Property definitions

nitcorn $ MyAction :: defaultinit
# An action root to its `restful` methods
class MyAction
	super RestfulAction

	# Method answering requests such as `foo?s=some_string&i=42&b=true`
	# By default, the name of the HTTP resource is the name of the method.
	# Responds to all HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
	# All arguments are deserialized from a JSON format,
	# except for strings that are used as is.
	fun foo(s: String, i: Int, b: Bool): HttpResponse
	is restful do
		var resp = new HttpResponse(200)
		resp.body = "foo {s} {i} {b}"
		return resp

	# Method answering requests such as `api_name?s=these_arguments_are_optional`
	# This method is available as both `api_name` and `alt_name` in HTTP.
	# Responds only to the GET and PUT HTTP method.
	fun bar(s: nullable String, i: nullable Int, b: nullable Bool): HttpResponse
	is restful("api_name", "alt_name", GET, PUT) do

		var resp = new HttpResponse(200)
		resp.body = "bar {s or else "null"} {i or else "null"} {b or else "null"}"
		return resp

	# Asynchronous method answering requests such as `async_service?str=some_string`
	# This method is executed by the `thread_pool` attribute of this class.
	# Be careful when using the `async` argument to follow all the good
	# concurrent programming pratices.
	fun async_service(str: String): HttpResponse
	is restful(async) do

		# "Work" for 2 seconds

		# Answer
		var resp = new HttpResponse(200)
		resp.body = "async_service {str}"
		return resp

	# Method with two complex parameters answering requests such as
	# `complex_args?array=["a","b"]&data={"str":"asdf","more":{"str":"ASDF"}}`
	# Collections and other classes can also be used as parameters,
	# they will be deserialized from JSON format.
	# By default, the JSON objects will be parsed as the type of the parameter.
	# In the example above, the argument passed as `data` is deserialized as a `MyData`.
	# However, you can use metadata in the JSON object to deserialize it
	# as a subclass of `MyData`, as in this request where `data` is a `MyOtherData`:
	# `complex_args?array=["a","b"]&data={"__class":"MyOtherData","str":"asdf","i":1234}`
	# See the `json` package documentation for more information on JSON
	# deserialization and the metadata values.
	fun complex_args(array: Array[String], data: MyData): HttpResponse
	is restful do
		var resp = new HttpResponse(200)
		resp.body = "complex_args {array} {data}"
		return resp

	# Catch all other request
	redef fun answer(request, turi)
		var resp = new HttpResponse(404)
		resp.body = "Fallback answer"
		return resp