nitdoc: rewrite GitHub plugin
authorAlexandre Terrasa <>
Sat, 15 Feb 2014 05:25:18 +0000 (00:25 -0500)
committerAlexandre Terrasa <>
Thu, 20 Feb 2014 19:11:59 +0000 (14:11 -0500)
* move icon on the left top corner
* merge github and ui plugins
* merge comment box and commit box
* commit message and signoff are displayed under the modifier comment
* no more modal for commit sign off
* also edited styles

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Terrasa <>

share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/commitbox.js [deleted file]
share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/ui.js [deleted file]
share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/user.js [deleted file]
share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/utils.js [deleted file]

index a258593..f92f5c0 100644 (file)
-       "plugins/github/ui",\r
+       "plugins/github/github_api",\r
-], function($, Base64, UI, LoginBox, ModalBox) {\r
-       // Load GitHub UI\r
-       var upstream = $("body").attr("data-github-upstream");\r
-       var basesha1 = $("body").attr("data-github-base-sha1");\r
-       if(upstream && basesha1) {\r
-     "Github plugin: init GitHub module (upstream: "+ upstream +", base: " + basesha1 + ")");\r
-               $("nav.main ul").append(\r
-                       $("<li/>").attr("id", "nitdoc-github-li")\r
-               );\r
-               $("#nitdoc-github-li")\r
-               .loginbox()\r
-               .bind( "loginbox_logoff", function() {\r
-                       UI.disactivate();\r
+       "plugins/github/commentbox",\r
+       "Markdown.Converter",\r
+], function($, Base64, GithubAPI, LoginBox, ModalBox, CommentBox) {\r
+       var GithubUser = function(login, password, repo, branch) {\r
+               this.login = login;\r
+               this.password = password;\r
+               this.repo = repo;\r
+               this.auth = "Basic " +  Base64.encode(login + ':' + password);\r
+               this.branch = branch;\r
+       }\r
+       var GithubUI = {\r
+               init: function(upstream, basesha1) {\r
+             "Github plugin: init GitHub module (upstream: "+ upstream +", base: " + basesha1 + ")");\r
+                       this.origin = this._parseUpstream(upstream);\r
+                       // Add github menu\r
+                       $("nav.main ul").append(\r
+                               $("<li/>")\r
+                               .attr("id", "nitdoc-github-li")\r
+                               .loginbox()\r
+                               .loginbox("displayLogin")\r
+                               .bind("loginbox_logoff", function() {\r
+                                       GithubUI.disactivate();\r
+                               })\r
+                               .bind("loginbox_login", function(event, infos) {\r
+                                       GithubUI._tryLoginFromCredentials(infos);\r
+                               })\r
+                       );\r
+                       // check local session\r
+                       this._tryLoginFromLocalSession();\r
+               },\r
+               activate: function(user, origin) {\r
+                       this.openedComments = 0;\r
+                       this._saveSession(user);\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-li").loginbox("displayLogout", origin, user);\r
+                       this._attachCommentBoxes();\r
+                       this._reloadComments();\r
+                       // Prevent page unload if there is comments in editing mode\r
+                       $(window).on('beforeunload', function() {\r
+                               if(GithubUI.openedComments > 0){\r
+                                       return "There is uncommited modified comments. Are you sure you want to leave this page?";\r
+                               }\r
+                       });\r
+               },\r
+               disactivate: function() {\r
+                       if(this.openedComments > 0){\r
+                               if(!confirm('There is uncommited modified comments. Are you sure you want to leave this page?')) {\r
+                                       return false;\r
+                               }\r
+                       }\r
+                       localStorage.clear();\r
-               })\r
-               .bind( "loginbox_login", function(event, infos) {\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-li").loginbox("displayLogin");\r
+                       $(window).unbind('beforeunload');\r
+                       //window.location.reload();\r
+               },\r
+               /* login */\r
+               _checkLoginInfos: function(infos) {\r
                        if(!infos.login || !infos.password || !infos.repo || !infos.branch) {\r
-                     "Sign in error", "Please enter your GitHub username, password, repository and branch.", true);\r
+                     \r
+                                       "Sign in error",\r
+                                       "Please enter your GitHub username, password, repository and branch.",\r
+                                       true\r
+                               );\r
+                               return false;\r
                        } else {\r
-                               var user = UI.tryLogin(infos.login, infos.password, infos.repo, infos.branch);\r
-                               if(user == "error:login") {\r
-                             "Sign in error", "The username, password, repo or branch you entered is incorrect.", true);\r
-                               } else if(user == "error:sha") {\r
-                             "Base commit not found", "The provided GitHub repository must contains the base commit '" + UI.origin.sha + "'", true);\r
-                               } else if(user == "error:profile") {\r
-                             "Incomplete GitHub profile", "Please set your public name and email in your <a href=''>GitHub profile</a>.<br/><br/>Your public profile informations are used to sign-off your commits.", true);\r
+                               return true;\r
+                       }\r
+               },\r
+               _tryLoginFromCredentials: function(infos) {\r
+                       if(this._checkLoginInfos(infos)) {\r
+                               var isok = this._tryLogin(infos.login, infos.password, infos.repo, infos.branch);\r
+                               if(isok === true) {\r
+                                       this.activate(this.user, this.origin);\r
                                } else {\r
-                                       UI.activate(user);\r
-                                       $("#nitdoc-github-li").loginbox("displayLogout", UI.origin, UI.user);\r
+                                       if(isok == "error:login") {\r
+                                     \r
+                                                       "Sign in error",\r
+                                                       "The username, password, repo or branch you entered is incorrect.",\r
+                                                       true\r
+                                               );\r
+                                       } else if(isok == "error:sha") {\r
+                                     \r
+                                                       "Base commit not found",\r
+                                                       "The provided Github repository must contain the base commit '" + UI.origin.sha + "'",\r
+                                                       true\r
+                                               );\r
+                                       } else if(isok == "error:profile") {\r
+                                     \r
+                                                       "Incomplete Github profile",\r
+                                                       "Please set your public name and email in your " +\r
+                                                       "<a href=''>GitHub profile</a>." +\r
+                                                       "<br/><br/>Your public profile informations are used to sign-off your commits.",\r
+                                                       true\r
+                                               );\r
+                                       }\r
-               });\r
+               },\r
-               // parse origin\r
-               var parts = upstream.split(":");\r
-               UI.origin = {\r
-                       user: parts[0],\r
-                       repo: parts[1],\r
-                       branch: parts[2],\r
-                       sha: basesha1\r
-               };\r
+               _tryLoginFromLocalSession: function() {\r
+                       if(localStorage.user) {\r
+                               var session = JSON.parse(localStorage.user);\r
+                               var isok = this._tryLogin(\r
+                                       session.login,\r
+                                       Base64.decode(session.password),\r
+                                       session.repo,\r
+                                       session.branch\r
+                               );\r
+                               if(isok === true) {\r
+                                       this.activate(this.user, this.origin);\r
+                               } else {\r
+                                       console.debug("Github plugin: Session found but authentification failed");\r
+                                       localStorage.clear();\r
+                               }\r
+                       } else {\r
+                               console.debug("Github plugin: No session found");\r
+                       }\r
+               },\r
-               // check local session\r
-               if(localStorage.user) {\r
+               _tryLogin: function(login, password, repo, branch) {\r
+                       var tmpUser = new GithubUser(login, password, repo, branch);\r
+                       if(!GithubAPI.login(tmpUser)) {\r
+                               return "error:login";\r
+                       }\r
+                       if(! || ! {\r
+                               return "error:profile";\r
+                       }\r
+                       var commit = GithubAPI.getCommit(tmpUser, this.origin.sha);\r
+                       if(!commit || !commit.sha) {\r
+                               return "error:sha";\r
+                       }\r
+                       this.user = tmpUser;\r
+                       return true;\r
+               },\r
-                       var session = JSON.parse(localStorage.user);\r
-                       UI.user = UI.tryLogin(session.login, Base64.decode(session.password), session.repo, session.branch);\r
-                       if(!UI.user.login) {\r
-                               console.debug("Github plugin: Session found but authentification failed");\r
-                               localStorage.clear();\r
+               _saveSession: function(user) {\r
+                       localStorage.user = JSON.stringify({\r
+                               login: user.login,\r
+                               password: Base64.encode(user.password),\r
+                               repo: user.repo,\r
+                               branch: user.branch,\r
+                       });\r
+                       // check local storage synchro with branch\r
+                       if(localStorage.base != this.origin.sha) {\r
+                               console.log("Base changed: cleaned cache");\r
+                               localStorage.requests = "[]";\r
+                               localStorage.base = this.origin.sha;\r
+               },\r
+               /* html decoration */\r
-                       // activate ui\r
-                       if(UI.user && UI.user.login) {\r
-                               $("#nitdoc-github-li").loginbox("displayLogout", UI.origin, UI.user);\r
-                               UI.activate(UI.user);\r
+               // Attach edit button on each comment\r
+               _attachCommentBoxes: function() {\r
+                       $("textarea.baseComment").each(function() {\r
+                               $(this).commentbox();\r
+                               var isNew = false;\r
+                               if(!$(this).val()) {\r
+                                       isNew = true;\r
+                                       $(this).nextAll(".info:first").find(".noComment").hide()\r
+                                       $(this).nextAll(".info:first").before(\r
+                                               $("<div/>")\r
+                                               .hide()\r
+                                               .addClass("comment")\r
+                                               .append(\r
+                                                       $("<div/>").addClass("nitdoc")\r
+                                               )\r
+                                       )\r
+                               }\r
+                               $(this).nextAll(".info:first").prepend(\r
+                                       $("<a/>")\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-editComment")\r
+                                       .css("cursor", "pointer")\r
+                                       .text((isNew ? "add" : "edit") + " comment")\r
+                                       .click($.proxy(GithubUI._openCommentBox, GithubUI, null, $(this)))\r
+                                       .after(" for ")\r
+                               )\r
+                               $(this).bind("commentbox_commit", function(event, data) {\r
+                                       GithubUI._saveChanges(data);\r
+                                       $(this).commentbox("close");\r
+                                       GithubUI._reloadComments();\r
+                               })\r
+                               .bind("commentbox_preview", function(event, data) {\r
+                                       var converter = new Markdown.Converter()\r
+                                       var html = converter.makeHtml(data.value);\r
+                             "Preview", html, false);\r
+                               })\r
+                               .bind("commentbox_open", function(event, data) {\r
+                                       GithubUI.openedComments++;\r
+                                       $(this).nextAll(".comment").hide();\r
+                               })\r
+                               .bind("commentbox_close", function(event, data) {\r
+                                       GithubUI.openedComments--;\r
+                                       $(this).nextAll(".comment").show();\r
+                               });\r
+                       });\r
+               },\r
+               // reload comments from saved pull request\r
+               _reloadComments: function() {\r
+                       if(!localStorage.requests){ return; }\r
+                       $("p.pullRequest").remove();\r
+                       var converter = new Markdown.Converter();\r
+                       var requests = JSON.parse(localStorage.requests);\r
+                       // Look for modified comments in page\r
+                       for(i in requests) {\r
+                               if(!requests[i]) { continue; }\r
+                               var request = requests[i];\r
+                               $("textarea[data-comment-location=\"" + request.location + "\"]").each(function () {\r
+                                       if(request.isClosed) {\r
+                                               var oldComment = Base64.decode(request.oldComment);\r
+                                               var htmlComment = converter.makeHtml(oldComment);\r
+                                               $(this).val(oldComment);\r
+                                               if(!$(this).val()) {\r
+                                                       $(this).nextAll("div.comment:first").hide();\r
+                                               } else {\r
+                                                       $(this).nextAll("div.comment:first").show();\r
+                                               }\r
+                                               $(this).nextAll("div.comment").find("div.nitdoc").empty().html(htmlComment);\r
+                                               $(this).nextAll("").find("a.nitdoc-github-editComment").show();\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                               var newComment = Base64.decode(request.comment);\r
+                                               var htmlComment = converter.makeHtml(newComment);\r
+                                               $(this).val(newComment);\r
+                                               if(!$(this).val()) {\r
+                                                       $(this).nextAll("div.comment:first").hide();\r
+                                               } else {\r
+                                                       $(this).nextAll("div.comment:first").show();\r
+                                               }\r
+                                               $(this).nextAll("div.comment").find("div.nitdoc").empty().html(htmlComment);\r
+                                               GithubUI._addPullRequestLink($(this), request);\r
+                                               $(this).nextAll("").find("a.nitdoc-github-editComment").hide();\r
+                                       }\r
+                               });\r
-               } else {\r
-                       console.debug("Github plugin: No session found");\r
-                       $("#nitdoc-github-li").loginbox("displayLogin");\r
+               },\r
+               _addPullRequestLink: function(baseArea, request) {\r
+                       baseArea.nextAll("").before(\r
+                               $("<p/>")\r
+                               .addClass("pullRequest inheritance")\r
+                               .text("comment modified in ")\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<a/>")\r
+                                       .attr({\r
+                                               href: request.request.html_url,\r
+                                               title: "Review on GitHub"\r
+                                       })\r
+                                       .text("pull request #" + request.request.number)\r
+                               )\r
+                               .append(" ")\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<a/>")\r
+                                       .data("pullrequest-number", request.request.number)\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-update")\r
+                                       .text("update")\r
+                                       .click($.proxy(GithubUI._doUpdateRequest, GithubUI, null, baseArea, request))\r
+                               )\r
+                               .append(" ")\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<a/>")\r
+                                       .data("pullrequest-number", request.request.number)\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-cancel")\r
+                                       .text("cancel")\r
+                                       .click($.proxy(GithubUI._doCancelRequest, GithubUI, null, baseArea, request))\r
+                               )\r
+                       );\r
+               },\r
+               /* github calls */\r
+               _saveChanges: function(edit) {\r
+                       // if pull request update close existing pull request for the comment\r
+                       if(edit.requestID) {\r
+                               this._closePullRequest(edit.requestID);\r
+                       }\r
+                       edit.oldContent = this._getFileContent(edit.location.path);\r
+                       edit.newContent = this._mergeComment(edit.oldContent, edit.newComment, edit.location);\r
+                       edit.request = this._pushChanges(edit)\r
+                       if(!edit.request) {\r
+                     "Unable to commit changes!", response, true);\r
+                               return;\r
+                       }\r
+                       this._saveRequest(edit);\r
+               },\r
+               // save pull request in local storage\r
+               _saveRequest: function(edit) {\r
+                       var requests = {};\r
+                       if(localStorage.requests) {requests = JSON.parse(localStorage.requests)}\r
+                       requests[edit.request.number] = {\r
+                               request: edit.request,\r
+                               location: edit.location.origin,\r
+                               comment: Base64.encode(edit.newComment),\r
+                               oldComment: Base64.encode(edit.oldComment)\r
+                       };\r
+                       localStorage.requests = JSON.stringify(requests);\r
+               },\r
+               /*\r
+                  Creating a new pull request with the new comment take 5 steps:\r
+                       1. get the base tree from latest commit\r
+                       2. create a new blob with updated file content\r
+                       3. post a new tree from base tree and blob\r
+                       4. post the new commit with new tree\r
+                       5. create the pull request\r
+               */\r
+               _pushChanges: function(edit) {\r
+                       var baseTree = GithubAPI.getTree(this.user, this.origin.sha);\r
+                       if(!baseTree.sha) {\r
+                     "Unable to locate base tree!", baseTree.status + ": " + baseTree.statusText, true);\r
+                               return false;\r
+                       }\r
+                       console.log("Base tree: " + baseTree.url);\r
+                       var newBlob = GithubAPI.createBlob(this.user, edit.newContent);\r
+                       if(!newBlob.sha) {\r
+                     "Unable to create new blob!", newBlob.status + ": " + newBlob.statusText, true);\r
+                               return false;\r
+                       }\r
+                       console.log("New blob: " + newBlob.url);\r
+                       var newTree = GithubAPI.createTree(this.user, baseTree, edit.location.path, newBlob);\r
+                       if(!newTree.sha) {\r
+                     "Unable to create new tree!", newTree.status + ": " + newTree.statusText, true);\r
+                               return false;\r
+                       }\r
+                       console.log("New tree: " + newTree.url);\r
+                       var newCommit = GithubAPI.createCommit(this.user, edit.message, baseTree.sha, newTree);\r
+                       if(!newCommit.sha) {\r
+                     "Unable to create new commit!", newCommit.status + ": " + newCommit.statusText, true);\r
+                               return false;\r
+                       }\r
+                       console.log("New commit: " + newCommit.url);\r
+                       var pullRequest = GithubAPI.createPullRequest(this.user, edit.title, "Pull request from Nitdoc", this.origin, newCommit.sha);\r
+                       if(!pullRequest.number) {\r
+                     "Unable to create pull request!", pullRequest.status + ": " + pullRequest.statusText, true);\r
+                               return false;\r
+                       }\r
+                       console.log("New pull request: " + pullRequest.url);\r
+                       return pullRequest;\r
+               },\r
+               // close previously opened pull request\r
+               _closePullRequest: function(number) {\r
+                       var requests = JSON.parse(localStorage.requests);\r
+                       if(!requests[number]) {\r
+                     "Unable to close pull request!", "Pull request " + number + "not found", true);\r
+                               return false;\r
+                       }\r
+                       // close pull request\r
+                       var res = GithubAPI.updatePullRequest(this.user, "Closed from Nitdoc", "", "closed", requests[number].request);\r
+                       if(! {\r
+                     "Unable to close pull request!", res.status + ": " + res.statusText, true);\r
+                               return false;\r
+                       }\r
+                       // update in localstorage\r
+                       requests[number].isClosed = true;\r
+                       localStorage.requests = JSON.stringify(requests);\r
+               },\r
+               /* internals */\r
+               _parseUpstream: function(upstream) {\r
+                       var parts = upstream.split(":");\r
+                       return {\r
+                               user: parts[0],\r
+                               repo: parts[1],\r
+                               branch: parts[2],\r
+                               sha: basesha1\r
+                       };\r
+               },\r
+               _getFileContent: function(githubUrl) {\r
+                       var origFile = GithubAPI.getFile(this.user, githubUrl);\r
+                       if(!origFile.content) {\r
+                     "Unable to locate source file!", origFile.status + ": " + origFile.statusText, true);\r
+                               return;\r
+                       }\r
+                       var base64Content = origFile.content.substring(0, origFile.content.length - 1)\r
+                       return Base64.decode(base64Content);\r
+               },\r
+               _mergeComment: function(fileContent, comment, location) {\r
+                       // replace comment in file content\r
+                       var res = new String();\r
+                       var lines = fileContent.split("\n");\r
+                       // copy lines fron 0 to lstart\r
+                       for(var i = 0; i < location.lstart - 1; i++) {\r
+                               res += lines[i] + "\n";\r
+                       }\r
+                       // set comment\r
+                       if(comment && comment != "") {\r
+                               var commentLines = comment.split("\n");\r
+                               for(var i = 0; i < commentLines.length; i++) {\r
+                                       var line = commentLines[i];\r
+                                       var tab = location.tabpos > 1 ? "\t" : "";\r
+                                       res += tab + (line.length > 0 ? "# " : "#") + line + "\n";\r
+                               }\r
+                       }\r
+                       // copy lines fron lend to end\r
+                       for(var i = location.lend - 1; i < lines.length; i++) {\r
+                               res += lines[i];\r
+                               if(i < lines.length - 1) { res += "\n"; }\r
+                       }\r
+                       return res;\r
+               },\r
+               /* events */\r
+               _openCommentBox: function(event, baseArea) {\r
+                       baseArea.commentbox("open", this.user);\r
+               },\r
+               _doCancelRequest: function(event, baseArea, request) {\r
+                       this._closePullRequest(request.request.number);\r
+                       this._reloadComments();\r
+               },\r
+               _doUpdateRequest: function(event, baseArea, request) {\r
+                       baseArea.commentbox("open", this.user, request.request.number);\r
+       // Get github plugin data\r
+       var upstream = $("body").attr("data-github-upstream");\r
+       var basesha1 = $("body").attr("data-github-base-sha1");\r
+       if(upstream && basesha1) {\r
+               GithubUI.init(upstream, basesha1);\r
+       }\r
index c5b8350..6f73e4a 100644 (file)
@@ -20,59 +20,136 @@ define([
 ], function($) {\r
+       var Location = function(location) {\r
+               var parts = location.split(":");\r
+               this.origin = location;\r
+               this.path = parts[0];\r
+               this.lstart = parseInt(parts[1].split("--")[0].split(",")[0]);\r
+               this.tabpos = parseInt(parts[1].split("--")[0].split(",")[1]);\r
+               this.lend = parseInt(parts[1].split("--")[1].split(",")[0]);\r
+               this.toString = function() {\r
+                       return this.path + ":" + this.lstart + "," + this.tabpos + "--" + this.lend + ",0";\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
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                options: {\r
                        previewTxt: "preview",\r
-                       commitTxt: "Commit...",\r
-                       cancelTxt: "Cancel"\r
+                       commitTxt: "Commit",\r
+                       cancelTxt: "Cancel",\r
+                       commentboxTitle: "Edit comment",\r
+                       messageTxt: "Commit message"\r
                _create: function() {\r
+                       this._id = $(".nitdoc-github-commentbox").length\r
+                       this._oldComment = this.element.val();\r
+                       this._namespace ="comment-namespace");\r
+                       this._location = new Location("comment-location"));\r
                        this.commentBox = $("<div/>")\r
+                       .hide()\r
-                               $("<textarea/>")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-commentarea")\r
-                               .keyup($.proxy(this._doKeyUp, this))\r
-                               .keydown($.proxy(this._doKeyDown, this))\r
-                       )\r
-                       .append(\r
-                               $("<a/>")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-preview")\r
-                               .html(this.options.previewTxt)\r
-                               .click($.proxy(this._doPreviewClick, this))\r
+                               $("<h3/>")\r
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-                               $("<button/>")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-button")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-commit")\r
-                               .html(this.options.commitTxt)\r
-                               .click($.proxy(this._doCommitClick, this))\r
+                               $("<dl/>")\r
+                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-commentbox-fields")\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<dd/>")\r
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+                                               $("<textarea/>")\r
+                                               .attr("id", "nitdoc-github-commentbox-comment" + this._id)\r
+                                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-commentarea")\r
+                                               .keyup($.proxy(this._doKeyUp, this))\r
+                                               .keydown($.proxy(this._doKeyDown, this))\r
+                                       )\r
+                               )\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<dt/>")\r
+                                       .append(\r
+                                               $("<label/>")\r
+                                               .attr("for", "nitdoc-github-commentbox-message" + this._id)\r
+                                               .text(this.options.messageTxt + ":")\r
+                                       )\r
+                               )\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<dd/>")\r
+                                       .append(\r
+                                               $("<textarea/>")\r
+                                               .attr("id", "nitdoc-github-commentbox-message" + this._id)\r
+                                               .keyup($.proxy(this._doKeyUp, this))\r
+                                               .keydown($.proxy(this._doKeyDown, this))\r
+                                       )\r
+                               )\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<dt/>")\r
+                                       .append(\r
+                                               $("<input/>")\r
+                                               .attr({\r
+                                                       id: "nitdoc-github-commentbox-signedoff" + this._id,\r
+                                                       type: "checkbox"\r
+                                               })\r
+                                               .change($.proxy(this._doSignedChange, this))\r
+                                       )\r
+                                       .append(\r
+                                               $("<label/>")\r
+                                               .attr({\r
+                                                       "id": "nitdoc-github-commentbox-signedoff-label" + this._id,\r
+                                                       "for": "nitdoc-github-commentbox-signedoff" + this._id\r
+                                               })\r
+                                       )\r
+                               )\r
-                       .append(\r
-                               $("<button/>")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-button")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-cancel")\r
-                               .html(this.options.cancelTxt)\r
-                               .click($.proxy(this._doCancelClick, this))\r
-                       );\r
+                       this._buildButtonBar();\r
+               _buildButtonBar: function() {\r
+                       this.commentBox.append(\r
+                               $("<div/>")\r
+                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-commentbox-buttons")\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<a/>")\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-preview")\r
+                                       .html(this.options.previewTxt)\r
+                                       .click($.proxy(this._doPreviewClick, this))\r
+                               )\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<button/>")\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-button")\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-commit")\r
+                                       .attr("disabled", "disabled")\r
+                                       .html(this.options.commitTxt)\r
+                                       .click($.proxy(this._doCommitClick, this))\r
+                               )\r
+                               .append(\r
+                                       $("<button/>")\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-button")\r
+                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-cancel")\r
+                                       .html(this.options.cancelTxt)\r
+                                       .click($.proxy(this._doCancelClick, this))\r
+                               )\r
+                       );\r
+               },\r
                /* public actions */\r
-               open: function(value) {\r
-                       this._originalValue = value;\r
-                       this._setValue(value);\r
-                       this._autosize();\r
+               open: function(user, requestID) {\r
+                       this._requestID = requestID;\r
+                       var value = this.element.val();\r
+                       var isNew = !value;\r
+                       var message = "doc: " + (isNew ? "added" : "modified") + " comment for " + this._namespace;\r
+                       this._setMessage(message);\r
+                       this._setSignedOff("Signed-off-by: " + user.signedOff);\r
+                       this._setComment(value);\r
-                       var cbw = this.commentBox.innerWidth();\r
-                       var taw = this._getArea().outerWidth();\r
-                       this._getArea().width(cbw - (taw - cbw));\r
-                       this.commentBox.find("textarea").trigger("keyup");\r
-                       this.commentBox.find("textarea").focus();\r
+                       this.commentBox.find("textarea").width(this.commentBox.innerWidth() - 45)\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-comment" + this._id).focus();\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-comment" + this._id).trigger("keyup");\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-message" + this._id).trigger("keyup");\r
                        this._trigger("_open", null, {commentBox: this});\r
@@ -83,45 +160,65 @@ define([
                /* internals */\r
-               _autosize: function() {\r
-                       this._getArea().height(this._getArea().val().split(/\r|\n/).length * 16);\r
+               _setComment: function(value) {\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-comment" + this._id).val(value);\r
+               },\r
+               _getComment: function() {\r
+                       return $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-comment" + this._id).val();\r
-               _getArea: function() {\r
-                       return this.commentBox.find("textarea.nitdoc-github-commentarea");\r
+               _getMessage: function() {\r
+                       return $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-message" + this._id).val();\r
-               _setValue: function(value) {\r
-                       this._getArea().val(value);\r
+               _setMessage: function(message) {\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-message" + this._id).val(message);\r
-               _getValue: function() {\r
-                       return this._getArea().val();\r
+               _getSignedOff: function() {\r
+                       return $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-signedoff" + this._id).val();\r
+               },\r
+               _setSignedOff: function(signedoff) {\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-signedoff" + this._id).val(signedoff);\r
+                       $("#nitdoc-github-commentbox-signedoff-label" + this._id).text(signedoff);\r
                /* events */\r
-               _doKeyUp: function() {\r
-                       if(this._getValue() == this._originalValue) {\r
-                               this.commentBox.find("button.nitdoc-github-commit").attr("disabled", "disabled");\r
-                       } else {\r
-                               this.commentBox.find("button.nitdoc-github-commit").removeAttr("disabled");\r
-                       }\r
-                       this._autosize();\r
+               _doKeyUp: function(event) {\r
+                       $($(\r|\n/).length * 16);\r
                _doKeyDown: function(event) {\r
                        if(event.keyCode == 13){\r
-                               this._getArea().css("height", (this._getArea().outerHeight() + 6) + "px");\r
+                               $("height", ($( + 6) + "px");\r
+                       }\r
+               },\r
+               _doSignedChange: function(event) {\r
+                       if ($(event.currentTarget).is(':checked')) {\r
+                               this.commentBox.find("button.nitdoc-github-commit").removeAttr("disabled");\r
+                       } else {\r
+                               this.commentBox.find("button.nitdoc-github-commit").attr("disabled", "disabled");\r
                _doPreviewClick: function(event) {\r
-                       this._trigger("_preview", event, {value: this._getValue()});\r
+                       this._trigger("_preview", event, {value: this._getComment()});\r
                _doCommitClick: function() {\r
-                       this._trigger("_commit", {value: this._getValue()});\r
+                       this._trigger("_commit", event, {\r
+                               requestID: this._requestID,\r
+                               location: this._location,\r
+                               namespace: this._namespace,\r
+                               oldComment: this._oldComment,\r
+                               newComment: this._getComment(),\r
+                               title: this._getMessage(),\r
+                               message: this._getMessage() + "\n\n" + this._getSignedOff()\r
+                       });\r
                _doCancelClick: function() {\r
diff --git a/share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/commitbox.js b/share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/commitbox.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aa03f79..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of NIT ( ).\r
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
-   You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
-   limitations under the License.\r
- * CommitBox allows user to add a message and sign its commit\r
- */\r
-       "jquery",\r
-       "jQueryUI"\r
-], function($) {\r
-       $.widget("nitdoc.commitbox", {\r
-               options: {\r
-                       title: "Commit changes"\r
-               },\r
-               _create: function() {\r
-                       this._fade = this._buildFade();\r
-                       $("body").append(this._fade);\r
-                       this._commitBox = $("<div/>")\r
-                               .hide()\r
-                               .attr("id", "nitdoc-github-commitBox")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-modal")\r
-                               .append(\r
-                                       $("<a/>")\r
-                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-close")\r
-                                       .attr("title", "Close")\r
-                                       .append("x")\r
-                                       .click($.proxy(this.close, this))\r
-                               )\r
-                               .append("<h3>" + this.options.title + "</h3>")\r
-                               .append(\r
-                                       $("<div/>")\r
-                                       .append(\r
-                                               $("<label/>")\r
-                                               .attr("for", "nitdoc-github-commit-message")\r
-                                       )\r
-                                       .append($("<br/>"))\r
-                                       .append(\r
-                                               $("<textarea/>")\r
-                                               .attr("id", "nitdoc-github-commit-message")\r
-                                       )\r
-                                       .append($("<br/>"))\r
-                                       .append(\r
-                                               $("<input/>")\r
-                                               .attr({\r
-                                                       id: "nitdoc-github-commit-signedoff",\r
-                                                       type: "checkbox"\r
-                                               })\r
-                                               .change($.proxy(this._doSignedChange, this))\r
-                                       )\r
-                                       .append(\r
-                                               $("<label/>")\r
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-                                                       "id": "nitdoc-github-commit-signedoff-label",\r
-                                                       "for": "nitdoc-github-commit-signedoff"\r
-                                               })\r
-                                       )\r
-                               ).append(\r
-                                       $("<div/>")\r
-                                       .addClass("nitdoc-github-buttons")\r
-                                       .append(\r
-                                               $("<button/>")\r
-                                               .attr({\r
-                                                       id: "nitdoc-github-commit-button",\r
-                                                       disabled: "disabled"\r
-                                               })\r
-                                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-button")\r
-                                               .append(\r
-                                                       $(document.createElement("img"))\r
-                                                       .attr("src", "resources/icons/github-icon.png")\r
-                                               )\r
-                                               .append("Commit")\r
-                                               .click($.proxy(this._doCommitClick, this))\r
-                                       )\r
-                               );\r
-                       $("body").append(this._commitBox);\r
-               },\r
-               open: function(namespace, user, isNew) {\r
-                       var message = "doc: " + (isNew ? "added" : "modified") + " comment for " + namespace;\r
-                       this._setMessage(message);\r
-                       this._setSignedOff(user.signedOff);\r
-             ;\r
-             ;\r
-                       this._commitBox.css({\r
-                               top: "50%",\r
-                               marginTop: -(this._commitBox.outerHeight() / 2) + "px",\r
-                               left: "50%",\r
-                               marginLeft: -(this._commitBox.outerWidth() / 2) + "px"\r
-                       })\r
-                       .find("#nitdoc-github-commit-message").focus();\r
-               },\r
-               close: function() {\r
-                       this._commitBox.hide();\r
-                       this._fade.hide();\r
-               },\r
-               /* internals */\r
-               _buildFade: function() {\r
-                       return $("<div/>")\r
-                               .hide()\r
-                               .attr("id", "nitdoc-github-commitBox-fade")\r
-                               .addClass("nitdoc-github-fade")\r
-               },\r
-               _getMessage: function() {\r
-                       return $("#nitdoc-github-commit-message").val();\r
-               },\r
-               _setMessage: function(message) {\r
-                       $("#nitdoc-github-commit-message").val(message);\r
-               },\r
-               _getSignedOff: function() {\r
-                       return $("#nitdoc-github-commit-message").val();\r
-               },\r
-               _setSignedOff: function(signedoff) {\r
-                       $("#nitdoc-github-commit-signedoff").val(signedoff);\r
-                       $("#nitdoc-github-commit-signedoff-label").text(signedoff);\r
-               },\r
-               /* events */\r
-               _doSignedChange: function(event) {\r
-                       if ($(event.currentTarget).is(':checked')) {\r
-                               $("#nitdoc-github-commit-button").removeAttr("disabled");\r
-                       } else {\r
-                               $("#nitdoc-github-commit-button").attr("disabled", "disabled");\r
-                       }\r
-               },\r
-               _doCommitClick: function(event) {\r
-                       $("Commiting...");\r
-                       $("disabled", "disabled");\r
-                       this._trigger("_commit", event, {\r
-                               message: this._getMessage(),\r
-                               signedoff: this._getSignedOff()\r
-                       });\r
-               },\r
-               _doCancelClick: function(event) {\r
-                       this._trigger("_cancel", event);\r
-               }\r
-       });\r
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-/* This file is part of NIT ( ).\r
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
-   You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
-   limitations under the License.\r
-   Documentation generator for the nit language.\r
-   Generate API documentation in HTML format from nit source code.\r
- * Nitdoc.Github.UI for comment edition module\r
- */\r
-       "jquery",\r
-       "jQueryUI",\r
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-       "plugins/github/github_api",\r
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-       "plugins/github/commentbox",\r
-       "plugins/github/modalbox",\r
-       "plugins/github/commitbox",\r
-       "base64"\r
-], function($, UI, User, GithubAPI, Utils, CommentBox, ModalBox, CommitBox, Base64) {\r
-       var UI = {\r
-               openedComments: 0,      // currently edited comments count\r
-               user: false,            // logged user\r
-               // Activate comment UI for a logged user\r
-               activate: function(loggedUser) {\r
-                       // Save session\r
-                       this.user = loggedUser;\r
-                       this.saveSession(this.user);\r
-               \r
-                       // check local storage synchro with branch\r
-                       if(localStorage.base != this.origin.sha) {\r
-                               console.log("Base changed: cleaned cache");\r
-                               localStorage.requests = "[]";\r
-                               localStorage.base = this.origin.sha;\r
-                       }\r
-                       // Prevent page unload if there is comments in editing mode\r
-                       $(window).on('beforeunload', function() {\r
-                               if(UI.getOpenedComments() > 0){\r
-                                       return "There is uncommited modified comments. Are you sure you want to leave this page?";\r
-                               }\r
-                       });\r
-                       this.attachCommentEvents();\r
-                       this.reloadComments();\r
-               },\r
-               // clear storage\r
-               disactivate: function() {\r
-                       if(this.openedComments > 0){\r
-                               if(!confirm('There is uncommited modified comments. Are you sure you want to leave this page?')) {\r
-                                       return false;\r
-                               }\r
-                       }\r
-                       // close session and purge cookie\r
-                       localStorage.clear();\r
-                       $(window).unbind('beforeunload');\r
-                       window.location.reload();\r
-               },\r
-               // Attempt login through GitHub API\r
-               tryLogin: function(login, password, repo, branch) {\r
-                       var user = new User(login, password, repo, branch);\r
-                       if(!GithubAPI.login(user)) {\r
-                               return "error:login";\r
-                       }\r
-                       // check github profile fields\r
-                       if(! || ! {\r
-                               return "error:profile";\r
-                       }\r
-                       // check correct base commit\r
-                       var commit = GithubAPI.getCommit(user, this.origin.sha);\r
-                       if(!commit || !commit.sha) {\r
-                               return "error:sha";\r
-                       }\r
-                       return user;\r
-               },\r
-               // Attach edit button on each comment\r
-               attachCommentEvents: function() {\r
-                       $("body").commitbox();\r
-                       // Blocks without comment\r
-                       $("span.noComment").each(function() {\r
-                               //FIXME this should be done by nitdoc\r
-                               var baseComment = $(this).parent().prev();\r
-                               var location = Utils.parseLocation(baseComment.attr("data-comment-location"));\r
-                               var locString = location.path + ":" + location.lstart + "," + location.tabpos + "--" + location.lstart + ",0";\r
-                               baseComment.attr("data-comment-location", locString);\r
-                               $(this).html("<a class='nitdoc-github-editComment noComment'>add comment</a> for ");\r
-                               $(this).addClass("nitdoc-github-editComment");\r
-                       });\r
-                       // Blocks with comment\r
-                       $('.description div.comment').each(function() {\r
-                               var p = $(this).next();\r
-                               p.prepend("<span class='nitdoc-github-editComment'><a class='nitdoc-github-editComment'>edit comment</a> for </span>")\r
-                       });\r
-                       // Attach links events\r
-                       $('a.nitdoc-github-editComment').each(function() {\r
-                               $(this).css("cursor", "pointer")\r
-                               $(this).click(function() {\r
-                                       // hide link\r
-                                       $(this).parent().hide();\r
-                                       // add infos\r
-                                       var infos = {};\r
-                                       var baseTextarea;\r
-                                       if(!$(this).hasClass("noComment")) {\r
-                                               $(this).parent().parent().prev().hide();\r
-                                               baseTextarea = $(this).parent().parent().prev().prev();\r
-                                       } else {\r
-                                               baseTextarea = $(this).parent().parent().prev();\r
-                                               infos.isNew = true;\r
-                                       }\r
-                                       infos.user = UI.user;\r
-                                       infos.location = Utils.parseLocation(baseTextarea.attr("data-comment-location"));\r
-                                       infos.namespace = baseTextarea.attr("data-comment-namespace");\r
-                                       infos.oldComment = baseTextarea.val();\r
-                                       if(infos.requestID) {\r
-                                               // get comment from last pull request\r
-                                               var requests = JSON.parse(localStorage.requests);\r
-                                               infos.newComment = Base64.decode(requests[infos.requestID].comment);\r
-                                       } else {\r
-                                               infos.newComment = false;\r
-                                       }\r
-                                       baseTextarea.commentbox();\r
-                                       baseTextarea.bind("commentbox_commit", function(event, data) {\r
-                                               $("body").commitbox("open", infos.namespace, infos.user, infos.isNew ? true : false)\r
-                                               //infos.message = $("#nitdoc-github-commit-message").val() + "\n\n" + infos.user.signedOff;\r
-                                               //UI.saveChanges(infos);\r
-                                       });\r
-                                       baseTextarea.bind("commentbox_preview", function(event, data) {\r
-                                               var converter = new Markdown.Converter()\r
-                                               var html = converter.makeHtml(data.value);\r
-                                     "Preview", html, false);\r
-                                       });\r
-                                       baseTextarea.bind("commentbox_open", function() {\r
-                                               UI.openedComments++;\r
-                                       });\r
-                                       baseTextarea.bind("commentbox_close", function(event, data) {\r
-                                               UI.openedComments--;\r
-                                               if(infos.isNew) {\r
-                                             "span.nitdoc-github-editComment").show();\r
-                                               } else if(infos.requestID) {\r
-                                             ;\r
-                                             ;\r
-                                               } else {\r
-                                             ;\r
-                                             "span.nitdoc-github-editComment").show();\r
-                                               }\r
-                                       });\r
-                                       baseTextarea.commentbox("open", baseTextarea.val());\r
-                               });\r
-                       });\r
-               },\r
-               // reload comments from saved pull request\r
-               reloadComments: function() {\r
-                       if(!localStorage.requests){ return; }\r
-                       var requests = JSON.parse(localStorage.requests);\r
-                       var converter = new Markdown.Converter();\r
-                       // Look for modified comments in page\r
-                       for(i in requests) {\r
-                               if(!requests[i]) { continue; }\r
-                               var request = requests[i];\r
-                               $("textarea[data-comment-location=\"" + request.location + "\"]").each(function () {\r
-                                       var div = $(this).next();\r
-                                       if(request.isClosed) {\r
-                                               if("div.comment.newComment")) {\r
-                                                       // hide empty comment\r
-                                             ;\r
-                                             "span.noComment").show();\r
-                                                       div.remove();\r
-                                               } else if("div.comment.locked")) {\r
-                                                       // unlock comment\r
-                                                       div.empty();\r
-                                                       div.append(converter.makeHtml($(this).text()));\r
-                                                       div.removeClass("locked");\r
-                                                       div.css("cursor", "pointer")\r
-                                             ;\r
-                                             "span.nitdoc-github-editComment").show();\r
-                                               }\r
-                                       } else {\r
-                                               // create div for the new coment\r
-                                               if(!"div.comment")) {\r
-                                                       $(this).after("<div class='comment newComment'></div>");\r
-                                                       div = $(this).next();\r
-                                               }\r
-                                               // lock modified comment\r
-                                               if(!div.hasClass("locked")) {\r
-                                                       // convert modified comment to markdown\r
-                                                       div.empty()\r
-                                                       div.append(converter.makeHtml(Base64.decode(request.comment)));\r
-                                                       // lock click\r
-                                                       div.css("cursor", "auto");\r
-                                                       div.addClass("locked");\r
-                                             "span.nitdoc-github-editComment").hide();\r
-                                                       div.after(\r
-                                                               $("<p class='locked inheritance'>")\r
-                                                               .text("comment modified in ")\r
-                                                               .append("<a href='"+ request.request.html_url +"' target='_blank' title='Review on GitHub'>pull request #"+ request.request.number +"</a>")\r
-                                                               .append(" ")\r
-                                                               .append(\r
-                                                                       $("<a data-pullrequest-number='"+ request.request.number +"' class='nitdoc-github-update'>update</a>")\r
-                                                                       .click(function (){\r
-                                                                               $(this).parent().hide();\r
-                                                                               div.hide();\r
-                                                                               var baseTextarea = div.prev();\r
-                                                                               // add infos\r
-                                                                               var infos = {};\r
-                                                                               infos.user = UI.getUser();\r
-                                                                               infos.location = Utils.parseLocation(baseTextarea.attr("data-comment-location"));\r
-                                                                               infos.namespace = baseTextarea.attr("data-comment-namespace");\r
-                                                                               infos.oldComment = baseTextarea.val();\r
-                                                                               infos.requestID = $(this).attr("data-pullrequest-number");\r
-                                                                               var box = new CommentBox(infos);\r
-                                                                     ;                                                         \r
-                                                                       })\r
-                                                               )\r
-                                                               .append(" ")\r
-                                                               .append(\r
-                                                                       $("<a data-pullrequest-number='"+ request.request.number +"' class='nitdoc-github-cancel'>cancel</a>")\r
-                                                                       .click(function (){\r
-                                                                               ui.closePullRequest($(this).attr("data-pullrequest-number"));\r
-                                                                               ui.reloadComments();\r
-                                                                       })\r
-                                                               )\r
-                                                       );\r
-                                               }\r
-                                               // hide "add comment" link\r
-                                               if(div.hasClass("newComment")) {\r
-                                             "span.noComment").hide();\r
-                                               }\r
-                                       }\r
-                               });\r
-                       }\r
-               },\r
-               // Commit changes and send pull request\r
-               saveChanges: function(infos) {\r
-                       // if pull request update close existing pull request for the comment\r
-                       if(infos.requestID) {\r
-                               closePullRequest(infos.requestID);\r
-                       }\r
-                       // forge commit\r
-                       var fileContent = getFileContent(infos.location.path);\r
-                       infos.newContent = Utils.mergeComment(fileContent, infos.newComment, infos.location);\r
-                       // commit\r
-                       infos.request = pushChanges(infos)\r
-                       if(!infos.request) {\r
-                     "Unable to commit changes!", response, true);\r
-                               return;\r
-                       }\r
-                       saveRequest(infos);\r
-                       // close boxes and reload comments              \r
-                       CommitBox.close();\r
-                       infos.commentBox.close();\r
-                       reloadComments();\r
-               },\r
-               /*\r
-                  Creating a new pull request with the new comment take 5 steps:\r
-                       1. get the base tree from latest commit\r
-                       2. create a new blob with updated file content\r
-                       3. post a new tree from base tree and blob\r
-                       4. post the new commit with new tree\r
-                       5. create the pull request\r
-               */\r
-               pushChanges: function(infos) {\r
-                       var baseTree = GithubAPI.getTree(user, origin.sha);\r
-                       if(!baseTree.sha) {\r
-                     "Unable to locate base tree!", baseTree.status + ": " + baseTree.statusText, true);\r
-                               return false;\r
-                       }\r
-                       console.log("Base tree: " + baseTree.url);\r
-                       var newBlob = GithubAPI.createBlob(user, infos.newContent);\r
-                       if(!newBlob.sha) {\r
-                     "Unable to create new blob!", newBlob.status + ": " + newBlob.statusText, true);\r
-                               return false;\r
-                       }\r
-                       console.log("New blob: " + newBlob.url);\r
-                       var newTree = GithubAPI.createTree(user, baseTree, infos.location.path, newBlob);\r
-                       if(!newTree.sha) {\r
-                     "Unable to create new tree!", newTree.status + ": " + newTree.statusText, true);\r
-                               return false;\r
-                       }\r
-                       console.log("New tree: " + newTree.url);\r
-                       var newCommit = GithubAPI.createCommit(user, infos.message, baseTree.sha, newTree);\r
-                       if(!newCommit.sha) {\r
-                     "Unable to create new commit!", newCommit.status + ": " + newCommit.statusText, true);\r
-                               return false;\r
-                       }\r
-                       console.log("New commit: " + newCommit.url);\r
-                       var pullRequest = GithubAPI.createPullRequest(user, infos.message.split("\n\n")[0], "Pull request from Nitdoc", origin, newCommit.sha);\r
-                       if(!pullRequest.number) {\r
-                     "Unable to create pull request!", pullRequest.status + ": " + pullRequest.statusText, true);\r
-                               return false;\r
-                       }\r
-                       console.log("New pull request: " + pullRequest.url);\r
-                       return pullRequest;\r
-               },\r
-               // close previously opened pull request\r
-               closePullRequest: function(number) {\r
-                       var requests = JSON.parse(localStorage.requests);\r
-                       if(!requests[number]) {\r
-                     "Unable to close pull request!", "Pull request " + number + "not found", true);\r
-                               return false;\r
-                       }\r
-                       // close pull request\r
-                       var res = GithubAPI.updatePullRequest(user, "Canceled from Nitdoc", "", "closed", requests[number].request);\r
-                       if(! {\r
-                     "Unable to close pull request!", res.status + ": " + res.statusText, true);\r
-                               return false;\r
-                       }\r
-                       // update in localstorage\r
-                       requests[number].isClosed = true;\r
-                       localStorage.requests = JSON.stringify(requests);\r
-               },\r
-               // Get file content from github\r
-               getFileContent: function(githubUrl) {\r
-                       var origFile = GithubAPI.getFile(user, githubUrl);\r
-                       if(!origFile.content) {\r
-                     "Unable to locate source file!", origFile.status + ": " + origFile.statusText, true);\r
-                               return;\r
-                       }\r
-                       var base64Content = origFile.content.substring(0, origFile.content.length - 1)\r
-                       return Base64.decode(base64Content);\r
-               },\r
-               // save pull request in local storage\r
-               saveRequest: function(infos) {\r
-                       var requests = [];\r
-                       if(localStorage.requests) {requests = JSON.parse(localStorage.requests)}\r
-                       requests[infos.request.number] = {\r
-                               request: infos.request,\r
-                               location: infos.location.origin,\r
-                               comment: Base64.encode(infos.newComment)\r
-                       };\r
-                       localStorage.requests = JSON.stringify(requests);\r
-               },\r
-               // save user in local storage\r
-               saveSession: function(user) {\r
-                       var session = {\r
-                               login: user.login,\r
-                               password: Base64.encode(user.password),\r
-                               repo: user.repo,\r
-                               branch: user.branch,\r
-                       };\r
-                       localStorage.user = JSON.stringify(session);\r
-               }\r
-       }\r
-       return UI;\r
diff --git a/share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/user.js b/share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/user.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fdb83a7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of NIT ( ).\r
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
-   You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
-   limitations under the License.\r
-   Documentation generator for the nit language.\r
-   Generate API documentation in HTML format from nit source code.\r
- * GitHub API user object\r
- */\r
-       "base64",\r
-], function(Base64) {\r
-       return function(login, password, repo, branch) {\r
-               this.login = login;\r
-               this.password = password;\r
-               this.repo = repo;\r
-               this.auth = "Basic " +  Base64.encode(login + ':' + password);\r
-               this.branch = branch;\r
-       }\r
diff --git a/share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/utils.js b/share/nitdoc/js/plugins/github/utils.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 77de3ce..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of NIT ( ).\r
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
-   You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
-   limitations under the License.\r
-   Documentation generator for the nit language.\r
-   Generate API documentation in HTML format from nit source code.\r
- * Nitdoc.Github comment edition module\r
- *\r
- * Allows user to modify source code comments directly from the Nitdoc\r
- */\r
-       "jquery",\r
-       "base64",\r
-       "Markdown.Converter",\r
-       "plugins/utils",\r
-       "plugins/github/ui",\r
-], function($, Base64, mkdown, utils) {\r
- * Nitdoc.GitHub.Utils module\r
- */\r
-       return {\r
-               // Extract infos from string location "lib/standard/collection/array.nit:457,1--458,0"\r
-               parseLocation: function(location) {\r
-                       var parts = location.split(":");\r
-                       var loc = new Object();\r
-                       loc.origin = location;\r
-                       loc.path = parts[0];\r
-                       loc.lstart = parseInt(parts[1].split("--")[0].split(",")[0]);\r
-                       loc.tabpos = parseInt(parts[1].split("--")[0].split(",")[1]);\r
-                       loc.lend = parseInt(parts[1].split("--")[1].split(",")[0]);\r
-                       return loc;\r
-               },\r
-               // Meld modified comment into file conten\r
-               mergeComment: function(fileContent, comment, location) {\r
-                       // replace comment in file content\r
-                       var res = new String();\r
-                       var lines = fileContent.split("\n");\r
-                       // copy lines fron 0 to lstart\r
-                       for(var i = 0; i < location.lstart - 1; i++) {\r
-                               res += lines[i] + "\n";\r
-                       }\r
-                       // set comment\r
-                       if(comment && comment != "") {\r
-                               var commentLines = comment.split("\n");\r
-                               for(var i = 0; i < commentLines.length; i++) {\r
-                                       var line = commentLines[i];\r
-                                       var tab = location.tabpos > 1 ? "\t" : "";\r
-                                       res += tab + (line.length > 0 ? "# " : "#") + line + "\n";\r
-                               }\r
-                       }\r
-                       // copy lines fron lend to end\r
-                       for(var i = location.lend - 1; i < lines.length; i++) {\r
-                               res += lines[i];\r
-                               if(i < lines.length - 1) { res += "\n"; }\r
-                       }\r
-                       return res;\r
-               }\r
-       }\r
index 23cb336..97fa9c4 100644 (file)
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