Property definitions

mongodb $ MongoObjectId :: defaultinit
# MongoDB Object ID representation.
# For ObjectIDs, MongoDB uses the `ObjectId("hash")` notation.
# This notation is replicated by the `to_s` service.
# Since the MongoDB notation is not JSON complient, the mongoc wrapper uses
# a JSON based notation like `{"$oid": "hash"}`.
# This is the notation returned by the `to_json` service.
class MongoObjectId

	private var native: BSONObjectId = new BSONObjectId

	private init with_native(native: BSONObjectId) do
		self.native = native

	# The unique ID as an MongoDB Object ID string.
	fun id: String do return

	# Internal JSON representation of this Object ID.
	# Something like `{"$oid": "5578e5dcf344225cc2378051"}`.
	fun to_json: JsonObject do
		var obj = new JsonObject
		obj["$oid"] = id
		return obj

	# Formatted as `ObjectId("5578e5dcf344225cc2378051")`
	redef fun to_s do return "ObjectId({id})"