lib/standard: Move top-level methods in `file` really to the top level.
[nit.git] / c_src / c.sep.0.h
1 #include "nit.common.h"
2 extern const int COLOR_c__FFILanguageAssignationPhase___64dc_language;
3 val* c__FFILanguageAssignationPhase__c_language(val* self);
4 void c__FFILanguageAssignationPhase__c_language_61d(val* self, val* p0);
5 extern const int COLOR_c__AExternCodeBlock__is_c;
6 short int c__CLanguage__identify_language(val* self, val* p0);
7 extern const int COLOR_c__AExternCodeBlock__is_c_header;
8 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CCompilationUnit__header_custom;
9 extern const int COLOR_parser_nodes__ANode__location;
10 extern const int COLOR_c__Location__as_line_pragma;
11 extern const int COLOR_template__Template__add;
12 extern const int COLOR_ffi_base__AExternCodeBlock__code;
13 extern const int COLOR_c__AExternCodeBlock__is_c_body;
14 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CCompilationUnit__body_custom;
15 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CCompilationUnit__body_impl;
16 void c__CLanguage__compile_module_block(val* self, val* p0, val* p1, val* p2);
17 val* NEW_c__ExternCFunction(const struct type* type);
18 extern const struct type type_c__ExternCFunction;
19 extern const int COLOR_modelbuilder__AModule__mmodule;
20 extern const int COLOR_c__ExternCFunction__init;
21 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CFunction__decls;
22 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CFunction__exprs;
23 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CCompilationUnit__add_exported_function;
24 void c__CLanguage__compile_extern_method(val* self, val* p0, val* p1, val* p2, val* p3);
25 void c__CLanguage__compile_extern_class(val* self, val* p0, val* p1, val* p2, val* p3);
26 val* NEW_c__ForeignCType(const struct type* type);
27 extern const struct type type_c__ForeignCType;
28 extern const int COLOR_c__ForeignCType__init;
29 val* c__CLanguage__get_ftype(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
30 extern const int COLOR_c__NitniCallback__compile_callback_to_c;
31 void c__CLanguage__compile_callback(val* self, val* p0, val* p1, val* p2, val* p3);
32 extern const int COLOR_ffi_base__AExternCodeBlock__language_name;
33 extern const int COLOR_ffi_base__AExternCodeBlock__language_name_lowered;
34 val* string__NativeString__to_s_with_length(char* self, long p0);
35 extern const int COLOR_kernel__Object___61d_61d;
36 extern const int COLOR_string__AbstractString__has_prefix;
37 short int c__AExternCodeBlock__is_c(val* self);
38 short int c__AExternCodeBlock__is_c_body(val* self);
39 short int c__AExternCodeBlock__is_c_header(val* self);
40 val* NEW_array__Array(const struct type* type);
41 extern const struct type type_array__Arraykernel__Object;
42 extern const int COLOR_array__Array__with_capacity;
43 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__SimpleCollection__add;
44 extern const int COLOR_location__Location__line_start;
45 val* BOX_kernel__Int(long);
46 extern const int COLOR_location__Location__file;
47 extern const int COLOR_location__SourceFile__filename;
48 extern const int COLOR_string__Object__to_s;
49 val* c__Location__as_line_pragma(val* self);
50 extern const int COLOR_c__AModule___64dc_compiler_options;
51 val* c__AModule__c_compiler_options(val* self);
52 void c__AModule__c_compiler_options_61d(val* self, val* p0);
53 extern const int COLOR_c__AModule___64dc_linker_options;
54 val* c__AModule__c_linker_options(val* self);
55 void c__AModule__c_linker_options_61d(val* self, val* p0);
56 extern const int COLOR_ffi_base__ExternFile__init;
57 extern const int COLOR_c__ExternCFile__cflags_61d;
58 void c__ExternCFile__init(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
59 extern const int COLOR_c__ExternCFile___64dcflags;
60 val* c__ExternCFile__cflags(val* self);
61 void c__ExternCFile__cflags_61d(val* self, val* p0);
62 extern const int COLOR_ffi_base__ExternFile__filename;
63 extern const int COLOR_kernel__Object__hash;
64 long c__ExternCFile__hash(val* self);
65 extern const struct type type_c__ExternCFile;
66 short int c__ExternCFile___61d_61d(val* self, val* p0);
67 extern const int COLOR_c__ForeignCType___64dctype;
68 val* c__ForeignCType__ctype(val* self);
69 void c__ForeignCType__ctype_61d(val* self, val* p0);
70 extern const int COLOR_ffi_base__ForeignType__init;
71 extern const int COLOR_c__ForeignCType__ctype_61d;
72 void c__ForeignCType__init(val* self, val* p0);
73 void c__NitniCallback__compile_callback_to_c(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
74 val* NEW_c__ToCCallContext(const struct type* type);
75 extern const struct type type_c__ToCCallContext;
76 extern const int COLOR_c__ToCCallContext__init;
77 val* c__Object__to_c_call_context(val* self);
78 val* NEW_c__FromCCallContext(const struct type* type);
79 extern const struct type type_c__FromCCallContext;
80 extern const int COLOR_c__FromCCallContext__init;
81 val* c__Object__from_c_call_context(val* self);
82 extern const int COLOR_nitni_callbacks__MExplicitCall__mproperty;
83 extern const struct type type_model__MMethod;
84 extern const int COLOR_nitni_callbacks__MExplicitCall__recv_mtype;
85 extern const int COLOR_nitni_utilities__Object__long_signature;
86 extern const int COLOR_nitni_utilities__MMethod__build_cname;
87 extern const int COLOR_nitni_utilities__Object__short_signature;
88 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CCompilationUnit__body_decl;
89 val* NEW_array__NativeArray(int length, const struct type* type);
90 extern const struct type type_array__NativeArraykernel__Object;
91 extern const int COLOR_array__Array__with_native;
92 void c__MExplicitCall__compile_callback_to_c(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
93 extern const int COLOR_nitni_utilities__CallContext__init;
94 void c__ToCCallContext__init(val* self);
95 extern const struct type type_model__MClassType;
96 extern const int COLOR_model__MClassType__mclass;
97 extern const int COLOR_model__MClass__kind;
98 extern const int COLOR_model__Object__extern_kind;
99 extern const int COLOR_nitni_base__MType__cname;
100 val* c__ToCCallContext__name_mtype(val* self, val* p0);
101 void c__FromCCallContext__init(val* self);
102 val* c__FromCCallContext__name_mtype(val* self, val* p0);
103 extern const int COLOR_c__ExternCFunction___64dmethod;
104 val* c__ExternCFunction__method(val* self);
105 void c__ExternCFunction__method_61d(val* self, val* p0);
106 extern const int COLOR_c__ExternCFunction__method_61d;
107 extern const int COLOR_modelize_property__APropdef__mpropdef;
108 extern const int COLOR_model__MPropDef__mclassdef;
109 extern const int COLOR_model__MClassDef__bound_mtype;
110 extern const int COLOR_model__MPropDef__mproperty;
111 extern const int COLOR_c__Object__from_c_call_context;
112 extern const int COLOR_nitni_utilities__MMethod__build_csignature;
113 extern const int COLOR_c_tools__CFunction__init;
114 void c__ExternCFunction__init(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);