tests: test pretty JSON, with and without plain JSON
[nit.git] / c_src / core__math.sep.1.c
1 #include "core__math.sep.0.h"
2 /* method math#Int#& for (self: Int, Int): Int */
3 long core__math___Int____38d(long self, long p0) {
4 long var /* : Int */;
5 long var1 /* : Int */;
6 var1 = self & p0;
7 var = var1;
8 goto RET_LABEL;
10 return var;
11 }
12 /* method math#Int#band for (self: Int, Int): Int */
13 long core__math___Int___band(long self, long p0) {
14 long var /* : Int */;
15 long var1 /* : Int */;
16 var1 = math___Int_band___impl(self, p0);
17 var = var1;
18 goto RET_LABEL;
20 return var;
21 }
22 /* method math#Int#| for (self: Int, Int): Int */
23 long core__math___Int____124d(long self, long p0) {
24 long var /* : Int */;
25 long var1 /* : Int */;
26 var1 = self | p0;
27 var = var1;
28 goto RET_LABEL;
30 return var;
31 }
32 /* method math#Int#bor for (self: Int, Int): Int */
33 long core__math___Int___bor(long self, long p0) {
34 long var /* : Int */;
35 long var1 /* : Int */;
36 var1 = math___Int_bor___impl(self, p0);
37 var = var1;
38 goto RET_LABEL;
40 return var;
41 }
42 /* method math#Byte#& for (self: Byte, Byte): Byte */
43 unsigned char core__math___Byte____38d(unsigned char self, unsigned char p0) {
44 unsigned char var /* : Byte */;
45 unsigned char var1 /* : Byte */;
46 var1 = self & p0;
47 var = var1;
48 goto RET_LABEL;
50 return var;
51 }
52 /* method math#Byte#band for (self: Byte, Byte): Byte */
53 unsigned char core__math___Byte___band(unsigned char self, unsigned char p0) {
54 unsigned char var /* : Byte */;
55 unsigned char var1 /* : Byte */;
56 var1 = math___Byte_band___impl(self, p0);
57 var = var1;
58 goto RET_LABEL;
60 return var;
61 }
62 /* method math#Float#is_nan for (self: Float): Bool */
63 short int core__math___Float___is_nan(double self) {
64 short int var /* : Bool */;
65 short int var1 /* : Bool */;
66 var1 = math___Float_is_nan___impl(self);
67 var = var1;
68 goto RET_LABEL;
70 return var;
71 }
72 /* method math#Float#is_inf for (self: Float): Int */
73 long core__math___Float___is_inf(double self) {
74 long var /* : Int */;
75 short int var1 /* : Bool */;
76 short int var3 /* : Bool */;
77 short int var4 /* : Bool */;
78 short int var6 /* : Bool */;
79 int cltype;
80 int idtype;
81 const char* var_class_name;
82 short int var7 /* : Bool */;
83 long var8 /* : Int */;
84 long var10 /* : Int */;
85 {
86 { /* Inline math#Float#native_is_inf (self) on <self:Float> */
87 var3 = math___Float_native_is_inf___impl(self);
88 var1 = var3;
89 goto RET_LABEL2;
90 RET_LABEL2:(void)0;
91 }
92 }
93 if (var1){
94 {
95 { /* Inline kernel#Float#< (self,0.0) on <self:Float> */
96 /* Covariant cast for argument 0 (i) <0.0:Float> isa OTHER */
97 /* <0.0:Float> isa OTHER */
98 var6 = 1; /* easy <0.0:Float> isa OTHER*/
99 if (unlikely(!var6)) {
100 var_class_name = type_core__Float.name;
101 PRINT_ERROR("Runtime error: Cast failed. Expected `%s`, got `%s`", "OTHER", var_class_name);
102 PRINT_ERROR(" (%s:%d)\n", FILE_core__kernel, 530);
103 fatal_exit(1);
104 }
105 var7 = self < 0.0;
106 var4 = var7;
107 goto RET_LABEL5;
108 RET_LABEL5:(void)0;
109 }
110 }
111 if (var4){
112 {
113 { /* Inline kernel#Int#unary - (1l) on <1l:Int> */
114 var10 = -1l;
115 var8 = var10;
116 goto RET_LABEL9;
117 RET_LABEL9:(void)0;
118 }
119 }
120 var = var8;
121 goto RET_LABEL;
122 } else {
123 }
124 var = 1l;
125 goto RET_LABEL;
126 } else {
127 }
128 var = 0l;
129 goto RET_LABEL;
131 return var;
132 }
133 /* method math#Float#native_is_inf for (self: Float): Bool */
134 short int core__math___Float___native_is_inf(double self) {
135 short int var /* : Bool */;
136 short int var1 /* : Bool */;
137 var1 = math___Float_native_is_inf___impl(self);
138 var = var1;
139 goto RET_LABEL;
141 return var;
142 }
143 /* method math#Sys#init for (self: Sys) */
144 void core__math___Sys___core__kernel__Object__init(val* self) {
145 {
146 ((void(*)(val* self))(self->class->vft[COLOR_core__math___Sys___core__kernel__Object__init]))(self); /* init on <self:Sys>*/
147 }
148 {
149 { /* Inline math#Sys#srand (self) on <self:Sys> */
150 struct nitni_instance* var_for_c_0;
151 var_for_c_0 = nit_alloc(sizeof(struct nitni_instance));
152 var_for_c_0->value = self;
153 math___Sys_srand___impl(var_for_c_0);
154 RET_LABEL1:(void)0;
155 }
156 }
158 }
159 /* method math#Sys#srand_from for (self: Sys, Int) */
160 void core__math___Sys___srand_from(val* self, long p0) {
161 struct nitni_instance* var_for_c_0;
162 var_for_c_0 = nit_alloc(sizeof(struct nitni_instance));
163 var_for_c_0->value = self;
164 math___Sys_srand_from___impl(var_for_c_0, p0);
166 }
167 /* method math#Sys#srand for (self: Sys) */
168 void core__math___Sys___srand(val* self) {
169 struct nitni_instance* var_for_c_0;
170 var_for_c_0 = nit_alloc(sizeof(struct nitni_instance));
171 var_for_c_0->value = self;
172 math___Sys_srand___impl(var_for_c_0);
174 }