Property definitions

nlp $ NLPClient :: defaultinit
# A NLPProcessor using a NLPServer as backend
class NLPClient
	super NLPProcessor

	# Base uri of the NLP server API
	# For examples "http://localhost:9000" or ""
	var api_uri: String

	# Annotators to use
	# The specified annotators must exist on the server.
	# Defaults are: `tokenize`, `ssplit`, `pos` and `lemma`.
	var annotators: Array[String] = ["tokenize", "ssplit", "pos", "lemma"] is writable

	# Language to process
	# The language must be available on the server.
	# Default is `en`.
	var language = "en" is writable

	# Output format to ask.
	# Only `xml` is implemented at the moment.
	private var format = "xml"

	# API uri used to build curl POST requests
	fun post_uri: String do
		return "{api_uri}/?properties=%7B%22annotators%22%3A%20%22tokenize%2Cssplit%2Cpos%2clemma%22%2C%22outputFormat%22%3A%22{format}%22%7D&pipelineLanguage={language}"

	redef fun process(string) do
		var request = new CurlHTTPRequest(post_uri)
		request.body = string
		var response = request.execute
		if response isa CurlResponseSuccess then
			if response.status_code != 200 then
				print "Error: {response.body_str}"
				return new NLPDocument
			var xml = response.body_str.to_xml
			if xml isa XMLError then
				print xml
			return new NLPDocument.from_xml(
		else if response isa CurlResponseFailed then
			print "Error: {response.error_msg}"
			return new NLPDocument
		return new NLPDocument