Management of options on the command line

All subgroups and modules

module opts

opts :: opts

Management of options on the command line
package_diagram opts\> opts core core opts\>->core config config config->opts\> gamnit gamnit gamnit->opts\> nlp nlp nlp->opts\> nlp->config privileges privileges privileges->opts\> markdown markdown markdown->config markdown2 markdown2 markdown2->config popcorn popcorn popcorn->config vsm vsm vsm->config markdown... ... markdown...->markdown markdown2... ... markdown2...->markdown2 nlp... ... nlp...->nlp popcorn... ... popcorn...->popcorn vsm... ... vsm...->vsm android android android->gamnit android... ... android...->android nitcorn nitcorn nitcorn->privileges nitcorn... ... nitcorn...->nitcorn


group codecs

core > codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
group collection

core > collection

This module define several collection classes.
group text

core > text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities


group core


Nit common library of core classes and methods


group config


Configuration options for nit tools and apps
group gamnit


Portable game and multimedia framework for Nit
group nlp


Nit wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP
group privileges


Process privileges management utilities


group android


Android platform support and APIs
group bundle

android > bundle

A mapping class of String to various value types used by the
group depth

gamnit > depth

gamnit depth, a framework to create portable 3D games in Nit.
group egl


Interface between rendering APIs (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, etc.) and the native windowing system.
group examples

nlp > examples

group examples

vsm > examples

group examples

app > examples

group flat

gamnit > flat

Simple API for 2D games, built around Sprite and App::update
group github


Nit wrapper for Github API
group glesv2


OpenGL graphics rendering library for embedded systems, version 2.0
group intent

android > intent

Services allowing to launch activities and start/stop services using
group markdown


A markdown parser for Nit.
group notification

android > notification

Services to show notification in the Android status bar
group popcorn


group service

android > service

Android service support for app.nit centered around the class Service
group shared_preferences

android > shared_preferences

Services allowing to save and load datas to internal android device
group src

nitcorn > examples > src

group src

android > examples > src

group ui

android > ui

Views and services to use the Android native user interface
group virtual_gamepad

gamnit > virtual_gamepad

Virtual gamepad mapped to keyboard keys for quick and dirty mobile support