Packs the content of a string in packs of ln chars.

This variant ensures that only the last element might be smaller than ln

var s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
assert s.pack_l(4) == ["abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop","qrst","uvwx","yz"]

Property definitions

core $ Text :: pack_l
	# Packs the content of a string in packs of `ln` chars.
	# This variant ensures that only the last element might be smaller than `ln`
	# ~~~
	# var s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
	# assert s.pack_l(4) == ["abcd","efgh","ijkl","mnop","qrst","uvwx","yz"]
	# ~~~
	fun pack_l(ln: Int): Array[Text] do
		var st = 0
		var retarr = new Array[Text].with_capacity(length / ln + length % ln)
		while st < length do
			retarr.add(substring(st, ln))
			st += ln
		return retarr