Get the nth expression in this match

n == 0 returns this match, and a greater n returns the corresponding subexpression.

Require: n >= 0 and n <= subs.length

var re = "c (d e+) f".to_re
var match = "a b c d eee f g".search(re)
assert match[0].to_s == "c d eee f"
assert match[1].to_s == "d eee"

Property definitions

core :: re $ Match :: []
	# Get the `n`th expression in this match
	# `n == 0` returns this match, and a greater `n` returns the corresponding
	# subexpression.
	# Require: `n >= 0 and n <= subs.length`
	# ~~~
	# var re = "c (d e+) f".to_re
	# var match = "a b c d eee f g".search(re)
	# assert match[0].to_s == "c d eee f"
	# assert match[1].to_s == "d eee"
	# ~~~
	fun [](n: Int): nullable Match do
		if n == 0 then return self
		assert n > 0 and n <= subs.length
		return subs[n-1]