Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI).

This method is a shortcut for the common case of reading a document from a system identifier. It is the exact equivalent of the following:

var source = new InputSouce
source.system_id = system_id

If the system identifier is a URL, it must be fully resolved by the application before it is passed to the parser.


  • systemId: The system identifier (URI).

Property definitions

sax $ XMLReader :: parse_file
	# Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI).
	# This method is a shortcut for the common case of reading a
	# document from a system identifier. It is the exact
	# equivalent of the following:
	# ~~~nitish
	# var source = new InputSouce
	# source.system_id = system_id
	# parse(source)
	# ~~~
	# If the system identifier is a URL, it must be fully resolved
	# by the application before it is passed to the parser.
	# Parameters:
	# * `systemId`: The system identifier (URI).
	fun parse_file(system_id: String) is abstract

saxophonit $ XophonReader :: parse_file
	redef fun parse_file(system_id) do
		parse(new InputSource.with_system_id(system_id))

sax $ XMLFilterImpl :: parse_file
	redef fun parse_file(system_id) do
		var source = new InputSource

		source.system_id = system_id