Property definitions

postgresql $ NativePGResult :: defaultinit
extern class NativePGResult `{PGresult *`}
  # Frees the memory block associated with the result
  fun clear `{PQclear(self); `}

  # Returns the number of rows in the query result
  fun ntuples:Int `{ return PQntuples(self); `}

  # Returns the number of columns in each row of the query result
  fun nfields:Int `{return PQnfields(self); `}

  # Returns the ExecStatusType of a result
  fun status: ExecStatusType `{ return PQresultStatus(self); `}

  # Returns the field name of a given column_number
  fun fname(column_number:Int):String import CString.to_s `{
    return CString_to_s( PQfname(self, column_number));

  # Returns the column number associated with the column name
  fun fnumber(column_name:String):Int import String.to_cstring `{
    return PQfnumber(self, String_to_cstring(column_name));

  # Returns a single field value of one row of the result at row_number, column_number
  fun value(row_number:Int, column_number:Int):String import CString.to_s `{
    return CString_to_s(PQgetvalue(self, row_number, column_number));

  # Tests wether a field is a null value
  fun is_null(row_number:Int, column_number: Int): Bool `{
    return PQgetisnull(self, row_number, column_number);
