Property definitions

gtk $ GtkGrid :: defaultinit
# Pack widgets in a rows and columns
# See:
extern class GtkGrid `{GtkGrid *`}
	super GtkContainer

	# Create a new grid
	new `{
		return (GtkGrid*)gtk_grid_new();

	# Set a widget child inside the grid at a given position
	fun attach(child: GtkWidget, left, top, width, height: Int) `{
		gtk_grid_attach(self, child, left, top, width, height);

	# Get the child of the Grid at the given position
	fun get_child_at(left: Int, top: Int): GtkWidget `{
		return gtk_grid_get_child_at(self, left, top);

	# Insert a row at the specified position
	fun insert_row(position:Int) `{
		gtk_grid_insert_row(self, position);

	# Insert a column at the specified position
	fun insert_column(position: Int) `{
		gtk_grid_insert_column(self, position);