Property definitions

android $ Activity :: defaultinit
# An Android activity
# You must implement the callbacks (prefixed with `on_`) to follow the
# standard Android life-cycle.
class Activity
	# Native Java activity
	var native: NativeActivity

	# Notification from Android, the activity is created
	# Do your normal static set up here.
	# If available, `save_state` contains the activity's previous state
	# as registered by `on_save_instance_state`.
	# Followed by `on_start`.
	fun on_create(save_state: NativeBundle)

	# Notification from Android, the activity has been restarted
	# Followed by `on_start`.
	fun on_restart do app.on_restart

	# Notification from Android, the activity has been started
	# Followed by `on_resume` or `on_stop`.
	fun on_start do app.on_start

	# Notification from Android, the activity has been resumed
	# Followed by `on_pause`
	fun on_resume do app.on_resume

	# Notification from Android, the activity has been paused
	# Followed by `on_resume` or `on_stop`.
	fun on_pause do app.on_pause

	# Notification from Android, the activity has been stopped
	# Followed by `on_restart` or `on_destroy`.
	fun on_stop do app.on_stop

	# Notification from Android, the activity is being destroyed
	# Clean up and exit.
	fun on_destroy

		app.activities.remove self

	# Notification from Android, the activity is being re-initialized from a `save_state`
	# Occurs after `on_start`.
	fun on_restore_instance_state(save_state: NativeBundle) do end

	# Notification from Android, the activity may be stopped, save state
	# Occurs before `on_stop` and, without guarantee, before or after `on_pause`.
	fun on_save_instance_state(save_state: NativeBundle) do app.on_save_state

	# Notification from Android, the system is running low on memory
	# Try to reduce your memory use.
	fun on_low_memory do force_garbage_collection

	# Notification from Android, the current window of the activity has lost or gained focus
	fun on_window_focus_changed(has_focus: Bool) do end

	# Notification from Android, the current device configuration has changed
	fun on_configuration_changed do end

	# The back key has been pressed
	# Return `true` if the event has been handled.
	fun on_back_pressed: Bool do return false

	# A key has been pressed
	# Return `true` if the event has been handled.
	fun on_key_down(key_code: Int, event: NativeKeyEvent): Bool do return false

	# A key has been long pressed
	# Return `true` if the event has been handled.
	fun on_key_long_press(key_code: Int, event: NativeKeyEvent): Bool do return false

	# Multiple down/up pairs of the same key have occurred in a row
	# Return `true` if the event has been handled.
	fun on_key_multiple(key_code, count: Int, event: NativeKeyEvent): Bool do return false

	# A key has been released
	# Return `true` if the event has been handled.
	fun on_key_up(key_code: Int, event: NativeKeyEvent): Bool do return false