; `}
    # open (to process)
   new open `{ return 1; `}
    # closed (already processed)
   new closed `{ return 2; `}