Property definitions

app $ TextView :: defaultinit
# A control displaying some `text`
# For a text-only control, see `Label`.
abstract class TextView
	super View

	# Main `Text` of this control
	# By default, or if set to `null`, no text is shown.
	var text: nullable Text is writable, abstract, autoinit

	# Set the relative size of the text
	# A value of 1.0, the default, use the platform default text size.
	# Values under 1.0 set a smaller text size, and over 1.0 a larger size.
	# Implementation varies per platform, and some controls may be unaffected
	# depending on the customization options of each platform.
	# For consistent results, it is recommended to use only on instances
	# of `Label` and `size` should be either 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5.
	fun size=(size: nullable Float) is autoinit do end

	# Align the text horizontally
	# Use 0.0 to align left (the default), 0.5 to align in the center and
	# 1.0 to align on the right.
	# Implementation varies per platform, and some controls may be unaffected
	# depending on the customization options of each platform.
	# For consistent results, it is recommended to use only on instances
	# of `Label` and `size` should be either 0.0, 0.5 or 1.0.
	fun align=(align: nullable Float) is autoinit do end