doc/commands: term handles `commands_main`
[nit.git] / src / doc / html_templates / html_components.nit
1 # This file is part of NIT ( ).
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License.
15 # HTML templates used by Nitdoc to generate API documentation
16 # Pages are assembled using `Template`
17 module html_components
19 import doc_base
20 import html::bootstrap
21 import json
23 # A label with a text content.
24 class DocHTMLLabel
25 super BSLabel
27 redef init do
28 css_classes.clear
29 css_classes.add "label"
30 end
32 # Init this label from css classes.
33 init with_classes(classes: Array[String]) do
34 init("label", "")
35 css_classes.add_all classes
36 end
37 end
39 # A component that display tabbed data.
40 class DocTabs
41 super BSComponent
42 autoinit(html_id, drop_text, css_classes)
44 # HTML id of this component.
45 var html_id: String
47 # Text displayed on the tabs dropdown button.
48 var drop_text: String
50 # Panels to display in this tab group.
51 var panels = new Array[DocTabPanel]
53 # Droplist containing links to panels.
54 #
55 # Can also be used to add external links.
56 var drop_list: DocTabsDrop is lazy do return new DocTabsDrop(html_id, drop_text)
58 # Adds a new `panel` to that tab.
59 #
60 # You should always use this instead of `panels.add` because it also set the
61 # `drop_list` entry.
62 fun add_panel(panel: DocTabPanel) do
63 drop_list.add_li panel.render_tab
64 panels.add panel
65 end
67 redef fun rendering do
68 if panels.is_empty then return
69 panels.first.is_active = true
70 add "<div role=\"tabpanel\">"
71 if drop_list.items.length > 1 then add drop_list
72 add " <div class=\"tab-content\">"
73 for panel in panels do
74 add panel
75 end
76 add " </div>"
77 add "</div>"
78 end
79 end
81 # A list of tab regrouped in a dropdown
82 class DocTabsDrop
83 super UnorderedList
84 autoinit(html_id, html_title, items, css_classes)
86 # HTML id used by the tabs group.
87 var html_id: String
89 # Title to display in the tab item.
90 var html_title: String
92 redef fun rendering do
93 add """<ul id="{{{html_id}}}-tabs" class="nav pull-right" role="tablist">"""
94 add """ <li role="presentation" class="dropdown pull-right">"""
95 add """ <a href="#" id="{{{html_id}}}-drop" class="dropdown-toggle"
96 data-toggle="dropdown" aria-controls="{{{html_id}}}-contents"
97 aria-expanded="false">"""
98 add html_title
99 add """ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger"></span>"""
100 add """ </a>"""
101 add """ <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"
102 aria-labelledby="{{{html_id}}}-drop" id="{{{html_id}}}-contents">"""
103 for item in items do add item
104 add " </ul>"
105 add " </li>"
106 add "</ul>"
107 end
108 end
110 # A panel that goes in a DocTabs.
111 class DocTabPanel
112 super BSComponent
113 autoinit(html_id, tab_title, html_content, is_active, css_classes)
115 # HTML id of this panel.
116 var html_id: String
118 # Title of this panel as displayed in the tab label.
119 var tab_title: String
121 # HTML content of this panel.
122 var html_content: Writable is writable
124 # Is this panel visible by default?
125 var is_active = false is optional
127 redef fun rendering do
128 var active = ""
129 if is_active then active = "active in"
130 add "<div role=\"tabpanel\" class=\"tab-pane fade {active}\""
131 add " id=\"{html_id}\" aria-labelledby=\"{html_id}-tab\">"
132 add html_content
133 add "</div>"
134 end
136 private fun render_tab: DocTabItem do return new DocTabItem(tab_title, html_id)
137 end
139 # A ListItem that goes in a DocTabsDrop.
140 private class DocTabItem
141 super ListItem
142 autoinit(text, target_id, css_classes)
144 # Panel id to trigger when the link is clicked.
145 var target_id: String
147 redef fun rendering do
148 add "<li{render_css_classes}>"
149 add " <a role=\"tab\" data-toggle=\"tab\" aria-expanded=\"false\" tabindex=\"-1\""
150 add " id=\"{target_id}-tab\" href=\"#{target_id}\" aria-controls=\"{target_id}\">"
151 add text
152 add " </a>"
153 add "</li>"
154 end
155 end
157 # A HTML tag attribute
158 # `<tag attr="value">`
159 #
160 # ~~~nit
161 # var attr: TagAttribute
162 #
163 # attr = new TagAttribute("foo", null)
164 # assert attr.write_to_string == " foo=\"\""
165 #
166 # attr = new TagAttribute("foo", "bar<>")
167 # assert attr.write_to_string == " foo=\"bar&lt;&gt;\""
168 # ~~~
169 class TagAttribute
170 super Template
172 var name: String
173 var value: nullable String
175 redef fun rendering do
176 var value = self.value
177 if value == null then
178 # SEE:
179 add " {name.html_escape}=\"\""
180 else
181 add " {name.html_escape}=\"{value.html_escape}\""
182 end
183 end
184 end
186 # Javacript template that can be added into a DocPage.
187 class TplScript
188 super Template
190 # HTML attributes to add in this tag.
191 var attrs = new Array[TagAttribute]
193 # Text content of this script tag.
194 var content: nullable Writable = null is writable
196 init do
197 attrs.add(new TagAttribute("type", "text/javascript"))
198 end
200 # Render the content of this script.
201 protected fun render_content do
202 if content != null then add null)
203 end
205 redef fun rendering do
206 add "<script"
207 for attr in attrs do add attr
208 addn ">"
209 render_content
210 addn "</script>"
211 end
212 end
214 # JS script for Piwik Tracker
215 class TplPiwikScript
216 super TplScript
218 # Piwik URL to use for this tracker.
219 var tracker_url: String
221 # Site ID used on Piwik system.
222 var site_id: String
224 redef fun render_content do
225 var site_id = self.site_id.to_json
226 var tracker_url = self.tracker_url.trim
227 if tracker_url.chars.last != '/' then tracker_url += "/"
228 tracker_url = "://{tracker_url}".to_json
230 addn "<!-- Piwik -->"
231 addn "var _paq = _paq || [];"
232 addn " _paq.push([\"trackPageView\"]);"
233 addn " _paq.push([\"enableLinkTracking\"]);"
234 addn "(function() \{"
235 addn " var u=((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https\" : \"http\") + {tracker_url};"
236 addn " _paq.push([\"setTrackerUrl\", u+\"piwik.php\"]);"
237 addn " _paq.push([\"setSiteId\", {site_id}]);"
238 addn " var d=document, g=d.createElement(\"script\"), s=d.getElementsByTagName(\"script\")[0]; g.type=\"text/javascript\";"
239 addn " g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+\"piwik.js\"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);"
240 addn "\})();"
241 end
242 end