Property definitions

gtk $ GtkScale :: defaultinit
# A slider widget for selecting a value from a range
# See:
extern class GtkScale `{GtkScale *`}
	super GtkRange

	new (orientation: GtkOrientation, adjustment: GtkAdjustment) `{
		return (GtkScale *)gtk_scale_new(orientation, adjustment);

	new with_range (orientation: GtkOrientation, min: Float, max: Float, step: Float) `{
		return (GtkScale *)gtk_scale_new_with_range(orientation, min, max, step);

	fun digits: Int `{
		return gtk_scale_get_digits(self);

	fun digits=(nb_digits: Int) `{
		gtk_scale_set_digits(self, nb_digits);

	fun draw_value: Bool `{
		return gtk_scale_get_draw_value(self);

	fun draw_value=(is_displayed: Bool) `{
		gtk_scale_set_draw_value(self, is_displayed);

	fun value_position: GtkPositionType `{
		return gtk_scale_get_value_pos(self);

	fun value_position=(pos: GtkPositionType) `{
		gtk_scale_set_value_pos(self, pos);

	fun has_origin: Bool `{
		return gtk_scale_get_has_origin(self);

	fun has_origin=(orig: Bool) `{
		gtk_scale_set_has_origin(self, orig);

	fun add_mark(value: Float, position: GtkPositionType, markup: String)
	import String.to_cstring `{
		gtk_scale_add_mark(self, value, position, String_to_cstring(markup));

	# Removes any marks that have been added with gtk_scale_add_mark().
	fun clear_marks `{