Nit source-file and locations in source-file

Introduced classes

class Location

nitc :: Location

A location inside a source file
class SourceFile

nitc :: SourceFile

A raw text Nit source file

All class definitions

class Location

nitc $ Location

A location inside a source file
class SourceFile

nitc $ SourceFile

A raw text Nit source file
package_diagram nitc::location location core core nitc::location->core nitc::toolcontext toolcontext nitc::toolcontext->nitc::location nitc::parser_nodes parser_nodes nitc::parser_nodes->nitc::location nitc::model_base model_base nitc::model_base->nitc::location nitc::phase phase nitc::phase->nitc::toolcontext nitc::modelbuilder_base modelbuilder_base nitc::modelbuilder_base->nitc::toolcontext nitc::parser_util parser_util nitc::parser_util->nitc::toolcontext nitc::neo neo nitc::neo->nitc::toolcontext nitc::test_toolcontext test_toolcontext nitc::test_toolcontext->nitc::toolcontext nitc::phase... ... nitc::phase...->nitc::phase nitc::modelbuilder_base... ... nitc::modelbuilder_base...->nitc::modelbuilder_base nitc::parser_util... ... nitc::parser_util...->nitc::parser_util nitc::neo... ... nitc::neo...->nitc::neo nitc::test_toolcontext... ... nitc::test_toolcontext...->nitc::test_toolcontext nitc::lexer_work lexer_work nitc::lexer_work->nitc::parser_nodes nitc::lexer_work... ... nitc::lexer_work...->nitc::lexer_work nitc::mdoc mdoc nitc::mdoc->nitc::model_base nitc::mdoc... ... nitc::mdoc...->nitc::mdoc


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.


module model_base

nitc :: model_base

The abstract concept of model and related common things
module parser_nodes

nitc :: parser_nodes

AST nodes of the Nit language
module toolcontext

nitc :: toolcontext

Common command-line tool infrastructure than handle options and error messages


module a_star-m


module abstract_compiler

nitc :: abstract_compiler

Abstract compiler
module actors_generation_phase

nitc :: actors_generation_phase

Generate a support module for each module that contain a class annotated with is actor
module actors_injection_phase

nitc :: actors_injection_phase

Injects model for the classes annotated with "is actor" so
module android

nitc :: android

Compile program for the Android platform
module android_annotations

nitc :: android_annotations

Additionnal annotations to gather metadata on Android projects
module annotation

nitc :: annotation

Management and utilities on annotations
module api

nitc :: api

Components required to build a web server about the nit model.
module api_auth

nitc :: api_auth

module api_base

nitc :: api_base

Base classes used by nitweb.
module api_docdown

nitc :: api_docdown

Nitdoc specific Markdown format handling for Nitweb
module api_feedback

nitc :: api_feedback

Feedback related features
module api_light

nitc :: api_light

Highlight and collect messages from a piece of code
module api_model

nitc :: api_model

module app_annotations

nitc :: app_annotations

Annotations to gather metadata on app.nit projects
module ast_metrics

nitc :: ast_metrics

Metrics about the nodes and identifiers in the AST
module astbuilder

nitc :: astbuilder

Instantiation and transformation of semantic nodes in the AST of expressions and statements
module astutil

nitc :: astutil

Additional features on Nit AST
module auto_super_init

nitc :: auto_super_init

Computing of super-constructors that must be implicitly called at the begin of constructors.
module c

nitc :: c

Support for nesting C code within a Nit program using its FFI
module c_compiler_options

nitc :: c_compiler_options

Offers the annotations cflags and ldflags to specify
module catalog

nitc :: catalog

Basic catalog generator for Nit packages
module check_annotation

nitc :: check_annotation

Check that annotation present in the AST are either primitive or user-declared
module code_gen

nitc :: code_gen

Main frontend phases plus code generation phases
module commands_base

nitc :: commands_base

Documentation commands
module commands_catalog

nitc :: commands_catalog

Commands to retrieve Catalog related data
module commands_docdown

nitc :: commands_docdown

Doc down related queries
module commands_graph

nitc :: commands_graph

Graph commands
module commands_http

nitc :: commands_http

Initialize commands from HTTP requests
module commands_model

nitc :: commands_model

Doc commands about a Model or a MEntity
module commands_parser

nitc :: commands_parser

A parser that create DocCommand from a string
module commands_usage

nitc :: commands_usage

Commands about how mentities are used
module compilation

nitc :: compilation

The compilation module of the VirtualMachine
module compiler

nitc :: compiler

Compilation to C
module compiler_ffi

nitc :: compiler_ffi

Full FFI support for the compiler
module compiler_serialization

nitc :: compiler_serialization

Serialization support for the compiler
module contracts

nitc :: contracts

Module to build contract
module cpp

nitc :: cpp

Supports the use of the C++ language through the FFI
module deriving

nitc :: deriving

Injection of automatic method definitions for standard methods, based on the attributes of the classes
module detect_covariance

nitc :: detect_covariance

Detect the static usage of covariance in the code.
module detect_variance_constraints

nitc :: detect_variance_constraints

Collect metrics about detected variances constraints on formal types.
module div_by_zero

nitc :: div_by_zero

Detection of divisions by zero in obvious cases
module dynamic_loading_ffi

nitc :: dynamic_loading_ffi

Execute FFI code by creating and loading shared libraries
module emscripten

nitc :: emscripten

Compile to JavaScript using the Emscripten SDK
module explain_assert

nitc :: explain_assert

Explain failed assert to the console by modifying the AST.
module explain_assert_api

nitc :: explain_assert_api

Explain failed assert to the console (service declaration only)
module extern_classes

nitc :: extern_classes

Manages all extern classes and their associated foreign type.
module extra_java_files

nitc :: extra_java_files

Intro the annotation extra_java_files to compile extra java files
module ffi

nitc :: ffi

Full FFI support, independent of the compiler
module ffi_base

nitc :: ffi_base

Tools and utilities for implement FFI with different languages
module flow

nitc :: flow

Intraprocedural static flow.
module frontend

nitc :: frontend

Collect and orchestration of main frontend phases
module generate_hierarchies

nitc :: generate_hierarchies

Create dot files for various hierarchies of a model.
module global_compiler

nitc :: global_compiler

Global compilation of a Nit program
module glsl_validation

nitc :: glsl_validation

Check shader code within Nit modules using the tool glslangValidator
module header_dependency

nitc :: header_dependency

Tracks which modules has public header code that must be imported
module highlight

nitc :: highlight

Highlighting of Nit AST
module html_commands

nitc :: html_commands

Render commands results as HTML
module html_model

nitc :: html_model

Translate mentities to html blocks.
module htmlight

nitc :: htmlight

Highlighting of Nit AST with HTML
module i18n_phase

nitc :: i18n_phase

Basic support of internationalization through the generation of id-to-string tables
module inheritance_metrics

nitc :: inheritance_metrics

Collect metrics about inheritance usage
module interpreter

nitc :: interpreter

Interpretation of Nit programs
module ios

nitc :: ios

Compile programs for the iOS platform
module java

nitc :: java

FFI support for the Java language
module java_compiler

nitc :: java_compiler

Compile Nit code to Java code
module json_commands

nitc :: json_commands

Translate command results to json
module json_model

nitc :: json_model

Make model entities Serializable.
module lexer

nitc :: lexer

Lexer and its tokens.
module lexer_work

nitc :: lexer_work

Internal algorithm and data structures for the Nit lexer
module light

nitc :: light

Light FFI support for the compiler
module light_c

nitc :: light_c

Support for nesting C code within a Nit program using its FFI
module light_ffi

nitc :: light_ffi

Light FFI support, independent of the compiler
module light_ffi_base

nitc :: light_ffi_base

Tools and utilities for implement FFI with different languages
module light_only

nitc :: light_only

Compiler support for the light FFI only, detects unsupported usage of callbacks
module literal

nitc :: literal

Parsing of literal values in the abstract syntax tree.
module loader

nitc :: loader

Loading of Nit source files
module local_var_init

nitc :: local_var_init

Verify that local variables are initialized before their usage
module mclasses_metrics

nitc :: mclasses_metrics

Collect common metrics about mclasses
module md_commands

nitc :: md_commands

Render commands results as Markdown
module mdoc

nitc :: mdoc

Documentation of model entities
module memory_logger

nitc :: memory_logger

Extension to inject memory-tracing instrumentation in code generated by nitc.
module mendel_metrics

nitc :: mendel_metrics

The Mendel model helps to understand class hierarchies.
module metrics

nitc :: metrics

Various statistics about Nit models and programs
module metrics_base

nitc :: metrics_base

Helpers for various statistics tools.
module mixin

nitc :: mixin

Loading and additional module refinements at link-time.
module mmodule

nitc :: mmodule

modules and module hierarchies in the metamodel
module mmodule_data

nitc :: mmodule_data

Define and retrieve data in modules
module mmodules_metrics

nitc :: mmodules_metrics

Collect common metrics about modules
module model

nitc :: model

Classes, types and properties
module model_collect

nitc :: model_collect

Collect things from the model.
module model_contract

nitc :: model_contract

The abstract concept of a contract in the model
module model_examples

nitc :: model_examples

Examples for Model entities
module model_ext

nitc :: model_ext

Extensions to the Nit model for foreign languages.
module model_hyperdoc

nitc :: model_hyperdoc

Dump of Nit model into hypertext human-readable format.
module model_index

nitc :: model_index

Search things from the Model
module model_visitor

nitc :: model_visitor

Simple visitor framework for Nit models.
module model_viz

nitc :: model_viz

Visualisation of Nit models
module modelbuilder_base

nitc :: modelbuilder_base

Load nit source files and build the associated model
module modelize

nitc :: modelize

Create a model from nit source files
module modelize_class

nitc :: modelize_class

Analysis and verification of class definitions to instantiate model element
module modelize_property

nitc :: modelize_property

Analysis and verification of property definitions to instantiate model element
module mpackage

nitc :: mpackage

Modelisation of a Nit package
module naive_interpreter

nitc :: naive_interpreter

Interpretation of a Nit program directly on the AST
module neo

nitc :: neo

Save and load a Model to/from a Neo4j graph.
module nit

nitc :: nit

A naive Nit interpreter
module nitc

nitc :: nitc

A Nit compiler
module nitcatalog

nitc :: nitcatalog

Basic catalog generator for Nit packages
module nitdoc

nitc :: nitdoc

Generator of static API documentation for the Nit language
module nith

nitc :: nith

A ligHt Nit compiler
module nitj

nitc :: nitj

Compile Nit into Java code runnable on the Java Virtual Machine.
module nitlight

nitc :: nitlight

Tool that produces highlighting for Nit programs
module nitls

nitc :: nitls

Simple tool to list Nit source files
module nitmetrics

nitc :: nitmetrics

A program that collects various metrics on nit programs and libraries
module nitni

nitc :: nitni

Native interface related services (used underneath the FFI)
module nitni_base

nitc :: nitni_base

Native interface related services (used underneath the FFI)
module nitni_callbacks

nitc :: nitni_callbacks

nitni services related to callbacks (used underneath the FFI)
module nitpackage

nitc :: nitpackage

Helpful features about packages
module nitpick

nitc :: nitpick

A program that collect potential style and code issues
module nitpretty

nitc :: nitpretty

module nitrestful

nitc :: nitrestful

Tool generating boilerplate code linking RESTful actions to Nit methods
module nitsaf

nitc :: nitsaf

Nit Static Analysis Framework client example.
module nitserial

nitc :: nitserial

Serialization support compiler, a tool to support deserialization of live generic types
module nitsmells

nitc :: nitsmells

module nituml

nitc :: nituml

UML generator in dot format.
module nitunit

nitc :: nitunit

Testing tool.
module nitvm

nitc :: nitvm

The Nit virtual machine launcher
module nitweb

nitc :: nitweb

Runs a webserver based on nitcorn that render things from model.
module nitx

nitc :: nitx

nitx, a command tool that displays useful data about Nit code
module no_warning

nitc :: no_warning

Fill toolcontext information about blacklisting of warnings.
module nullables_metrics

nitc :: nullables_metrics

Statistics about the usage of nullables
module objc

nitc :: objc

FFI support for Objective-C
module on_demand_compiler

nitc :: on_demand_compiler

Compiles extern code within a module to a static library, as needed
module parallelization_phase

nitc :: parallelization_phase

Phase generating threads for functions annotated with threaded annotation
module parse_annotations

nitc :: parse_annotations

Simple annotation parsing
module parser

nitc :: parser

module parser_prod

nitc :: parser_prod

Production AST nodes full definition.
module parser_util

nitc :: parser_util

Utils and tools related to parsers and AST
module parser_work

nitc :: parser_work

Internal algorithm and data structures for the Nit parser
module phase

nitc :: phase

Phases of the processing of nit programs
module pkgconfig

nitc :: pkgconfig

Offers the PkgconfigPhase to use the external program "pkg-config" in order
module platform

nitc :: platform

Platform system, used to customize the behavior of the compiler.
module poset_metrics

nitc :: poset_metrics

Metrics about the various posets of the model of a Nit program
module pretty

nitc :: pretty

Library used to pretty print Nit code.
module rapid_type_analysis

nitc :: rapid_type_analysis

Rapid type analysis on the AST
module readme_metrics

nitc :: readme_metrics

Collect common metrics about README files
module refinement_metrics

nitc :: refinement_metrics

Collect metrics about refinement usage
module regex_phase

nitc :: regex_phase

Check for error in regular expressions from string literals
module rta_metrics

nitc :: rta_metrics

Metrics from RTA
module saf

nitc :: saf

Nit Static Analysis Framework.
module saf_base

nitc :: saf_base

Static Analysis Framework base
module scope

nitc :: scope

Identification and scoping of local variables and labels.
module self_metrics

nitc :: self_metrics

Metrics about the usage of explicit and implicit self
module semantize

nitc :: semantize

Process bodies of methods in regard with the model.
module separate_compiler

nitc :: separate_compiler

Separate compilation of a Nit program
module separate_erasure_compiler

nitc :: separate_erasure_compiler

Separate compilation of a Nit program with generic type erasure
module serialization_code_gen_phase

nitc :: serialization_code_gen_phase

Phase generating methods (code) to serialize Nit objects
module serialization_model_phase

nitc :: serialization_model_phase

Phase generating methods (model-only) to serialize Nit objects
module serialize_model

nitc :: serialize_model

Service to serialize POSet to JSON
module simple_misc_analysis

nitc :: simple_misc_analysis

Simple vavious processing on a AST
module ssa

nitc :: ssa

Single-Static Assignment algorithm from an AST
module static

nitc :: static

Nitdoc generation framework
module static_base

nitc :: static_base

Base entities shared by all the nitdoc code
module static_cards

nitc :: static_cards

Cards templates for the static documentation
module static_html

nitc :: static_html

Render documentation pages as HTML
module static_index

nitc :: static_index

Manage indexing of Nit model for Nitdoc QuickSearch.
module static_structure

nitc :: static_structure

Composes the pages of the static documentation
module static_types_metrics

nitc :: static_types_metrics

Metrics on the usage of explicit static types.
module tables_metrics

nitc :: tables_metrics

Metrics on table generation
module term

nitc :: term

module term_model

nitc :: term_model

Markdown templates for Nit model MEntities.
module test_astbuilder

nitc :: test_astbuilder

Program used to test the clone method of the astbuilder tool
module test_highlight

nitc :: test_highlight

Program used to test the Nit highlighter
module test_model_visitor

nitc :: test_model_visitor

Example of model_visitor
module test_neo

nitc :: test_neo

Test for neo model saving and loading.
module test_parser

nitc :: test_parser

Program used to test the NIT parser
module test_phase

nitc :: test_phase

Stub for loading a runing phases on a bunch of modules
module test_test_phase

nitc :: test_test_phase

Example of simple module that aims to do some specific work on nit programs.
module test_toolcontext

nitc :: test_toolcontext

Program used to test ToolContext
module testing

nitc :: testing

Test unit generation and execution for Nit.
module testing_base

nitc :: testing_base

Base options for testing tools.
module testing_doc

nitc :: testing_doc

Testing from code comments.
module testing_gen

nitc :: testing_gen

Test Suites generation.
module testing_suite

nitc :: testing_suite

Testing from external files.
module transform

nitc :: transform

Thansformations that simplify the AST of expressions
module typing

nitc :: typing

Intraprocedural resolution of static types and OO-services
module uml

nitc :: uml

Group head module for UML generation services
module uml_base

nitc :: uml_base

Exposes the base class for UML generation of a Model
module uml_class

nitc :: uml_class

Provides facilities of exporting a Model to a UML class diagram
module uml_module

nitc :: uml_module

Services for generation of a UML package diagram based on a Model
module variables_numbering

nitc :: variables_numbering

Handle all numbering operations related to local variables in the Nit virtual machine
module vim_autocomplete

nitc :: vim_autocomplete

Generate files used by the Vim plugin to autocomplete with doc
module virtual_machine

nitc :: virtual_machine

Implementation of the Nit virtual machine
module vm

nitc :: vm

Entry point of all vm components
module vm_optimizations

nitc :: vm_optimizations

Optimization of the nitvm
module xcode_templates

nitc :: xcode_templates

Templates and other services to create XCode projects
# Nit source-file and locations in source-file
module location

# A raw text Nit source file
class SourceFile
	# The path of the source
	var filename: String

	# The content of the source
	var string: String is noinit

	# The original stream used to initialize `string`
	var stream: Reader

		string = stream.read_all
		line_starts[0] = 0

	# Create a new sourcefile using a dummy filename and a given content
	init from_string(filename: String, string: String) is
		self.filename = filename
		self.string = string
		line_starts[0] = 0

	# Offset of each line start in the content `string`.
	# Used for fast access to each line when rendering parts of the `string`.
	var line_starts = new Array[Int]

	# Extract a given line excluding the line-terminators characters.
	# `line_number` starts at 1 for the first line.
	fun get_line(line_number: Int): String do
		if line_number > line_starts.length then return ""
		var line_start = line_starts[line_number-1]
		var line_end = line_start
		var string = self.string
		while line_end+1 < string.length and string.chars[line_end+1] != '\n' and string.chars[line_end+1] != '\r' do
			line_end += 1
		return string.substring(line_start, line_end-line_start+1)

# A location inside a source file
class Location
	super Comparable
	redef type OTHER: Location

	# The associated source-file
	var file: nullable SourceFile

	# The starting line number (starting from 1)
	# If `line_start==0` then the whole file is considered
	var line_start: Int

	# The stopping line number (starting from 1)
	var line_end: Int

	# Start of this location on `line_start`
	# A `column_start` of 1 means the first column or character.
	# If `column_start == 0` this location concerns the whole line.
	# Require: `column_start >= 0`
	var column_start: Int

	# End of this location on `line_end`
	var column_end: Int

	# Builds a location instance from its string representation.
	# Examples:
	# ~~~
	# var loc = new Location.from_string("location.nit:82,2--105,8")
	# assert loc.to_s == "location.nit:82,2--105,8"
	# loc = new Location.from_string("location.nit")
	# assert loc.to_s == "location.nit"
	# loc = new Location.from_string("location.nit:82,2")
	# assert loc.to_s == "location.nit:82,2--0,0"
	# loc = new Location.from_string("location.nit:82--105")
	# assert loc.to_s == "location.nit:82,0--105,0"
	# loc = new Location.from_string("location.nit:82,2--105")
	# assert loc.to_s == "location.nit:82,2--105,0"
	# loc = new Location.from_string("location.nit:82--105,8")
	# assert loc.to_s == "location.nit:82,0--105,8"
	# ~~~
	init from_string(string: String) is
		self.line_start = 0
		self.line_end = 0
		self.column_start = 0
		self.column_end = 0
		# parses the location string and init position vars
		var parts = string.split_with(":")
		var filename = parts.shift
		self.file = new SourceFile(filename, new
		# split position
		if parts.is_empty then return
		var pos = parts.first.split_with("--")
		# split start position
		if pos.first.has(",") then
			var pos1 = pos.first.split_with(",")
			self.line_start = pos1[0].to_i
			if pos1.length > 1 then
				self.column_start = pos1[1].to_i
			self.line_start = pos.first.to_i
		# split end position
		if pos.length <= 1 then return
		if pos[1].has(",") then
			var pos2 = pos[1].split_with(",")
			if pos2.length > 1 then
				self.line_end = pos2[0].to_i
				self.column_end = pos2[1].to_i
				self.line_end = self.line_start
				self.column_end = pos2[0].to_i
			self.line_end = pos[1].to_i

	# Initialize a location corresponding to an opaque file.
	# The path is used as is and is not open nor read.
	init opaque_file(path: String)
		var source = new SourceFile.from_string(path, "")
		init(source, 0, 0, 0, 0)

	# The index in the start character in the source
	fun pstart: Int do return file.line_starts[line_start-1] + column_start-1

	# The index on the end character in the source
	fun pend: Int do return file.line_starts[line_end-1] + column_end-1

	# The verbatim associated text in the source-file
	fun text: String
		var res = self.text_cache
		if res != null then return res
		var l = self
		var pstart = self.pstart
		var pend = self.pend
		res = l.file.string.substring(pstart, pend-pstart+1)
		self.text_cache = res
		return res

	private var text_cache: nullable String = null

	redef fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool do
		if other == null then return false
		if not other isa Location then return false

		if other.file != file then return false
		if other.line_start != line_start then return false
		if other.line_end != line_end then return false
		if other.column_start != column_start then return false
		if other.column_end != column_end then return false

		return true

	# Is `self` included (or equals) to `loc`?
	fun located_in(loc: nullable Location): Bool do
		if loc == null then return false

		if line_start < loc.line_start then return false
		if line_start > loc.line_end then return false

		if line_end > loc.line_end then return false

		if line_start == loc.line_start then
			if column_start < loc.column_start then return false
			if line_start == loc.line_end and column_start > loc.column_end then return false

		if line_end == loc.line_end and column_end > loc.column_end then return false

		return true

	redef fun to_s: String do
		var file_part = ""
		if file != null then
			file_part = file.filename

		if line_start <= 0 then return file_part

		if file != null and file.filename.length > 0 then file_part += ":"

		if line_start == line_end then
			if column_start == column_end then
				return "{file_part}{line_start},{column_start}"
				return "{file_part}{line_start},{column_start}--{column_end}"
			return "{file_part}{line_start},{column_start}--{line_end},{column_end}"

	# Return a location message according to an observer.
	# Currently, if both are in the same file, the file information is not present in the result.
	fun relative_to(loc: nullable Location): String do
		var relative: Location
		if loc != null and loc.file == self.file then
			relative = new Location(null, self.line_start, self.line_end, self.column_start, self.column_end)
			relative = new Location(self.file, self.line_start, self.line_end, self.column_start, self.column_end)
		return relative.to_s

	redef fun <(other: OTHER): Bool do
		if self == other then return false
		if self.located_in(other) then return true
		if other.located_in(self) then return false

		if line_start != other.line_start then return line_start < other.line_start
		if column_start != other.column_start then return column_start < other.column_start
		if line_end != other.line_end then return line_end < other.line_end

		return column_end < other.column_end

	# Return the associated line with the location highlighted with color and a caret under the starting position
	# `color` must be and terminal escape sequence used as `"{escape}[{color}m;"`
	# * `"0;31"` for red
	# * `"1;31"` for bright red
	# * `"0;32"` for green
	fun colored_line(color: String): String
		var esc = 27.code_point
		var def = "{esc}[0m"
		var col = "{esc}[{color}m"

		var l = self
		var i = l.line_start
		if i <= 0 then return ""

		var line_start = l.file.line_starts[i-1]
		var line_end = line_start
		var string = l.file.string
		while line_end+1 < string.length and string.chars[line_end+1] != '\n' and string.chars[line_end+1] != '\r' do
			line_end += 1
		var lstart
		if l.column_start > 0 then
			lstart = string.substring(line_start, l.column_start - 1)
			lstart = ""
		var cend
		if i != l.line_end then
			cend = line_end - line_start + 1
			cend = l.column_end
		var lmid
		var lend
		if line_start + cend <= string.length then
			lmid = string.substring(line_start + l.column_start - 1, cend - l.column_start + 1)
			lend = string.substring(line_start + cend, line_end - line_start - cend + 1)
			lmid = ""
			lend = ""
		var indent = new FlatBuffer
		for j in [line_start..line_start+l.column_start-1[ do
			if string.chars[j] == '\t' then
				indent.add '\t'
				indent.add ' '
		return "\t{lstart}{col}{lmid}{def}{lend}\n\t{indent}^"