Execute parsing of src to extract an ObjDef

Property definitions

gamnit $ ObjFileParser :: parse
	# Execute parsing of `src` to extract an `ObjDef`
	fun parse: nullable ObjDef
		var obj_obj = null
		while not eof do
			var token = read_token
			if token.is_empty or token == "#" then
				# Ignore empty lines and comments
			else if token == "v" then # Vertex points
				var vec = read_vec4
				geometry.vertex_points.add vec
			else if token == "vt" then # Texture coords
				var vec = read_vec3
				geometry.texture_coords.add vec
			else if token == "vn" then # Normals
				var vec = read_vec3 # This one should not accept `w` values
				geometry.normals.add vec
			else if token == "vp" then # Parameter space vertices
				var vec = read_vec3
				geometry.params.add vec
			else if token == "f" then # Faces
				var face = read_face
				if obj_obj == null then
					obj_obj = new ObjObj("")
					geometry.objects.add obj_obj
				obj_obj.faces.add face
			else if token == "mtllib" then
				current_material_lib = read_until_eol_or_comment
			else if token == "usemtl" then
				current_material_name = read_until_eol_or_comment

			# TODO other line type headers
			else if token == "s" then
			else if token == "o" then
				obj_obj = new ObjObj(read_until_eol_or_comment)
				geometry.objects.add obj_obj
			else if token == "g" then
		return geometry