Property definitions

gtk $ GtkButtonBoxStyle :: defaultinit
#enum GtkButtonBoxStyle
#Used to dictate the style that a GtkButtonBox uses to layout the buttons it contains.
extern class GtkButtonBoxStyle `{GtkButtonBoxStyle`}
	#Buttons are evenly spread across the box.
	new spread `{ return GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD; `}

	#Buttons are placed at the edges of the box.
	new edge `{ return GTK_BUTTONBOX_EDGE; `}

	#Buttons are grouped towards the start of the box.
	new start `{ return GTK_BUTTONBOX_START; `}

	#Buttons are grouped towards the end of the box.
	new end_of_box `{ return GTK_BUTTONBOX_END; `}

	#Buttons are centered in the box
	new center `{ return GTK_BUTTONBOX_CENTER; `}