lib/popcorn: to_json accept serialization parameters
[nit.git] / lib / vsm / vsm.nit
1 # This file is part of NIT ( ).
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License.
15 # Vector Space Model
16 #
17 # Vector Space Model (VSM) is an algebraic model for representing text documents
18 # (and any objects, in general) as vectors of identifiers, such as, for example,
19 # index terms.
20 #
21 # It is used in information filtering, information retrieval, indexing and
22 # relevancy rankings.
23 module vsm
25 import counter
27 # A n-dimensions vector
28 #
29 # *n-dimensions* vectors are used to represent a text document or an object.
30 class Vector
31 super HashMap[nullable Object, Float]
33 # Cosine similarity of `self` and `other`.
34 #
35 # Gives the proximity in the range `[0.0 .. 1.0]` where 0.0 means that the
36 # two vectors are orthogonal and 1.0 means that they are identical.
37 #
38 # ~~~
39 # var v1 = new Vector
40 # v1["x"] = 1.0
41 # v1["y"] = 2.0
42 # v1["z"] = 3.0
43 #
44 # var v2 = new Vector
45 # v2["x"] = 1.0
46 # v2["y"] = 2.0
47 # v2["z"] = 3.0
48 #
49 # var v3 = new Vector
50 # v3["a"] = 1.0
51 # v3["b"] = 2.0
52 # v3["c"] = 3.0
53 #
54 # print v1.cosine_similarity(v2)
55 # assert v1.cosine_similarity(v2) == 1.0
56 # print v1.cosine_similarity(v3)
57 # assert v1.cosine_similarity(v3) == 0.0
58 # ~~~
59 fun cosine_similarity(other: SELF): Float do
60 # Collect terms
61 var terms = new HashSet[nullable Object]
62 for k in self.keys do terms.add k
63 for k in other.keys do terms.add k
65 # Get dot product of two vectors
66 var dot = 0.0
67 for term in terms do
68 dot += self.get_or_default(term, 0.0) * other.get_or_default(term, 0.0)
69 end
70 var cos = dot.to_f / (self.norm * other.norm)
71 if cos.is_nan then return 0.0
72 return cos
73 end
75 redef fun [](k) do
76 if not has_key(k) then return 0.0
77 return super
78 end
80 # The norm of the vector.
81 #
82 # `||x|| = (x1 ** 2 ... + xn ** 2).sqrt`
83 #
84 # ~~~
85 # var v = new Vector
86 # v["x"] = 1.0
87 # v["y"] = 1.0
88 # v["z"] = 1.0
89 # v["t"] = 1.0
90 # assert v.norm.is_approx(2.0, 0.001)
91 #
92 # v["x"] = 1.0
93 # v["y"] = 2.0
94 # v["z"] = 3.0
95 # v["t"] = 0.0
96 # assert v.norm.is_approx(3.742, 0.001)
97 # ~~~
98 fun norm: Float do
99 var sum = 0.0
100 for v in self.values do sum += v.pow(2.0)
101 return sum.to_f.sqrt
102 end
104 redef fun to_s do
105 return "[{join(", ", ":")}]"
106 end
107 end
109 # A Document index based on VSM
110 #
111 # Using VSMIndex you can index documents associated with their vector.
112 # Documents can then be matched to query vectors.
113 class VSMIndex
115 # Documents index
116 #
117 # TODO use a more efficient representation.
118 var documents = new HashSet[Document]
120 # Count for all terms in all indexed documents
121 #
122 # Used to compute the `inverse_doc_frequency`.
123 var terms_doc_count = new Vector
125 # Inverse document frequency
126 #
127 # The inverse document frequency is a measure of how much information a term
128 # provides, that is, whether the term is common or rare across all documents.
129 var inverse_doc_frequency = new Vector
131 # Used to sort matches
132 #
133 # See `IndexMatch`.
134 var sorter = new IndexMatchSorter
136 # Match `query` vector to all index document vectors
137 #
138 # Returns an `IndexMatch` for each indexed document.
139 # Results are ordered by descending similarity.
140 fun match_vector(query: Vector): Array[IndexMatch] do
141 var matches = new Array[IndexMatch]
142 for doc in documents do
143 var sim = query.cosine_similarity(doc.tfidf)
144 if sim == 0.0 then continue
145 matches.add new IndexMatch(doc, sim)
146 end
147 sorter.sort(matches)
148 return matches
149 end
151 # Index a document
152 #
153 # With each new document, the `inverse_doc_frequency` must be updated.
154 # By default, the method `update_index` is called after each call to
155 # `index_document`.
156 #
157 # When processing batch documents, use `auto_update = false` to disable
158 # the auto update of the index.
159 fun index_document(doc: Document, auto_update: nullable Bool) do
160 for term, count in doc.terms_count do
161 if not terms_doc_count.has_key(term) then
162 terms_doc_count[term] = 1.0
163 else
164 terms_doc_count[term] += 1.0
165 end
166 end
167 documents.add doc
168 if auto_update == null or auto_update then update_index
169 end
171 # Update the index
172 #
173 # Recompute the `inverse_doc_frequency` values.
174 # Must be called manually after indexing new document with the option
175 # `auto_update = false`.
176 fun update_index do
177 for doc in documents do
178 for term, ccount in doc.terms_count do
179 inverse_doc_frequency[term] = (documents.length.to_f / terms_doc_count[term]).log
180 end
181 end
182 for doc in documents do
183 for term, freq in doc.terms_frequency do
184 doc.tfidf[term] = freq * inverse_doc_frequency[term]
185 end
186 end
187 end
188 end
190 # A VSM index to store strings
191 class StringIndex
192 super VSMIndex
194 # Index a new Document from `title`, `uri` and string `string`.
195 #
196 # Return the Document created.
197 #
198 # See `index_document`.
199 fun index_string(title, uri, string: String, auto_update: nullable Bool): Document do
200 var vector = parse_string(string)
201 var doc = new Document(title, uri, vector)
202 index_document(doc, auto_update)
203 return doc
204 end
206 # Match the `query` string against all indexed documents
207 #
208 # See `match_vector`.
209 fun match_string(query: String): Array[IndexMatch] do
210 var vector = parse_string(query)
211 var doc = new Document("", "", vector)
212 return match_vector(doc.terms_frequency)
213 end
215 # Parse the `string` as a Vector
216 #
217 # Returns a vector containing the terms of `string`.
218 fun parse_string(string: String): Vector do
219 var reader = new StringReader(string)
220 var vector = new Vector
221 loop
222 var token = reader.read_word
223 if token == "" then break
225 if not vector.has_key(token) then
226 vector[token] = 1.0
227 else
228 vector[token] += 1.0
229 end
230 end
231 return vector
232 end
233 end
235 # A VSMIndex to index files
236 class FileIndex
237 super StringIndex
239 # Index a file from its `path`.
240 #
241 # Return the created document or null if `path` is not accepted by `accept_file`.
242 #
243 # See `index_document`.
244 fun index_file(path: String, auto_update: nullable Bool): nullable Document do
245 if not accept_file(path) then return null
246 var vector = parse_file(path)
247 var doc = new Document(path, path, vector)
248 index_document(doc, auto_update)
249 return doc
250 end
252 # Index multiple files
253 #
254 # The recursive method `index_dir` will be called for each directory found
255 # in `paths`.
256 #
257 # See `index_file`
258 fun index_files(paths: Collection[String], auto_update: nullable Bool) do
259 for path in paths do
260 if path.to_path.is_dir then
261 index_dir(path, false)
262 else
263 index_file(path, false)
264 end
265 end
266 if auto_update != null and auto_update then update_index
267 end
269 # Index all files in `dir` recursively
270 #
271 # See `index_file`.
272 fun index_dir(dir: String, auto_update: nullable Bool) do
273 if not dir.to_path.is_dir then return
274 for file in dir.files do
275 var path = dir / file
276 if path.to_path.is_dir then
277 index_dir(path, false)
278 else
279 index_file(path, false)
280 end
281 end
282 if auto_update != null and auto_update then update_index
283 end
285 # Is `path` accepted depending on `whitelist_exts` and `blacklist_exts`?
286 fun accept_file(path: String): Bool do
287 var ext = path.file_extension
288 if ext != null then
289 ext = ext.to_lower
290 if blacklist_exts.has(ext) then return false
291 if whitelist_exts.not_empty and not whitelist_exts.has(ext) then return false
292 end
293 return whitelist_exts.is_empty
294 end
296 # Parse the `file` content as a Vector
297 #
298 # See `parse_string`.
299 fun parse_file(file: String): Vector do
300 return parse_string(file.to_path.read_all)
301 end
303 # File extensions white list
304 #
305 # If not empty, only files with these extensions will be indexed.
306 #
307 # If an extension is in both `whitelist_exts` and `blacklist_exts`, the
308 # blacklist will prevail and the file will be ignored.
309 var whitelist_exts = new Array[String] is writable
311 # File extensions black list
312 #
313 # Files with these extensions will not be indexed.
314 var blacklist_exts = new Array[String] is writable
315 end
317 # A Document to add in a VSMIndex
318 class Document
320 # Document title
321 var title: String
323 # Document URI
324 var uri: String
326 # Count of all terms found in the document
327 #
328 # Used to compute the document `terms_frequency`.
329 var terms_count: Vector
331 # Frequency of each term found in the document
332 #
333 # Used to match the document against the `VSMIndex::inverse_doc_frequency`.
334 var terms_frequency: Vector is lazy do
335 var all_terms = 0.0
336 for t, c in terms_count do all_terms += c
338 var vector = new Vector
339 for t, c in terms_count do
340 vector[t] = c / all_terms
341 end
342 return vector
343 end
345 # Term frequency–Inverse document frequency for each term
346 #
347 # A high weight in tf–idf is reached by a high term frequency
348 # (in the given document) and a low document frequency of the term in the
349 # whole collection of documents
350 var tfidf = new Vector
352 redef fun to_s do return "{title}"
353 end
355 # A match to a `request` in an `Index`
356 class IndexMatch
357 super Comparable
359 # Document matching the `request_vector`
360 var document: Document
362 # Similarity between the `request` and the `doc`.
363 #
364 # Result is in the range 0.0 .. 1.1 where 0.0 means no similarity and 1.0
365 # means perfect similarity.
366 var similarity: Float
368 redef fun to_s do return "{document} ({similarity})"
369 end
371 # Sort matches by similarity
372 class IndexMatchSorter
373 super DefaultComparator
375 redef type COMPARED: IndexMatch
377 redef fun compare(a, b) do
378 return b.similarity <=> a.similarity
379 end
380 end