Property definitions

gamnit $ ShaderVariable :: defaultinit
# `Uniform` or `Attribute` of a `GamnitProgram`
class ShaderVariable

	# The `GamnitProgram` to which `self` belongs
	var program: GLProgram

	# Name of `self` in the `program` source
	var name: String

	# Location of `self` in the compiled `program`
	var location: Int

	# Number of elements in this array (1 for scalars and more for vectors)
	var size: Int

	# Is `self` an active uniform or attribute in the `program`?
	# If `false`, the variable may have been optimized out by the compiler.
	fun is_active: Bool do return true

	redef fun to_s do return "<{class_name} name:{name} location:{location} size:{size}"