mongodb :: MongoCollection :: find_all
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
var db = client.database(db_name)
var col = db.collection("test")
var query = new JsonObject
query["foo"] = 10
assert col.find_all(query).length > 0
# Finds all the documents matching the `query`.
# Params:
# * `skip` number of documents to skip
# * `limit` number of documents to return
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var query = new JsonObject
# query["foo"] = 10
# assert col.find_all(query).length > 0
# ~~~
fun find_all(query: JsonObject, skip, limit: nullable Int): Array[JsonObject] do
var s = skip or else 0
var l = limit or else 0
var res = new Array[JsonObject]
var c = native.find(query.to_bson.native, s, l)
if c == null then return res
var cursor = new MongoCursor(c)
while cursor.is_ok do
res.add cursor.item
return res