highlight: rename enter_visit and htmlize (and fix spell of hightlight)
[nit.git] / lib / template / macro.nit
1 # This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ).
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License.
15 # String templating using macros.
16 #
17 # There is plenty of macro/templating tools in the worl,
18 # yet another one.
19 #
20 # See `TemplateString` for more details.
21 module macro
23 import template
25 # Template with macros replacement.
26 #
27 # `TemplateString` provides a simple way to customize generic string templates
28 # using macros and replacement.
29 #
30 # A macro is represented as a string identifier like `%MACRO%` in the template
31 # string. Using `TemplateString`, macros can be replaced by any `Writable` data:
32 #
33 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%!")
34 # tpl.replace("NAME", "Dave")
35 # assert tpl.write_to_string == "Hello Dave!"
36 #
37 # A macro identifier is valid if:
38 #
39 # * starts with an uppercase letter
40 # * contains only numbers, uppercase letters or '_'
41 #
42 # See `String::is_valid_macro_name` for more details.
43 #
44 # ## External template files
45 #
46 # When using large template files it's recommanded to use external template files.
47 #
48 # In external file `example.tpl`:
49 #
50 # ~~~html
51 # <!DOCTYPE html>
52 # <html lang="en">
53 # <head>
54 # <title>%TITLE%</title>
55 # </head>
56 # <body>
57 # <h1>%TITLE%</h1>
58 # <p>%ARTICLE%</p>
59 # </body>
60 # </html>
61 # ~~~
62 #
63 # Loading the template file using `TemplateString`:
64 #
65 # var file = "example.tpl"
66 # if file.file_exists then
67 # tpl = new TemplateString.from_file("example.tpl")
68 # tpl.replace("TITLE", "Home Page")
69 # tpl.replace("ARTICLE", "Welcome on my site!")
70 # end
71 #
72 # ## Outputting
73 #
74 # Once macro replacement has been made, the `TemplateString` can be
75 # output like any other `Template` using methods like `write_to`, `write_to_string`
76 # or `write_to_file`.
77 #
78 # tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%!")
79 # tpl.replace("NAME", "Dave")
80 # assert tpl.write_to_string == "Hello Dave!"
81 #
82 # ## Template correctness
83 #
84 # `TemplateString` can be outputed even if all macros were not replaced.
85 # In this case, the name of the macro will be displayed wuthout any replacement.
86 #
87 # tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%!")
88 # assert tpl.write_to_string == "Hello %NAME%!"
89 #
90 # The `check` method can be used to ensure that all macros were replaced before
91 # performing the output. Warning messages will be stored in `warnings` and can
92 # be used to locate unreplaced macros.
93 #
94 # tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%!")
95 # if not tpl.check then
96 # assert not tpl.warnings.is_empty
97 # print "Cannot output unfinished template:"
98 # print tpl.warnings.join("\n")
99 # exit(0)
100 # else
101 # tpl.write_to sys.stdout
102 # end
103 # assert tpl.write_to_string == "Hello %NAME%!"
104 class TemplateString
105 super Template
107 # Template original text.
108 var tpl_text: String
110 # Macros contained in the template file.
111 private var macros = new HashMap[String, Array[TemplateMacro]]
113 # Macro identifier delimiter char (`'%'` by default).
114 #
115 # To use a different delimiter you can subclasse `TemplateString` and defined the `marker`.
116 #
117 # class DollarTemplate
118 # super TemplateString
119 # redef var marker = '$'
120 # end
121 # var tpl = new DollarTemplate("Hello $NAME$!")
122 # tpl.replace("NAME", "Dave")
123 # assert tpl.write_to_string == "Hello Dave!"
124 protected var marker = '%'
126 # Creates a new template from a `text`.
127 #
128 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%!")
129 # assert tpl.write_to_string == "Hello %NAME%!"
130 init do
131 parse
132 end
134 # Creates a new template from the contents of `file`.
135 init from_file(file: String) do
136 init load_template_file(file)
137 end
139 # Loads the template file contents.
140 private fun load_template_file(tpl_file: String): String do
141 var file = new FileReader.open(tpl_file)
142 var text = file.read_all
143 file.close
144 return text
145 end
147 # Finds all the macros contained in `text` and store them in `macros`.
148 #
149 # Also build `self` template parts using original template text.
150 private fun parse do
151 var text = tpl_text
152 var pos = 0
153 var out = new FlatBuffer
154 var start_pos: Int
155 var end_pos: Int
156 while pos < text.length do
157 # lookup opening tag
158 start_pos = text.read_until_char(pos, marker, out)
159 if start_pos < 0 then
160 text.read_until_pos(pos, text.length, out)
161 add out.to_s
162 break
163 end
164 add out.to_s
165 pos = start_pos + 1
166 # lookup closing tag
167 out.clear
168 end_pos = text.read_until_char(pos, marker, out)
169 if end_pos < 0 then
170 text.read_until_pos(pos, text.length, out)
171 add "%"
172 add out.to_s
173 break
174 end
175 pos = end_pos + 1
176 # check macro
177 var name = out.to_s
178 if name.is_valid_macro_name then
179 add make_macro(name, start_pos, end_pos)
180 else
181 add "%"
182 add name
183 add "%"
184 end
185 out.clear
186 end
187 end
189 # Add a new macro to the list
190 private fun make_macro(name: String, start_pos, end_pos: Int): TemplateMacro do
191 if not macros.has_key(name) then
192 macros[name] = new Array[TemplateMacro]
193 end
194 var macro = new TemplateMacro(name, start_pos, end_pos)
195 macros[name].add macro
196 return macro
197 end
199 # Available macros in `self`.
200 #
201 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%!")
202 # assert tpl.macro_names.first == "NAME"
203 fun macro_names: Collection[String] do return macros.keys
205 # Does `self` contain a macro with `name`.
206 #
207 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%")
208 # assert tpl.has_macro("NAME")
209 fun has_macro(name: String): Bool do return macro_names.has(name)
211 # Replace a `macro` by a streamable `replacement`.
212 #
213 # REQUIRE `has_macro(name)`
214 #
215 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %NAME%!")
216 # tpl.replace("NAME", "Dave")
217 # assert tpl.write_to_string == "Hello Dave!"
218 fun replace(name: String, replacement: Writable) do
219 assert has_macro(name)
220 for macro in macros[name] do
221 macro.replacement = replacement
222 end
223 end
225 # Check if all macros were replaced.
226 #
227 # Return false if a macro was not replaced and store message in `warnings`.
228 #
229 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %FIRSTNAME%, %LASTNAME%!")
230 # assert not tpl.check
231 # tpl.replace("FIRSTNAME", "Corben")
232 # tpl.replace("LASTNAME", "Dallas")
233 # assert tpl.check
234 fun check: Bool do
235 warnings.clear
236 var all_ok = true
237 for name, macros in self.macros do
238 for macro in macros do
239 if not macro.is_replaced then
240 all_ok = false
241 warnings.add "No replacement for macro %{macro.name}% at {macro.location}"
242 end
243 end
244 end
245 return all_ok
246 end
248 # Last `check` warnings.
249 #
250 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %FIRSTNAME%, %LASTNAME%!")
251 # tpl.check
252 # assert tpl.warnings.length == 2
253 # assert tpl.warnings[0] == "No replacement for macro %FIRSTNAME% at (6:16)"
254 # assert tpl.warnings[1] == "No replacement for macro %LASTNAME% at (19:28)"
255 # tpl.replace("FIRSTNAME", "Corben")
256 # tpl.replace("LASTNAME", "Dallas")
257 # tpl.check
258 # assert tpl.warnings.is_empty
259 var warnings = new Array[String]
261 # Returns a view on `self` macros on the form `macro.name`/`macro.replacement`.
262 #
263 # Given that all macros with the same name are all replaced with the same
264 # replacement, this view contains only one entry for each name.
265 #
266 # var tpl = new TemplateString("Hello %FIRSTNAME%, %LASTNAME%!")
267 # for name, rep in tpl do assert rep == null
268 # tpl.replace("FIRSTNAME", "Corben")
269 # tpl.replace("LASTNAME", "Dallas")
270 # for name, rep in tpl do assert rep != null
271 fun iterator: MapIterator[String, nullable Writable] do
272 return new TemplateStringIterator(self)
273 end
274 end
276 # A macro is a special text command that is replaced by other content in a `TemplateString`.
277 private class TemplateMacro
278 super Template
279 # Macro name as found in the template.
280 var name: String
282 # Macro starting position in template.
283 var start_pos: Int
285 # Macro ending position in template.
286 var end_pos: Int
288 # Macro replacement if any.
289 var replacement: nullable Writable = null
291 # Does `self` already have a `replacement`?
292 fun is_replaced: Bool do return replacement != null
294 # Render `replacement` or else `name`.
295 redef fun rendering do
296 if is_replaced then
297 add replacement.as(not null)
298 else
299 add "%{name}%"
300 end
301 end
303 # Human readable location.
304 fun location: String do return "({start_pos}:{end_pos})"
305 end
307 redef class String
308 # Reads `self` from pos `from` to pos `to` and store result in `buffer`.
309 private fun read_until_pos(from, to: Int, buffer: Buffer): Int do
310 if from < 0 or from >= length or
311 to < 0 or to >= length or
312 from >= to then return -1
313 var pos = from
314 while pos < to do
315 buffer.add self[pos]
316 pos += 1
317 end
318 return pos
319 end
321 # Reads `self` until `to` is encountered and store result in `buffer`.
322 #
323 # Returns `to` position or `-1` if not found.
324 private fun read_until_char(from: Int, char: Char, buffer: Buffer): Int do
325 if from < 0 or from >= length then return -1
326 var pos = from
327 while pos > -1 and pos < length do
328 var c = self[pos]
329 if c == char then return pos
330 buffer.add c
331 pos += 1
332 end
333 return -1
334 end
336 # Is `self` a valid macro identifier?
337 #
338 # A macro identifier is valid if:
339 #
340 # * starts with an uppercase letter
341 # * contains only numers, uppercase letters or '_'
342 #
343 # # valid
344 # assert "NAME".is_valid_macro_name
345 # assert "FIRST_NAME".is_valid_macro_name
346 # assert "BLOCK1".is_valid_macro_name
347 # # invalid
348 # assert not "1BLOCK".is_valid_macro_name
349 # assert not "_BLOCK".is_valid_macro_name
350 # assert not "FIRST NAME".is_valid_macro_name
351 # assert not "name".is_valid_macro_name
352 fun is_valid_macro_name: Bool do
353 if not first.is_upper then return false
354 for c in self do
355 if not c.is_upper and c != '_' and not c.is_digit then return false
356 end
357 return true
358 end
359 end
361 private class TemplateStringIterator
362 super MapIterator[String, nullable Writable]
364 var subject: TemplateString
365 var key_it: Iterator[String] is noinit
367 init do
368 self.key_it = subject.macro_names.iterator
369 end
371 redef fun is_ok do return key_it.is_ok
372 redef fun next do key_it.next
373 redef fun key do return key_it.item
374 redef fun item do return subject.macros[key].first.replacement
375 end