Rubix-cube modelization library

As for now the library supports basic representation of a Rubix-cube The library is built for speed, most operations cost no allocations to perform. This does however mean that the library is NOT thread-safe and should be handled with the appropriate mutual-exclusion mechanisms to avoid memory corruption or unintended side-effects on a single cube.

The library supports the singmaster notation as a way to perform operations on a Rubix cube.

No solver is (yet) provided along with the library.

All subgroups and modules

module rubix

rubix :: rubix

Rubix-cube modelization library
package_diagram rubix\> rubix console console rubix\>->console core core console->core ...core ... ...core->core


group codecs

core > codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
group collection

core > collection

This module define several collection classes.
group core


Nit common library of core classes and methods
group text

core > text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities


group console


Defines some ANSI Terminal Control Escape Sequences.