nitcc: add an example of a monkey-patching of a Lexer to add behavior.
[nit.git] / lib / popcorn / pop_repos.nit
1 # This file is part of NIT ( ).
2 #
3 # Copyright 2016 Alexandre Terrasa <>
4 #
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
9 #
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
17 # Repositories for data management.
18 #
19 # Repositories are used to apply persistence on instances (or **documents**).
20 # Using repositories one can store and retrieve instance in a clean and maintenable
21 # way.
22 #
23 # This module provides the base interface `Repository` that defines the persistence
24 # services available in all kind of repos.
25 # `JsonRepository` factorizes all repositories dedicated to Json data or objects
26 # serializable to Json.
27 #
28 # `MongoRepository` is provided as a concrete example of repository.
29 # It implements all the services from `Repository` using a Mongo database as backend.
30 #
31 # Repositories can be used in Popcorn app to manage your data persistence.
32 # Here an example with a book management app:
33 #
34 # ~~~
35 # # First we declare the `Book` class. It has to be serializable so it can be used
36 # # within a `Repository`.
37 #
38 # import popcorn
39 # import popcorn::pop_repos
40 #
41 # # Serializable book representation.
42 # class Book
43 # serialize
44 # super Jsonable
45 #
46 # # Book uniq ID
47 # var id: String = (new MongoObjectId).id is serialize_as "_id"
48 #
49 # # Book title
50 # var title: String
51 #
52 # # ... Other fields
53 #
54 # redef fun to_s do return title
55 # redef fun ==(o) do return o isa SELF and id ==
56 # redef fun hash do return id.hash
57 # redef fun to_json do return serialize_to_json
58 # end
59 #
60 # # We then need to subclass the `MongoRepository` to provide Book specific services.
61 #
62 # # Book repository for Mongo
63 # class BookRepo
64 # super MongoRepository[Book]
65 #
66 # # Find books by title
67 # fun find_by_title(title: String): Array[Book] do
68 # var q = new JsonObject
69 # q["title"] = title
70 # return find_all(q)
71 # end
72 # end
73 #
74 # # The repository can be used in a Handler to manage book in a REST API.
75 #
76 # class BookHandler
77 # super Handler
78 #
79 # var repo: BookRepo
80 #
81 # # Return a json array of all books
82 # #
83 # # If the get parameters `title` is provided, returns a json array of books
84 # # matching the `title`.
85 # redef fun get(req, res) do
86 # var title = req.string_arg("title")
87 # if title == null then
88 # res.json new JsonArray.from(repo.find_all)
89 # else
90 # res.json new JsonArray.from(repo.find_by_title(title))
91 # end
92 # end
93 #
94 # # Insert a new Book
95 # redef fun post(req, res) do
96 # var title = req.string_arg("title")
97 # if title == null then
98 # res.error 400
99 # return
100 # end
101 # var book = new Book(title)
102 # book
103 # res.json book
104 # end
105 # end
106 #
107 # # Let's wrap it all together in a Popcorn app:
108 #
109 # # Init database
110 # var mongo = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
111 # var db = mongo.database("tests_app_{100000.rand}")
112 # var coll = db.collection("books")
113 #
114 # # Init app
115 # var app = new App
116 # var repo = new BookRepo(coll)
117 # app.use("/books", new BookHandler(repo))
118 # app.listen("localhost", 3000)
119 # ~~~
120 module pop_repos
122 import serialization
123 import json::serialization
124 import mongodb
126 # A Repository is an object that can store serialized instances.
127 #
128 # Repository is the base class of all kind of persistance processes. It offers
129 # the base CRUD services to save (add/update), find and delete instances.
130 #
131 # Instances are stored in their serialized form. See the `serialization` package
132 # for more documentation.
133 interface Repository[E: Serializable]
135 # Kind of queries accepted
136 #
137 # Can be redefined to accept more precise queries depending on the backend used.
138 type QUERY: RepositoryQuery
140 # Find an instance by it's `id`
141 #
142 # `id` is an abstract thing at this stage
143 # TODO maybe introduce the `PrimaryKey` concept?
144 fun find_by_id(id: String): nullable E is abstract
146 # Find an instance based on `query`
147 fun find(query: QUERY): nullable E is abstract
149 # Find all instances based on `query`
150 #
151 # Using `query` == null will retrieve all the document in the repository.
152 fun find_all(query: nullable QUERY): Array[E] is abstract
154 # Save an `instance`
155 fun save(instance: E): Bool is abstract
157 # Remove the instance with `id`
158 fun remove_by_id(id: String): Bool is abstract
160 # Remove the instance based on `query`
161 fun remove(query: nullable QUERY): Bool is abstract
163 # Remove all instances
164 fun clear: Bool is abstract
166 # Serialize an `instance` to a String.
167 fun serialize(instance: nullable E): nullable String is abstract
169 # Deserialize a `string` to an instance.
170 fun deserialize(string: nullable String): nullable E is abstract
171 end
173 # An abstract Query representation.
174 #
175 # Since the kind of query available depends on the database backend choice or
176 # implementation, this interface is used to provide a common type to all the
177 # queries.
178 #
179 # Redefine `Repository::QUERY` to use your own kind of query.
180 interface RepositoryQuery end
182 # A Repository for JsonObjects.
183 #
184 # As for document oriented databases, Repository can be used to store and retrieve
185 # Json object.
186 # Serialization from/to Json is used to translate from/to nit instances.
187 #
188 # See `MongoRepository` for a concrete implementation example.
189 interface JsonRepository[E: Serializable]
190 super Repository[E]
192 redef fun serialize(item) do
193 if item == null then return null
194 return item.serialize_to_json
195 end
197 redef fun deserialize(string) do
198 if string == null then return null
199 var deserializer = new JsonDeserializer(string)
200 return
201 end
202 end
204 # A Repository that uses MongoDB as backend.
205 #
206 # ~~~
207 # import popcorn
208 # import popcorn::pop_routes
209 #
210 # # First, let's create a User abstraction:
211 #
212 # # Serializable user representation.
213 # class User
214 # serialize
215 # super Jsonable
216 #
217 # # User uniq ID
218 # var id: String = (new MongoObjectId).id is serialize_as "_id"
219 #
220 # # User login
221 # var login: String
222 #
223 # # User password
224 # var password: String is writable
225 #
226 # redef fun to_s do return login
227 # redef fun ==(o) do return o isa SELF and id ==
228 # redef fun hash do return id.hash
229 # redef fun to_json do return serialize_to_json
230 # end
231 #
232 # # We then need to subclass the `MongoRepository` to provide User specific services:
233 #
234 # # User repository for Mongo
235 # class UserRepo
236 # super MongoRepository[User]
237 #
238 # # Find a user by its login
239 # fun find_by_login(login: String): nullable User do
240 # var q = new JsonObject
241 # q["login"] = login
242 # return find(q)
243 # end
244 # end
245 #
246 # # The repository can then be used with User instances:
247 #
248 # # Init database
249 # var mongo = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
250 # var db = mongo.database("tests")
251 # var coll = db.collection("test_pop_repo_{100000.rand}")
252 #
253 # # Create a user repo to store User instances
254 # var repo = new UserRepo(coll)
255 #
256 # # Create some users
257 # User("Morriar", "1234"))
258 # User("Alex", "password"))
259 #
260 # assert repo.find_all.length == 2
261 # assert repo.find_by_login("Morriar").password == "1234"
262 # repo.clear
263 # assert repo.find_all.length == 0
264 # ~~~
265 class MongoRepository[E: Serializable]
266 super JsonRepository[E]
268 redef type QUERY: JsonObject
270 # MongoDB collection used to store objects
271 var collection: MongoCollection
273 redef fun find_by_id(id) do
274 var query = new JsonObject
275 query["_id"] = id
276 return find(query)
277 end
279 redef fun find(query) do
280 var res = collection.find(query)
281 if res == null then return null
282 return deserialize(res.to_json)
283 end
285 redef fun find_all(query) do
286 var res = new Array[E]
287 for e in collection.find_all(query or else new JsonObject) do
288 res.add deserialize(e.to_json).as(E)
289 end
290 return res
291 end
293 redef fun save(item) do
294 var json = serialize(item).as(String)
295 var obj =
296 return
297 end
299 redef fun remove_by_id(id) do
300 var query = new JsonObject
301 query["_id"] = id
302 return remove(query)
303 end
305 redef fun remove(query) do
306 return collection.remove(query or else new JsonObject)
307 end
309 redef fun clear do return collection.drop
310 end
312 # JsonObject can be used as a `RepositoryQuery`.
313 #
314 # See `mongodb` lib.
315 redef class JsonObject
316 super RepositoryQuery
317 end