Property definitions

gtk $ GtkInputPurpose :: defaultinit
# Describe the purpose of an input widget
extern class GtkInputPurpose `{ GtkInputPurpose `}
	# Allow any character
	new free_form `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_FREE_FORM; `}

	# Allow only alphabetic characters
	new alpha `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_ALPHA; `}

	# Allow only digits
	new digits `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_DIGITS; `}

	# Edited field expects numbers
	new number `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_NUMBER; `}

	# Edited field expects phone number
	new phone `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_PHONE; `}

	# Edited field expects URL
	new url `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_URL; `}

	# Edited field expects email address
	new email `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_EMAIL; `}

	# Edited field expects the name of a person
	new name `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_NAME; `}

	# Like `free_form`, but characters are hidden
	new password `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_PASSWORD; `}

	# Like `digits`, but characters are hidden
	new pin `{ return GTK_INPUT_PURPOSE_PIN; `}