, used inside concrete and abstract classes, declares attributes. Attributes require a static type and can possibly have an initial value (it may be any kind of expression, even including
class Foo var i: Int = 5 fun dec(x: Int) do var k = self.i if k > x then self.i = k - x else self.i = 0 end end
Note that from an API point of view, there is no way to distinguish the read access of an attribute with a normal method neither to distinguish a write access of an attribute with a setter. Therefore, the read access of an attribute is called a getter while the write access is called a setter.
var x = # Is bar an attribute or a method = y # Is bar an attribute or a setter # In fact, we do not need to know.
Visibility of Attributes
By default, a getter is public and a setter is private. The visibility of getters can be precised with the private
or protected
keywords. The visibility of setters can be specified with an
additional writable
class Foo2 var pub_pri: Int protected var pro_pri: Int var pub_pub: Int is writable private var pri_pro: Int is protected writable var pub_pri2: Int is private writable # the default end
Redefinition of Attributes
Getters and setters of attributes behave like genuine methods that can be inherited and redefined. Getters and setters can also redefine inherited methods. redef var
declares that the getter is
a redefinition while redef writable
declares that the setter is a redefinition.
interface Foo3 fun derp: Int is abstract fun derp(o: Int) is abstract end class Bar3 super Foo3 redef var derp is redef writable end class Baz3 super Bar3 redef fun derp do return 1 redef fun derp(o) do end end