Property definitions

gtk $ GtkImageType :: defaultinit
# enum GtkImageType
# Describes the image data representation used by a GtkImage.
# See:
extern class GtkImageType `{GtkImageType`}
	# There is no image displayed by the widget.
	new empty `{ return GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY; `}

	# The widget contains a GdkPixbuf.
	new pixbuf `{ return GTK_IMAGE_PIXBUF; `}

	# The widget contains a stock icon name.
	new stock `{ return GTK_IMAGE_STOCK; `}

	# The widget contains a GtkIconSet.
	new icon_set `{ return GTK_IMAGE_ICON_SET; `}

	# The widget contains a GdkPixbufAnimation.
	new animation `{ return GTK_IMAGE_ANIMATION; `}

	# The widget contains a named icon.
	new icon_name `{ return GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME; `}

	# The widget contains a GIcon.
	new gicon `{ return GTK_IMAGE_GICON; `}