Property definitions

msgpack $ MsgPackEngine :: defaultinit
# MessagePack serialization or deserialization engine
abstract class MsgPackEngine

	# *ext type* byte for object definitions, defaults to 0x7Bu8 or '{'
	var ext_typ_obj: Int = 0x7B is writable

	# *ext type* byte for object references, defaults to 0x7Du8 or '}'
	var ext_typ_ref: Int = 0x7D is writable

	# *ext type* byte to identify a char, defaults to 0x7Cu8 or '~'
	var ext_typ_char: Int = 0x7C is writable

	# *ext type* byte to identify a byte, defaults to 0x7Eu8 or '|'
	var ext_typ_byte: Int = 0x7E is writable