lib/websocket: Websocket now subclass of BufferedIStream, OStream and Pollable
[nit.git] / c_src / opts.sep.0.h
1 #include "nit.common.h"
2 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option___names;
3 val* opts__Option__names(val* self);
4 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option___helptext;
5 val* opts__Option__helptext(val* self);
6 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option___errors;
7 val* opts__Option__errors(val* self);
8 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option___mandatory;
9 short int opts__Option__mandatory(val* self);
10 void opts__Option__mandatory_61d(val* self, short int p0);
11 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option___read;
12 short int opts__Option__read(val* self);
13 extern const int COLOR_nullable_opts__Option_VTVALUE;
14 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option___value;
15 void opts__Option__value_61d(val* self, val* p0);
16 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option_VTVALUE;
17 val* opts__Option__value(val* self);
18 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option___default_value;
19 val* opts__Option__default_value(val* self);
20 void opts__Option__default_value_61d(val* self, val* p0);
21 val* NEW_array__Array(const struct type* type);
22 extern const struct type type_array__Arraystring__String;
23 extern const int COLOR_array__Array__init;
24 extern const int COLOR_array__Collection__to_a;
25 void opts__Option__init_opt(val* self, val* p0, val* p1, val* p2);
26 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__SimpleCollection__add_all;
27 void opts__Option__add_aliases(val* self, val* p0);
28 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__pretty;
29 val* opts__Option__to_s(val* self);
30 val* NEW_string__Buffer(const struct type* type);
31 extern const struct type type_string__Buffer;
32 val* string__NativeString__to_s_with_length(char* self, long p0);
33 extern const int COLOR_string__Buffer__from;
34 extern const int COLOR_string__Collection__join;
35 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Sequence__append;
36 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Collection__length;
37 extern const struct type type_kernel__Int;
38 extern const int COLOR_string__String___42d;
39 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__helptext;
40 extern const int COLOR_string__Object__to_s;
41 val* opts__Option__pretty(val* self, long p0);
42 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__default_value;
43 extern const struct type type_array__Arraykernel__Object;
44 extern const int COLOR_array__Array__with_capacity;
45 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__SimpleCollection__add;
46 val* opts__Option__pretty_default(val* self);
47 void opts__Option__read_param(val* self, val* p0);
48 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__init_opt;
49 void opts__OptionText__init(val* self, val* p0);
50 val* opts__OptionText__pretty(val* self, long p0);
51 val* opts__OptionText__to_s(val* self);
52 val* BOX_kernel__Bool(short int);
53 void opts__OptionBool__init(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
54 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionBool__read_param;
55 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__value_61d;
56 void opts__OptionBool__read_param(val* self, val* p0);
57 val* BOX_kernel__Int(long);
58 void opts__OptionCount__init(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
59 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionCount__read_param;
60 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__value;
61 void opts__OptionCount__read_param(val* self, val* p0);
62 val* opts__OptionParameter__convert(val* self, val* p0);
63 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionParameter___parameter_mandatory;
64 short int opts__OptionParameter__parameter_mandatory(val* self);
65 void opts__OptionParameter__parameter_mandatory_61d(val* self, short int p0);
66 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionParameter__read_param;
67 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Iterator__is_ok;
68 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Iterator__item;
69 extern const int COLOR_string__AbstractString__chars;
70 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Collection__first;
71 extern const struct class class_kernel__Char;
72 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionParameter__convert;
73 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Iterator__next;
74 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__names;
75 val* NEW_array__NativeArray(int length, const struct type* type);
76 extern const struct type type_array__NativeArraykernel__Object;
77 extern const int COLOR_array__Array__with_native;
78 void opts__OptionParameter__read_param(val* self, val* p0);
79 void opts__OptionParameter__init_opt(val* self, val* p0, val* p1, val* p2);
80 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionParameter__init_opt;
81 void opts__OptionString__init(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
82 val* opts__OptionString__convert(val* self, val* p0);
83 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionEnum___values;
84 void opts__OptionEnum__init(val* self, val* p0, val* p1, long p2, val* p3);
85 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__SequenceRead__index_of;
86 extern const int COLOR_string__String___43d;
87 long opts__OptionEnum__convert(val* self, val* p0);
88 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__SequenceRead___91d_93d;
89 val* opts__OptionEnum__value_name(val* self);
90 val* opts__OptionEnum__pretty_default(val* self);
91 void opts__OptionInt__init(val* self, val* p0, long p1, val* p2);
92 extern const int COLOR_string__AbstractString__to_i;
93 long opts__OptionInt__convert(val* self, val* p0);
94 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionArray___values;
95 void opts__OptionArray__init(val* self, val* p0, val* p1);
96 val* opts__OptionArray__convert(val* self, val* p0);
97 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionContext___options;
98 val* opts__OptionContext__options(val* self);
99 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionContext___rest;
100 val* opts__OptionContext__rest(val* self);
101 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionContext___errors;
102 val* opts__OptionContext__errors(val* self);
103 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Collection__iterator;
104 extern const int COLOR_file__Object__print;
105 void opts__OptionContext__usage(val* self);
106 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionContext__parse_intern;
107 void opts__OptionContext__parse(val* self, val* p0);
108 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionContext__build;
109 extern const int COLOR_kernel__Object___61d_61d;
110 extern const int COLOR_array__Iterator__to_a;
111 val* BOX_kernel__Char(char);
112 extern const int COLOR_array__AbstractArrayRead__last_index_of;
113 val* NEW_range__Range(const struct type* type);
114 extern const struct type type_range__Rangekernel__Int;
115 extern const int COLOR_range__Range__init;
116 val* string__Char__to_s(char self);
117 extern const int COLOR_opts__OptionContext___optmap;
118 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__MapRead__has_key;
119 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__MapRead___91d_93d;
120 extern const struct type type_opts__OptionParameter;
121 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__read_param;
122 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__mandatory;
123 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__read;
124 void opts__OptionContext__parse_intern(val* self, val* p0);
125 void opts__OptionContext__add_option(val* self, val* p0);
126 extern const struct type type_array__Arrayopts__Option;
127 val* NEW_hash_collection__HashMap(const struct type* type);
128 extern const struct type type_hash_collection__HashMapstring__Stringopts__Option;
129 extern const int COLOR_hash_collection__HashMap__init;
130 void opts__OptionContext__init(val* self);
131 extern const int COLOR_abstract_collection__Map___91d_93d_61d;
132 void opts__OptionContext__build(val* self);
133 extern const int COLOR_opts__Option__errors;
134 val* opts__OptionContext__get_errors(val* self);