Should the pixels RGB values be premultiplied by their alpha value at loading?

All gamnit textures must have premultiplied alpha, it provides a better alpha blending, avoids artifacts and allows for additive blending.

When at true, the default, pixels RGB values are premultiplied at loading. Set to false if pixels RGB values are already premultiplied in the source data.

This value must be set before calling load.

Property definitions

gamnit $ RootTexture :: premultiply_alpha=
	# Should the pixels RGB values be premultiplied by their alpha value at loading?
	# All gamnit textures must have premultiplied alpha, it provides a better
	# alpha blending, avoids artifacts and allows for additive blending.
	# When at `true`, the default, pixels RGB values are premultiplied
	# at loading. Set to `false` if pixels RGB values are already
	# premultiplied in the source data.
	# This value must be set before calling `load`.
	var premultiply_alpha = true is writable