loader: build_module_importation invalidates the mmodule on errors
[nit.git] / contrib / sort_downloads / src / sort_downloads.nit
1 #!/usr/bin/env nit
3 # This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ).
4 #
5 # Copyright 2013 Alexis Laferrière <alexis.laf@xymus.net>
6 #
7 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 #
11 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 #
13 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 # limitations under the License.
19 # Smart file sorting using folder names to sort files. Has built in support for
20 # a distributed or multi-disk setup.
21 module sort_downloads
23 # TODO sort patterns by longer first
24 # TODO allow for config overriding using `opts`
26 import opts
28 `{
29 #include <errno.h>
30 #include <string.h>
31 `}
33 # Local config
34 # Modify these according to your needs. It is also possible to have alternates
35 # using class refinment and a main calling to super.
36 class Config
37 # Is it configured? Change to "true" when the configuration has been
38 # adapted to your needs and setup
39 var is_configured = false
41 # Source directory where are the files to be sorted.
42 var source_dir = "~/Downloads/"
44 # Destination super directory where classification directories will be
45 # created to hold files.
46 var dest_dir = "~/Videos/"
48 # Super directories with wanted folder names, which will be used to sort
49 # the files (only their name are used, the files won't be copied there).
50 var regex_source_dirs: Array[String] = ["~/Videos/"]
52 # Will only sort files older than the number of `elapsed_days`.
53 var elapsed_days = 7
54 end
56 redef class String
57 fun check_file_existence: Bool
58 do
59 if not file_exists then
60 print "config error: file \"{self}\" does not exists."
61 return true
62 else return false
63 end
65 # Returns null on success
66 fun file_rename_to(dest: String): nullable String import String.to_cstring,
67 NativeString.to_s, String.as nullable `{
68 int res = rename(String_to_cstring(recv), String_to_cstring(dest));
69 if (res == 0) return null_String();
70 return String_as_nullable(NativeString_to_s(strerror(errno)));
71 `}
73 # Replace `~` by the path to the home diretory
74 fun replace_tilde: String
75 do
76 var match = search("~/")
77 if match != null and match.from == 0 then
78 var home_folder = "HOME".environ
79 return "{home_folder}/{substring(match.after, length)}"
80 else return self
81 end
82 end
84 # Keeps track of the real directory name associated to this pattern
85 class PatternWithDir
86 super BM_Pattern
88 var dir: String is noinit
90 init with_dir(motif, dir: String)
91 do
92 init(motif)
93 self.dir = dir
94 end
95 end
97 class XySorter
98 var opts_context = new OptionContext
99 var opt_help = new OptionBool("Print this help message", "-h", "--help")
100 var opt_list_series = new OptionBool("Only list the folders in the regex target directories", "--list-series")
101 var opt_verbose = new OptionBool("Print information about the operations", "-v", "--verbose")
102 var opt_dry_run = new OptionBool("Simulate work without modifying the filesystem", "--dry-run")
104 fun fill_opts_context
105 do
106 opts_context.add_option(opt_help, opt_list_series, opt_verbose, opt_dry_run)
107 end
109 fun run(source_dir, dest_dir: String, regex_source_dirs: Sequence[String], older_than: TimeT )
110 do
111 # manage command line options
112 fill_opts_context
113 opts_context.parse(args)
114 if not opts_context.rest.is_empty or opt_help.value then
115 print "Usage: {sys.program_name} [Options]"
116 print "Options:"
117 opts_context.usage
119 if opt_help.value then exit 0
120 exit 1
121 end
123 # replace `~` by home path
124 source_dir = source_dir.replace_tilde
125 dest_dir = dest_dir.replace_tilde
126 for f in [0..regex_source_dirs.length[ do
127 regex_source_dirs[f] = regex_source_dirs[f].replace_tilde
128 end
130 # check config validity
131 var failed = false
132 failed = failed or source_dir.check_file_existence
133 failed = failed or dest_dir.check_file_existence
134 for dir in regex_source_dirs do failed = failed or dir.check_file_existence
135 if failed then exit 1
137 # collect possible series dir names
138 var dirs_name = new HashSet[String]
139 for dir in regex_source_dirs do for file in dir.files do dirs_name.add(file)
141 # if asked only to print ou the list of series, do so and quit
142 if opt_list_series.value then
143 print dirs_name.join(", ")
144 return
145 end
147 # build regexxes
148 var patterns = new HashSet[PatternWithDir]
149 for dir in dirs_name do
150 patterns.add new PatternWithDir.with_dir(dir, dir)
151 patterns.add new PatternWithDir.with_dir(dir.replace(' ', "."), dir)
152 patterns.add new PatternWithDir.with_dir(dir.replace(' ', "_"), dir)
153 end
155 # compare source files with patterns and sort
156 for file in source_dir.files do
157 var full_source = source_dir + "/" + file
158 var stat = full_source.file_lstat
160 # if not a file or dir, skip
161 if not stat.is_reg and not stat.is_dir then continue
163 # is it old enough?
164 var time = new TimeT.from_i(stat.mtime)
165 if time.to_i > older_than.to_i then continue
167 # does it fit our regexxes?
168 var move_to_dir: nullable String = null
169 for pattern in patterns do if file.search(pattern) != null then
170 move_to_dir = pattern.dir
171 break
172 end
174 # lets' move it!
175 if move_to_dir != null then
176 var full_dir_dest = dest_dir + "/" + move_to_dir
177 var full_dest = full_dir_dest + "/" + file
179 if opt_verbose.value then print "moving {full_source} -> {full_dest}"
181 if not opt_dry_run.value then
182 if not full_dir_dest.file_exists then full_dir_dest.mkdir
184 var res = full_source.file_rename_to(full_dest)
185 if res != null then
186 print "Moving error: {res}"
187 abort
188 end
189 end
190 end
191 end
192 end
193 end
195 var config = new Config
196 if not config.is_configured then
197 print "Not configured, make sure you modify the script and set is_configured to true"
198 exit 1
199 end
200 var sorter = new XySorter
202 # calculate cut off time using `elapsed_days` compared to now
203 var now = new TimeT
204 var wanted_elapsed_secs = config.elapsed_days * 24 * 60 * 60
205 var from_time = new TimeT.from_i(now.to_i - wanted_elapsed_secs)
207 sorter.run(config.source_dir, config.dest_dir, config.regex_source_dirs, from_time)