tests: Add test_astbuilder to the skip list of nitcg niti nitvm
[nit.git] / benchmarks / languages / benches / bench_base.nit
1 #!/usr/bin/env nit
2 # This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ).
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
16 # Microbenchmak generation for multiple language
17 # Just a quick an dirty Nit script file :)
19 # This benchmark focuses on effects of the hierarchy dept
20 # on the typetest performances
22 # class Root
23 # class Klass[E] super Root
24 # class C1...CX super Root
25 # Klass[CX] isa Klass[C1]
27 class Klass
28 var id: Int
29 var supers = new Array[Klass]
30 var all_supers = new HashSet[Klass]
31 redef fun to_s
32 do
33 return "C{id}"
34 end
35 end
37 class Generator
39 var classes = new Array[Klass]
41 var dept = 5 is writable
42 var loops = 50000 is writable
43 var middle = 0 is writable
44 var dry = false is writable
45 var check = false is writable
47 # Polymorphism level
48 # This is the number of distinct dynamic types for the receiver
49 var poly = 2 is writable
51 # Use only interfaces (or traits) in the hierarchy
52 #
53 # If `false` then java&cs&scala will use classes, thus will break if MH is used
54 var use_interfaces = true is writable
56 # Add Root0, the superclass to Root that introduce common services.
57 #
58 # This add another level of un-optimization since the services are not introduced
59 # by the static type of the receiver.
60 var use_root0 = true is writable
62 fun genhier
63 do
64 var s: nullable Klass = null
65 for d in [1..dept] do
66 var c = new Klass(d)
68 classes.add(c)
69 c.all_supers.add(c)
70 if s != null then
71 c.supers.add(s)
72 c.all_supers.add_all(s.all_supers)
73 end
74 s = c
75 end
76 middle = (dept) / 2
77 end
79 var file: nullable FileWriter = null
80 fun write(str: String)
81 do
82 file.write(str)
83 file.write("\n")
84 end
86 fun initnit(res: Array[String]) do return
87 fun testnit: String do return "true"
89 fun writenit(dir: String, name: String)
90 do
91 var ia = new Array[String]
92 initnit(ia)
93 if ia.is_empty then
94 print "Nit disabled"
95 return
96 end
98 dir = "{dir}/nit"
99 dir.mkdir
100 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/{name}.nit")
102 if use_root0 then
103 write "class Root0"
104 else
105 write "class Root"
106 end
107 write "\tfun id: Int do return 0"
108 write "\tvar aid: Int = id"
109 write "\tvar next: Root is noautoinit"
110 write "\tfun set_next(next: Root): Root do\n\t\tself.next = next\n\t\treturn next\n\tend"
111 write "end"
112 if use_root0 then
113 write "class Root\n\tsuper Root0\nend"
114 end
115 for c in classes do
116 write "class {c}[E]"
117 if c.supers.is_empty then
118 write "\tsuper Root"
119 else for s in c.supers do
120 write "\tsuper {s}[E]"
121 end
122 write "\tredef fun id do return {c.id}"
123 write "\tfun f{c.id}: Int do return {c.id}"
124 write "\tvar a{c.id}: Int = {c.id}"
125 write "end"
126 end
128 write "fun test(a,b: Root, loops, start: Int)"
129 write "do"
130 write "var x = start"
131 write "var i = loops"
132 write "while i > 0 do"
133 write "\tvar j = loops"
134 write "\twhile j > 0 do"
135 var test = "x >= 0"
136 if not dry then test = testnit
137 write "\t\tif {test} then"
138 write "\t\t\tvar tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp"
139 if check then write "\t\tx += 1"
140 write "\t\telse"
141 write "\t\t\tx += 1"
142 write "\t\t\ta = a.next"
143 write "\t\t\tb = b.next"
144 write "\t\tend"
145 write "\t\tj -= 1"
146 write "\tend"
147 write "\tx += 1"
148 write "\ta = a.next"
149 write "\tb = b.next"
150 write "\ti -= 1"
151 write "end"
152 write "print x"
153 write "end"
155 write "var b: Root = {ia.first}"
156 write "var tmp = b"
157 for i in ia do
158 write "b = b.set_next({i})"
159 end
160 write "b.next = tmp"
161 write "var a: Root = {ia.last}"
162 write "tmp = a"
163 for i in [1..poly[ do
164 write "a = a.set_next({ia[ia.length - 1 - i]})"
165 end
166 write "a.next = tmp"
167 write "test(b, b.next, 10, -100)"
168 write "test(a, a.next, {loops}, 0)"
170 file.close
171 end
173 fun initjava(res: Array[String], interfaces: Bool) do return
174 fun testjava(interfaces: Bool): String do return "true"
175 fun writejava(dir: String, name: String, interfaces: Bool)
176 do
177 var ia = new Array[String]
178 initjava(ia, interfaces)
179 if ia.is_empty then
180 print "Java disabled"
181 return
182 end
184 dir = "{dir}/java"
185 dir.mkdir
186 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/{name}.java")
188 write "class {name} \{"
189 var root0 = "Root"
190 if use_root0 then root0 = "Root0"
191 if interfaces then
192 write "static interface {root0} \{ long id(); Root getNext(); Root setNext(Root next); \}"
193 write "static class XRoot implements {root0} \{"
194 else
195 write "static class {root0} \{"
196 end
197 write "\tpublic long id() \{ return 0;\}"
198 write "\tpublic long aid = id();"
199 write "\tpublic Root next;"
200 write "\tpublic Root getNext() \{ return next;\}"
201 write "\tpublic Root setNext(Root next) \{ this.next = next; return next; \}"
202 write "\}"
204 if use_root0 then
205 if interfaces then
206 write "static interface Root extends Root0 \{\}"
207 else
208 write "static class Root extends Root0 \{\}"
209 end
210 end
212 for c in classes do
213 if interfaces then
214 write "static interface {c}<E> "
215 else
216 write "static class {c}<E> "
217 end
218 if c.supers.is_empty then
219 write "\textends Root"
220 else for s in [c.supers.first] do
221 write "\textends {s}<E>"
222 end
223 if interfaces then
224 write "\{\}"
225 if c.supers.is_empty then
226 write "static class X{c}<E> extends XRoot implements {c}<E>"
227 else
228 write "static class X{c}<E> extends X{c.supers.first}<E> implements {c}<E>"
229 end
230 end
231 write "\{"
232 write "\tpublic long id() \{ return {c.id}; \}"
233 write "\tpublic long f{c.id}() \{ return {c.id}; \}"
234 write "\tpublic long a{c.id} = {c.id};"
235 write "\}"
236 end
238 write "static public void main(String args[]) \{"
239 write "\tRoot b = {ia.first};"
240 write "\tRoot tmp = b;"
241 for i in ia do
242 write "\tb = b.setNext({i});"
243 end
244 write "\tb.setNext(tmp);"
245 write "\tRoot a = {ia.last};"
246 write "\ttmp = a;"
247 for i in [1..poly[ do
248 write "\ta = a.setNext({ia[ia.length - 1 - i]});"
249 end
250 write "\ta.setNext(tmp);"
251 write "\ttest(b, b.getNext(), 10, -100);"
252 write "\ttest(a, a.getNext(), {loops}, 0);"
253 write "\}"
255 write "static public void test(Root a, Root b, long loops, long start) \{"
256 write "\tlong x = start;"
257 write "\tfor(long i = loops; i > 0; i--) \{"
258 write "\t\tfor(long j = loops; j > 0; j--) \{"
259 var test = "x>=0"
260 if not dry then test = testjava(interfaces)
261 write "\t\t\tif({test}) \{"
262 write "\t\t\t\tRoot tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;"
263 if check then write "\t\t\t\tx = x + 1;"
264 write "\t\t\t\} else \{ x++; a = a.getNext(); b = b.getNext(); \}"
265 write "\t\t\}"
266 write "\t\tx++; a = a.getNext(); b = b.getNext();"
267 write "\t\}"
268 write "\tSystem.out.println(x);"
269 write "\}"
270 write "\}"
271 file.close
272 end
274 fun initcsharp(res: Array[String], interfaces: Bool) do return
275 fun testcsharp(interfaces: Bool): String do return "true"
276 fun writecsharp(dir: String, name: String, interfaces: Bool)
277 do
278 var ia = new Array[String]
279 initcsharp(ia, interfaces)
280 if ia.is_empty then
281 print "C# disabled"
282 return
283 end
285 dir = "{dir}/cs"
286 dir.mkdir
287 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/{name}.cs")
289 write "class {name} \{"
290 var root0 = "Root"
291 if use_root0 then root0 = "Root0"
292 if interfaces then
293 write "interface {root0} \{ long Id(); Root GetNext(); Root SetNext(Root next); \}"
294 write "class XRoot: {root0} \{ "
295 else
296 write "class {root0}\n\t\{ "
297 end
298 write "\tvirtual public long Id() \{ return 0; \}"
299 write "\tpublic long aid;"
300 write "\tpublic Root next;"
301 write "\tvirtual public Root GetNext() \{ return next; \}"
302 write "\tvirtual public Root SetNext(Root next) \{ this.next = next; return next; \}"
303 write "\}"
305 if use_root0 then
306 if interfaces then
307 write "interface Root: Root0 \{\}"
308 else
309 write "class Root: Root0 \{\}"
310 end
311 end
313 for c in classes do
314 var cname
315 if interfaces then
316 write "interface {c}<out E> "
317 cname = "X"+c.to_s
318 else
319 write "class {c}<E> "
320 cname = c.to_s
321 end
322 if c.supers.is_empty then
323 write "\t: Root"
324 else for s in [c.supers.first] do
325 write "\t: {s}<E>"
326 end
327 if interfaces then
328 write "\{\}"
329 if c.supers.is_empty then
330 write "class X{c}<E>: XRoot, {c}<E>"
331 else
332 write "class X{c}<E>: X{c.supers.first}<E>, {c}<E>"
333 end
334 end
335 write "\{"
336 write "\toverride public long Id() \{ return {c.id}; \}"
337 write "\tvirtual public long F{c.id}() \{ return {c.id}; \}"
338 write "\tpublic long A{c.id} = {c.id};"
339 write "\tpublic {cname}() \{ aid = {c.id}; \}"
340 write "\}"
341 end
343 write "static void Main(string[] args) \{"
344 write "\tRoot b = {ia.first};"
345 write "\tRoot tmp = b;"
346 for i in ia do
347 write "\tb = b.SetNext({i});"
348 end
349 write "\tb.SetNext(tmp);"
350 write "\tRoot a = {ia.last};"
351 write "\ttmp = a;"
352 for i in [1..poly[ do
353 write "\ta = a.SetNext({ia[ia.length - 1 - i]});"
354 end
355 write "\ta.SetNext(tmp);"
356 write "\tTest(b, b.GetNext(), 10, -100);"
357 write "\tTest(a, a.GetNext(), {loops}, 0);"
358 write "\}"
360 write "static void Test(Root a, Root b, long loops, long start) \{"
361 write "\tlong x = start;"
362 write "\tfor(long i = loops; i > 0; i--) \{"
363 write "\t\tfor(long j = loops; j >0; j--) \{"
364 var test = "x>=0"
365 if not dry then test = testcsharp(interfaces)
366 write "\t\t\tif({test}) \{"
367 write "\t\t\t\tRoot tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;"
368 if check then write "\t\t\t\tx++;"
369 write "\t\t\t\} else \{ x += 1; a = a.GetNext(); b = b.GetNext();\};"
370 write "\t\t\}"
371 write "\t\tx += 1; a = a.GetNext(); b = b.GetNext();"
372 write "\t\}"
373 write "\tSystem.Console.WriteLine(x);"
374 write "\}"
375 write "\}"
376 file.close
377 end
379 fun initscala(res: Array[String], interfaces: Bool) do return
380 fun testscala(interfaces: Bool): String do return "true"
381 fun writescala(dir: String, name: String, interfaces: Bool)
382 do
383 var ia = new Array[String]
384 initscala(ia, interfaces)
385 if ia.is_empty then
386 print "Scala disabled"
387 return
388 end
390 dir = "{dir}/scala"
391 dir.mkdir
392 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/{name}.scala")
394 write "object {name} \{"
395 if use_root0 then
396 write "class Root0 \{"
397 else
398 write "class Root \{"
399 end
400 write "\tdef id: Long = 0; var aid: Long = id; var next: Root = null; def getNext: Root = next; def setNext(next: Root): Root = \{ this.next = next; return next; \} \}"
402 if use_root0 then
403 write "class Root extends Root0 \{\}"
404 end
406 for c in classes do
407 if interfaces then
408 write "trait {c}[+E] "
409 else
410 write "class {c}[+E] "
411 end
412 if c.supers.is_empty then
413 write "\textends Root"
414 else for s in [c.supers.first] do
415 write "\textends {s}[E]"
416 end
417 if interfaces then
418 write "\{\}"
419 if c.supers.is_empty then
420 write "class X{c}[E] extends {c}[E]"
421 else
422 write "class X{c}[E] extends X{c.supers.first}[E] with {c}[E]"
423 end
424 end
425 write "\{"
426 write "\toverride def id: Long = {c.id}"
427 write "\tdef f{c.id}: Long = {c.id}"
428 if interfaces then
429 write "\tvar a{c.id}: Long = {c.id}"
430 end
431 write "\}"
432 end
434 write "def main(args: Array[String]) = \{"
435 write "\tvar b: Root = {ia.first};"
436 write "\tvar tmp = b;"
437 for i in ia do
438 write "\tb = b.setNext({i});"
439 end
440 write "\tb.setNext(tmp);"
441 write "\tvar a: Root = {ia.last};"
442 write "\ttmp = a;"
443 for i in [1..poly[ do
444 write "\ta = a.setNext({ia[ia.length - 1 - i]});"
445 end
446 write "\ta.setNext(tmp);"
447 write "\ttest(b, b.getNext, 10, -100);"
448 write "\ttest(a, a.getNext, {loops}, 0);"
449 write "\}"
451 write "def test(aa:Root, bb:Root, l: Long, start: Long) = \{"
452 write "\tvar a = aa"
453 write "\tvar b = bb"
454 write "\tvar x = start"
455 write "\tvar loops = l"
456 write "\tvar i = loops"
457 write "\twhile (i > 0) \{"
458 write "\t\tvar j = loops"
459 write "\t\twhile (j > 0) \{"
460 var test = "x>=0"
461 if not dry then test = testscala(interfaces)
462 write "\t\t\tif ({test}) \{"
463 write "\t\t\t\tval tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;"
464 if check then write "\t\t\t\tx += 1;"
465 write "\t\t\t\} else \{ x += 1; a = a.getNext; b = b.getNext;\}"
466 write "\t\t\tj -= 1"
467 write "\t\t\}"
468 write "\t\tx += 1; a = a.getNext; b = b.getNext;"
469 write "\t\ti -= 1"
470 write "\t\t\}"
471 write "\tprintln(x)"
472 write "\}"
473 write "\}"
475 file.close
476 end
478 fun initcpp(res: Array[String]) do return
479 fun testcpp: String do return "true"
480 fun writecpp(dir: String, name: String)
481 do
482 var ia = new Array[String]
483 initcpp(ia)
484 if ia.is_empty then
485 print "C++ diabled"
486 return
487 end
489 dir = "{dir}/cpp"
490 dir.mkdir
491 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/{name}.cpp")
493 write "#include <iostream>"
494 write "#include <stdlib.h>"
495 if use_root0 then
496 write "class Root;"
497 write "class Root0"
498 else
499 write "class Root"
500 end
501 write "\t\{ public: virtual long id() \{ return 0;\} long aid; Root *next; virtual Root *setNext(Root *n) \{this->next = n; return n;\} \};"
503 if use_root0 then
504 write "class Root: public virtual Root0 \{\};"
505 end
507 for c in classes do
508 write "template<class E>"
509 write "class {c} "
510 if c.supers.is_empty then
511 write "\t: public virtual Root"
512 else for s in [c.supers.first] do
513 write "\t: public virtual {s}<E>"
514 end
515 write "\{"
516 write "\tpublic: virtual long id() \{ return {c.id}; \}"
517 write "\tvirtual long f{c.id}() \{ return {c.id}; \}"
518 write "\tlong a{c.id};"
519 write "\t{c}(): a{c.id}({c.id}) \{ this->aid = {c.id}; \}"
520 write "\};"
521 end
523 write "void test(Root *a, Root *b, long loops, long start) \{"
524 write "\tlong x = start;"
525 write "\tfor(long i = loops; i > 0; i--) \{"
526 write "\t\tfor(int j = loops; j > 0; j--) \{"
527 var test = "x>=0"
528 if not dry then test = testcpp
529 write "\t\t\tif({test}) \{"
530 write "\t\t\t\tRoot *tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;"
531 if check then write "\t\t\t\tx += 1;"
532 write "\t\t\t\} else \{ x++; a = a->next; b = b->next;\}"
533 write "\t\t\}"
534 write "\t\tx++; a = a->next; b = b->next;"
535 write "\t\}"
536 write "\tstd::cout << x << std::endl;"
537 write "\}"
539 write "int main(int argc, char **argv) \{"
540 write "\tRoot *b = {ia.first};"
541 write "\tRoot *tmp = b;"
542 for i in ia do
543 write "\tb = b->setNext({i});"
544 end
545 write "\tb->setNext(tmp);"
546 write "\tRoot *a = {ia.last};"
547 write "\ttmp = a;"
548 for i in [1..poly[ do
549 write "\ta = a->setNext({ia[ia.length - 1 - i]});"
550 end
551 write "\ta->setNext(tmp);"
552 write "\ttest(b, b->next, 10, -100);"
553 write "\ttest(a, a->next, {loops}, 0);"
554 write "\}"
556 file.close
557 end
559 fun inite(res: Array[String], se: Bool) do return
560 fun teste(se: Bool): String do return "true"
561 fun locale(se: Bool) do end
562 fun writee(dir: String, name: String, se: Bool)
563 do
564 var ia = new Array[String]
565 inite(ia,se)
566 if ia.is_empty then
567 print "Eiffel disabled"
568 return
569 end
571 if se then
572 dir = "{dir}/se/{name}"
573 else
574 dir = "{dir}/es/{name}"
575 end
576 dir.mkdir
578 var root0
579 if use_root0 then
580 root0 = "ROOT0"
581 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/root0.e")
582 else
583 root0 = "ROOT"
584 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/root.e")
585 end
587 var istk = ""
588 if se then istk = " is"
589 write "class {root0}"
590 write "feature id: INTEGER_64 {istk} do Result := 0 end"
591 write "aid: INTEGER_64"
592 write "xnext: detachable ROOT"
593 write "next: ROOT do check attached xnext as n then Result := n end end"
594 write "set_next(n: ROOT): ROOT do xnext := n Result := n end"
595 write "make do aid := id end"
596 write "end"
597 file.close
599 if use_root0 then
600 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/root.e")
601 write "class ROOT inherit ROOT0 end "
602 file.close
603 end
605 for c in classes do
606 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/{c}.e")
607 write "class {c}[E] "
608 if c.supers.is_empty then
609 write "\tinherit ROOT"
610 else for s in [c.supers.first] do
611 write "\tinherit {s}[E]"
612 end
613 write "\t\tredefine id, make end"
614 write "create make"
615 write "feature"
616 write "\tid: INTEGER_64 {istk} do Result := {c.id} end"
617 write "\tf{c.id}: INTEGER_64 {istk} do Result := {c.id} end"
618 write "\ta{c.id}: INTEGER_64 {istk} attribute Result := {c.id} end"
619 write "make do aid := {c.id} end"
620 write "end"
621 file.close
622 end
624 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/app{name}.e")
625 write "class APP{name.to_upper}"
626 if se then
627 write "insert ARGUMENTS"
628 end
629 write "create make"
630 write "feature"
632 if se then
633 write "\tmake{istk}"
634 else
635 write "\tmake(args: ARRAY[STRING]){istk}"
636 end
637 write "\t\tlocal"
638 write "\t\t\ta: ROOT"
639 write "\t\t\tb: ROOT"
640 write "\t\t\ttmp: ROOT"
641 write "\t\tdo"
642 write "\t\t\tb := {ia.first} .make"
643 write "\t\t\ttmp := b"
644 for i in ia do
645 write "\t\t\tb := b.set_next({i} .make)"
646 end
647 write "\t\t\ttmp := b.set_next(tmp)"
649 write "\t\t\ta := {ia.last} .make"
650 write "\t\t\ttmp := a"
651 for i in [1..poly[ do
652 write "\t\t\ta := a.set_next({ia[ia.length - 1 - i]} .make)"
653 end
654 write "\t\t\ttmp := a.set_next(tmp);"
655 write "\t\t\ttest(b, b.next, 10, -100)"
656 write "\t\t\ttest(a, a.next, {loops}, 0)"
657 write "\t\tend"
659 write "\ttest(aa: ROOT; bb: ROOT; l: INTEGER_64; start: INTEGER_64){istk}"
660 write "\t\tlocal"
661 write "\t\t\ta: ROOT"
662 write "\t\t\tb: ROOT"
663 write "\t\t\ttmp: ROOT"
664 write "\t\t\ti: INTEGER_64"
665 write "\t\t\tj: INTEGER_64"
666 write "\t\t\tx: INTEGER_64"
667 locale(se)
668 write "\t\t\tloops: INTEGER_64"
669 write "\t\tdo"
670 write "\t\t\ta := aa"
671 write "\t\t\tb := bb"
672 write "\t\t\tx := start"
673 write "\t\t\tloops := l"
674 write "\t\t\tfrom i := loops until i<=0 loop"
675 write "\t\t\t\tfrom j := loops until j<=0 loop"
676 var test = "x >= 0"
677 if not dry then test = teste(se)
678 write "\t\t\t\t\tif {test} then"
679 write "\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp := a; a := b; b := tmp"
680 if check then write "\t\t\t\t\tx := x + 1"
681 write "\t\t\t\t\telse x := x + 1; a := a.next; b := b.next end"
682 write "\t\t\t\t\tj := j - 1"
683 write "\t\t\t\tend"
684 write "\t\t\t\tx := x + 1; a := a.next; b := b.next"
685 write "\t\t\t\ti := i - 1"
686 write "\t\t\tend"
687 write "\t\t\tprint(x.out)"
688 write "\t\t\tprint(\"%N\")"
689 write "\t\tend"
690 write "end"
691 file.close
692 end
694 fun initpython(res: Array[String]) do return
695 fun testpython: String do return "true"
696 fun writepython(dir: String, name: String)
697 do
698 var ia = new Array[String]
699 initpython(ia)
700 if ia.is_empty then
701 print "Python disabled"
702 return
703 end
705 dir = "{dir}/python"
706 dir.mkdir
707 file = new FileWriter.open("{dir}/{name}.py")
709 if use_root0 then
710 write "class Root0(object):"
711 else
712 write "class Root(object):"
713 end
714 write "\tdef id(self): return 0"
715 write "\tdef set_next(self, n):\n\t\tself.next = n\n\t\treturn n"
716 write "\tdef __init__(self): self.aid = self.id()"
718 if use_root0 then
719 write "class Root(Root0): pass"
720 end
722 for c in classes do
723 if c.supers.is_empty then
724 write "class {c}(Root):"
725 else
726 write "class {c}({c.supers.join(",")}):"
727 end
728 write "\tdef id(self): return {c.id}"
729 write "\tdef f{c.id}(self): return {c.id}"
730 write "\tdef __init__(self):"
731 write "\t\tsuper({c}, self).__init__()"
732 write "\t\ta{c.id} = {c.id}"
733 end
735 write "def test(a, b, loops, start):"
736 write "\tx = start"
737 write "\ti = loops"
738 write "\twhile i > 0:"
739 write "\t\tj = loops"
740 write "\t\twhile j > 0:"
741 var test = "x >= 0"
742 if not dry then test = testpython
743 write "\t\t\tif {test}:"
744 write "\t\t\t\ttmp = a; a = b; b = tmp"
745 if check then write "\t\t\t\tx += 1"
746 write "\t\t\telse:"
747 write "\t\t\t\tx = x + 1; a = a.next; b = b.next"
748 write "\t\t\tj -= 1"
749 write "\t\tx = x + 1; a = a.next; b = b.next"
750 write "\t\ti -= 1"
751 write "\tprint(x)"
753 write "b = {ia.first}"
754 write "tmp = b"
755 for i in ia do
756 write "b = b.set_next({i})"
757 end
758 write "b.next = tmp"
759 write "a = {ia.last}"
760 write "tmp = a"
761 for i in [1..poly[ do
762 write "a = a.set_next({ia[ia.length - 1 - i]})"
763 end
764 write "a.next = tmp"
765 write "test(b, b.next, 10, -100)"
766 write "test(a, a.next, {loops}, 0)"
768 file.close
769 end
771 var count = false
773 fun genall
774 do
775 var g = self
776 var outdir = args.first
777 var name = args[1]
778 var use_interfaces = self.use_interfaces
779 if args.length > 2 then g.dept = args[2].to_i
780 if args.length > 3 then loops = args[3].to_i
781 if args.length > 4 then use_interfaces = false
783 g.genhier
785 g.writenit(outdir, name)
786 g.writejava(outdir, name, use_interfaces)
787 g.writecsharp(outdir, name, use_interfaces)
788 g.writescala(outdir, name, use_interfaces)
789 g.writecpp(outdir, name)
790 g.writee(outdir, "{name}_se", true)
791 g.writee(outdir, name, false)
792 g.writepython(outdir, name)
793 end
794 end
796 var g = new Generator
797 g.genall