The application is launching, restore its state from a previous on_save_state

Triggers are platform specific:

  • Android: Activity.onCreate, not Activity.onRestoreInstanceState as it is trigged only if there is a previous Android specific save state.
  • iOS: UIApplicationDelegate applicationDidEnterBackground

Property definitions

app $ AppComponent :: on_restore_state
	# The application is launching, restore its state from a previous `on_save_state`
	# Triggers are platform specific:
	# * Android: `Activity.onCreate`, _not_ `Activity.onRestoreInstanceState`
	#   as it is trigged only if there is a previous Android specific save state.
	# * iOS: `UIApplicationDelegate applicationDidEnterBackground`
	fun on_restore_state do end

app :: ui $ App :: on_restore_state
	redef fun on_restore_state do window.on_restore_state

app $ CompositeControl :: on_restore_state
	redef fun on_restore_state do for i in items do i.on_restore_state