The index of the last occurrence of an element starting from pos (in reverse order).

var s = "/etc/bin/test/test.nit"
assert s.last_index_of_from('/', s.length-1) == 13
assert s.last_index_of_from('/', 12)         == 8

Returns -1 if not found

Property definitions

core $ Text :: last_index_of_from
	# The index of the last occurrence of an element starting from pos (in reverse order).
	# ~~~
	# var s = "/etc/bin/test/test.nit"
	# assert s.last_index_of_from('/', s.length-1) == 13
	# assert s.last_index_of_from('/', 12)         == 8
	# ~~~
	# Returns -1 if not found
	fun last_index_of_from(item: Char, pos: Int): Int do return chars.last_index_of_from(item, pos)