Property definitions

gtk $ GtkBox :: defaultinit
# A container box
# See:
extern class GtkBox `{ GtkBox * `}
	super GtkContainer
	super GtkOrientable

	# Create a new `GtkBox` with the given `orientation` and `spacing` between its children
	new (orientation: GtkOrientation, spacing: Int) `{
		return (GtkBox *)gtk_box_new(orientation, spacing);

	# Give the children of `self` equal space in the box?
	fun homogeneous: Bool `{ return gtk_box_get_homogeneous(self); `}

	# Give the children of `self` equal space in the box?
	fun homogeneous=(homogeneous: Bool) `{
		gtk_box_set_homogeneous(self, homogeneous);

	# Add `child` and pack it at the start of the box
	fun pack_start(child: GtkWidget, expand, fill: Bool, padding: Int) `{
		gtk_box_pack_start(self, child, expand, fill, padding);

	# Add `child` and pack it at the end of the box
	fun pack_end(child: GtkWidget, expand, fill: Bool, padding: Int) `{
		gtk_box_pack_end(self, child, expand, fill, padding);

	# Set the way `child` is packed in `self`
	fun set_child_packing(child: GtkWidget, expand, fill: Bool, padding: Int, packing: GtkPackType) `{
		gtk_box_set_child_packing(self, child, expand, fill, padding, packing);