Property definitions

gtk $ GtkButton :: defaultinit
# A widget that emits a signal when clicked on
# See:
extern class GtkButton `{GtkButton *`}
	super GtkBin

	new `{
		return (GtkButton *)gtk_button_new();

	# Create a GtkButton with text
	new with_label(text: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		return (GtkButton *)gtk_button_new_with_label(String_to_cstring(text));

	new from_stock(stock_id: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		return (GtkButton *)gtk_button_new_from_stock(String_to_cstring(stock_id));

	fun text: String import CString.to_s `{
		return CString_to_s((char *)gtk_button_get_label(self));

	fun text=(value: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		gtk_button_set_label(self, String_to_cstring(value));

	fun on_click(to_call: GtkCallable, user_data: nullable Object) do
			signal_connect("clicked", to_call, user_data)

	# Set the image of button to the given widget
	fun image=(image: GtkWidget) `{
		gtk_button_set_image(self, image);

	# Get the widget that is currenty set as the image of button
	fun image: GtkWidget `{
		return gtk_button_get_image(self);