
This documentation is organized as follows.

Menu Bar

The menu bar allows you to navigate different views of this documentation.

  • The Overview is the front page of this documentation
  • The Full Index lists all properties, classes and modules
  • The Help displays this page

If JavaScript is enabled on your browser, a search field appears and allows you to search in all properties, classes and modules.


The Overview page is the front page of this documentation and provides a list of all modules with a summary for each.


Each module has a page that contains a summary of the module, a graphic representation and a list of its classes (including interfaces) and properties. The left block contains a list of imported and nested modules.

If JavaScript is enabled on your browser, classes and properties can be filtered by name.


Each class and interface has its own separate page. Each of these pages has four sections consisting of a class/interface description, virtual and formal types list, detailed properties descriptions and inherited properties.

Blocks on the left display :

  • Properties (virtual types, formal types, methods)
  • Inheritance relations (super and subclasses)

Before the detail of each property an icon show the type of property (diamond = virtual type, square = constructor, circle = method). The color of the icon reflect the property visibility (red = private, orange = protected, green = public).

Full Index

The Full Index contains an alphabetic list of all modules, classes/interfaces and properties.

If JavaScript is enabled on your browser, lists can be filtered by name.