Property definitions

gamnit $ Simple2dProgram :: defaultinit
# Graphic program to display simple models with a texture, translation, rotation and scale
private class Simple2dProgram
	super GamnitProgramFromSource

	redef var vertex_shader_source = """
		// Vertex coordinates
		attribute vec4 coord;

		// Vertex color tint
		attribute vec4 color;

		// Vertex translation
		attribute vec4 translation;

		// Vertex scaling
		attribute float scale;

		// Vertex coordinates on textures
		attribute vec2 tex_coord;

		// Model view projection matrix
		uniform mat4 mvp;

		// Current world time, in seconds
		uniform float time;

		// Rotation matrix
		attribute vec4 rotation_row0;
		attribute vec4 rotation_row1;
		attribute vec4 rotation_row2;
		attribute vec4 rotation_row3;

		// Animation speed, frames per seconds
		attribute float a_fps;

		// Number of frames in the animation
		attribute float a_n_frames;

		// World coordinate of the animation (for aspect ratio)
		attribute vec2 a_coord;

		// Animation texture coordinates of the first frame
		attribute vec2 a_tex_coord;

		// Animation texture coordinates difference between frames
		attribute vec2 a_tex_diff;

		// Animation start time, in reference to `time`
		attribute float a_start;

		// Number of loops to play of the animation
		attribute float a_loops;

		mat4 rotation()
			return mat4(rotation_row0, rotation_row1, rotation_row2, rotation_row3);

		// Output to the fragment shader
		varying vec4 v_color;
		varying vec2 v_coord;

		// Is there an active animation?
		varying float v_animated;

		void main()
			vec3 c; // coords

			float end = a_start + a_loops/a_fps*a_n_frames;
			if (a_fps != 0.0 && (a_loops == -1.0 || time < end)) {
				// in animation
				float frame = mod(floor((time-a_start)*a_fps), a_n_frames);
				v_coord = a_tex_coord + a_tex_diff*frame;
				c = vec3(a_coord, coord.z);
				v_animated = 1.0;
			} else {
				// static
				v_coord = tex_coord;
				c =;
				v_animated = 0.0;

			gl_Position = (vec4(c * scale, 1.0) * rotation() + translation)* mvp;
			v_color = vec4(color.rgb*color.a, color.a);
		""" @ glsl_vertex_shader

	redef var fragment_shader_source = """
		precision mediump float;

		// Does this object use a texture?
		uniform bool use_texture;

		// Texture to apply on this object
		uniform sampler2D texture0;

		// Texture to apply on this object
		uniform sampler2D animation;

		// Input from the vertex shader
		varying vec4 v_color;
		varying vec2 v_coord;
		varying float v_animated;

		void main()
			if (v_animated > 0.5) {
				gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(animation, v_coord);
				if (gl_FragColor.a <= 0.01) discard;
			} else if (use_texture) {
				gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(texture0, v_coord);
				if (gl_FragColor.a <= 0.01) discard;
			} else {
				gl_FragColor = v_color;
		""" @ glsl_fragment_shader

	# Vertices coordinates
	var coord = attributes["coord"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Should this program use the texture `texture`?
	var use_texture = uniforms["use_texture"].as(UniformBool) is lazy

	# Visible texture unit
	var texture = uniforms["texture0"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy

	# Coordinates on the textures, per vertex
	var tex_coord = attributes["tex_coord"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy

	# Color tint per vertex
	var color = attributes["color"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Translation applied to each vertex
	var translation = attributes["translation"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Rotation matrix, row 0
	var rotation_row0 = attributes["rotation_row0"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Rotation matrix, row 1
	var rotation_row1 = attributes["rotation_row1"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Rotation matrix, row 2
	var rotation_row2 = attributes["rotation_row2"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Rotation matrix, row 3
	var rotation_row3 = attributes["rotation_row3"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Scaling per vertex
	var scale = attributes["scale"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy

	# Model view projection matrix
	var mvp = uniforms["mvp"].as(UniformMat4) is lazy

	# World time, in seconds
	var time = uniforms["time"].as(UniformFloat) is lazy

	# ---
	# Animations

	# Texture of all the frames of the animation
	var animation_texture = uniforms["animation"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy

	# Frame per second of the animation
	var animation_fps = attributes["a_fps"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy

	# Number of frames in the animation
	var animation_n_frames = attributes["a_n_frames"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy

	# Coordinates of each frame (mush be shared by all frames)
	var animation_coord = attributes["a_coord"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy

	# Texture coordinates of the first frame
	var animation_tex_coord = attributes["a_tex_coord"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy

	# Coordinate difference between each frame
	var animation_tex_diff = attributes["a_tex_diff"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy

	# Animation start time, in seconds and in reference to `dt`
	var animation_start = attributes["a_start"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy

	# Number of loops of the animation, -1 for infinite
	var animation_loops = attributes["a_loops"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy