Property definitions

mpi $ Comm :: defaultinit
# An MPI communicator
extern class Comm `{ MPI_Comm `}
	# The _null_ communicator, targeting no processors
	new null_ `{ return MPI_COMM_NULL; `}

	# The _world_ communicator, targeting all processors
	new world `{ return MPI_COMM_WORLD; `}

	# The _self_ communicator, targeting this processor only
	new self_ `{ return MPI_COMM_SELF; `}

	# Number of processors in this communicator
	fun size: Int `{
		int size;
		MPI_Comm_size(self, &size);
		return size;

	# Rank on this processor in this communicator
	fun rank: Rank `{
		int rank;
		MPI_Comm_rank(self, &rank);
		return rank;