Coordinates on the texture, 2 floats per vertex

Property definitions

gamnit $ Mesh :: texture_coords=
	# Coordinates on the texture, 2 floats per vertex
	var texture_coords = new Array[Float] is lazy, writable

gamnit $ Plane :: texture_coords=
	redef var texture_coords: Array[Float] is lazy do
		var offset_left = 0.0
		var offset_top = 0.0
		var offset_right = 1.0*repeat_x
		var offset_bottom = 1.0*repeat_y
		var a = [offset_left,  offset_bottom]
		var b = [offset_right, offset_bottom]
		var c = [offset_left,  offset_top]
		var d = [offset_right, offset_top]

		var texture_coords = new Array[Float]
		for v in [c, d, a, b] do texture_coords.add_all v
		return texture_coords

gamnit $ Cuboid :: texture_coords=
	redef var texture_coords: Array[Float] is lazy do
		var a = [0.0, 1.0]
		var b = [1.0, 1.0]
		var c = [0.0, 0.0]
		var d = [1.0, 0.0]

		var texture_coords = new Array[Float]
		var face = [a, c, d, a, d, b]
		for i in 6.times do for v in face do texture_coords.add_all v
		return texture_coords