Property definitions

ios $ NitGLKView :: defaultinit
# OpenGL view controller
class NitGLKView
	private var native: NativeGLKViewController = setup(app.app_delegate)

	# Scale factor from logical coordinate space to the device coordinate space
	fun content_scale_factor: Float do return native.content_scale_factor

	# Width of the underlying framebuffer
	fun drawable_width: Int do return native.drawable_width

	# Height of the underlying framebuffer
	fun drawable_height: Int do return native.drawable_height

	# Bind the view framebuffer
	fun bind_drawable do native.bind_drawable

	private fun setup(app_delegate: AppDelegate): NativeGLKViewController
	import touches_began, touches_moved, touches_ended, touches_cancelled,
	update, should_autorotate, supported_interface_orientations,
	view_will_transition_to_size in "ObjC" `{

		app_delegate.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame: [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
		app_delegate.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; // TODO make configurable

		// Create EAGL context and view
		EAGLContext * context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI: kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2];
		GLKView *view = [[GLKView alloc] initWithFrame: [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
		view.context = context;

		// Ask for antialiasing
		view.drawableMultisample = GLKViewDrawableMultisample4X;
		view.drawableDepthFormat = GLKViewDrawableDepthFormat24;

		GameViewController *cont = [[GameViewController alloc] init];
		cont.view = view;

		// Setup callbacks
		cont.nit_glk_view = self;

		// Make our controller the root
		view.delegate = cont;
		[app_delegate.window setRootViewController: cont];

		// Enable the context
		[app_delegate.window makeKeyAndVisible];
		[EAGLContext setCurrentContext: context];
		[view bindDrawable];

		return cont;

	# Is multi-touch supported?
	fun multiple_touch_enabled: Bool do return native.multiple_touch_enabled

	# Is multi-touch supported?
	fun multiple_touch_enabled=(val: Bool) do native.multiple_touch_enabled = val

	# Should the view auto rotate to follow the device orientation?
	# Defaults to `true`.
	fun should_autorotate: Bool do return true

	# If `should_autorotate`, what are the supported interface orientations?
	# Redef to return values of Objective-C `UIInterfaceOrientationMask`
	fun supported_interface_orientations: Int do return 0

	# Hook to update the view content, called once per frame
	fun update do end

	# Hook on a new touch event
	fun touches_began(touches: NSSet_UITouch, event: UIEvent) do end

	# Hook when a touch moves
	fun touches_moved(touches: NSSet_UITouch, event: UIEvent) do end

	# Hook on the end of a touch event
	fun touches_ended(touches: NSSet_UITouch, event: UIEvent) do end

	# Hook on a touch event cancellation
	fun touches_cancelled(touches: NSSet_UITouch, event: UIEvent) do end

	# Hook when size of the view is about to change to `width` by `height`
	fun view_will_transition_to_size(width, height: Float) do end