contrib/jwrapper: rename the `types` module to `model`
[nit.git] / lib / ai / search.nit
1 # This file is part of NIT ( ).
2 #
3 # This file is free software, which comes along with NIT. This software is
4 # distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
5 # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
6 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You can modify it is you want, provided this header
7 # is kept unaltered, and a notification of the changes is added.
8 # You are allowed to redistribute it and sell it, alone or is a part of
9 # another product.
11 # Basic framework for search problems and solver.
12 #
13 # The module provides a simple abstract class `SearchProblem[S,A]` to be specialized for a specific problem.
14 #
15 # The concrete class `SearchSolver` is used to configure, query, and run a solver for a given problem.
16 #
17 # For an example, see the `puzzle.nit` program in the `examples` subdirectory.
18 module search
20 import realtime
21 import trees
23 # Abstract search problem over immutable states (`S`) and actions (`A`).
24 #
25 # This class serves to model problems of planing and path-finding.
26 # A state, `S`, is a point in the search problem and fully models a given state of the world.
27 # An action, `A`, is an available mean of transition between two states.
28 #
29 # This abstract class is generic made to work with any kind of states and actions.
30 # Therefore, specific subclasses must be developed to implement the required services:
31 #
32 # * `initial_state`
33 # * `actions`
34 # * `apply_action`
35 # * `is_goal`
36 #
37 # Note that the implemented methods should not temper with the parameters since it is expected
38 # that they remain unmodified.
39 #
40 #
41 # # Basic search
42 #
43 # These tree method are enough to trigger a basic search.
44 #
45 # The methods `breadth_first` and `depth_first` return pre-configured solvers for, respectively,
46 # a breadth-first search, a depth-first search.
47 #
48 #
49 # # Advanced search
50 #
51 # The `cost` method can be implemented to represent the cost of a single transition.
52 # By default, the cost is 1.
53 #
54 # The `heuristic` method can be implemented to represent a lower-bound estimation of the remaining
55 # cost to reach a goal state.
56 # By default, the heuristic is 0.
57 #
58 # If one of these (or both) methods are implemented, the `astar` method will return a pre-configured
59 # solver for a A* search.
60 #
61 # More configuration and optimization on the search can to be done in the `SearchSolver` class.
62 interface SearchProblem[S: Object, A]
63 # The starting state for the problem
64 fun initial_state: S is abstract
66 # The available applicable actions for a given state.
67 # While there is a potential large number of distinct states and actions, there should be only
68 # a small number of possible action from a specific state (a small, or at least finite, branching factor).
69 fun actions(state: S): nullable SequenceRead[A] is abstract
71 # The new state when applying a given action
72 #
73 # The returned state can be:
74 # * a completely new state,
75 # * an existing state,
76 # * a new state but equals to an existing state
77 # in this case, ensure that the `==` and `hash` method
78 # are correctly implemented.
79 #
80 # Remember, this method should not modify its parameters.
81 #
82 # REQUIRE: `actions(state).has(action)`
83 fun apply_action(state:S, action:A): S is abstract
85 # Is the state a goal state?
86 # Once a goal state is found, the solver is automatically stopped.
87 # A problem can have 0, one or more goals if it makes sense
88 # but solver must be used accordingly.
89 # Default: no goals
90 fun is_goal(state:S): Bool do return false
92 # The cost for `action` from `old_state` to `new_state`
93 # REQUIRE: `apply_action(old_state, action) == new_state`
94 # Default: `1`.
95 # Note that having a 0 or negative value can make some search
96 # algorithms fail, or not terminate.
97 fun cost(state:S, action:A, state2: S): Float do return 1.0
99 # An heuristic of the estimated `cost` going from `state` to a goal state.
100 #
101 # Is is expected that the heuristic is *admissible*, it means its is an
102 # optimistic estimation and never an over-estimate, thus is cannot be
103 # higher than the lowest possible remaining cost.
104 # See `SearchSolver::do_revisit` for details.
105 #
106 # Default: `0`.
107 fun heuristic(state: S): Float do return 0.0
109 # return a new breadth-first solver
110 fun breadth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]
111 do
112 var todo = (new Array[SearchNode[S, A]]).as_fifo
113 var sol = new SearchSolver[S, A](self, todo)
114 return sol
115 end
117 # return a new depth-first solver
118 fun depth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]
119 do
120 var todo = (new List[SearchNode[S, A]]).as_lifo
121 var sol = new SearchSolver[S, A](self, todo)
122 return sol
123 end
125 # return a new best-first solver
126 #
127 # notes:
128 # * if `heuristic` is not defined, this is basically a Dijkstra search.
129 # * if `cost` in not defined either, this is basically a breadth-first search.
130 fun astar: SearchSolver[S, A]
131 do
132 var cpt = new NodeComparator[S, A]
133 var todo = new MinHeap[SearchNode[S, A]](cpt)
134 var sol = new SearchSolver[S, A](self, todo)
135 return sol
136 end
138 # Create the initial node in the search-tree.
139 # Used internally by the solvers but made public for those who want to replay a plan.
140 fun initial_node: SearchNode[S, A]
141 do
142 var res = new SearchNode[S,A](self, initial_state, null, null, 0.0, 0)
143 res.compute_heuristic
144 return res
145 end
147 # Negligible quantity for float comparisons
148 # Because of float imprecision, two really near float values should be considered equals.
149 # However, the specific epsilon value could be specific to the problem.
150 #
151 # The epsilon value is used for cost comparisons.
152 #
153 # Default: 1E-9
154 fun epsilon: Float do return 0.000000001
156 # Run and evaluate solvers with multiple configuration.
157 # This method can be used to evaluate which configuration to choose by default for a given problem.
158 #
159 # `steps` is the maximum number of steps a giver configuration can run.
160 fun run_configs(steps: Int)
161 do
162 var c = 0
163 loop
164 if astar.run_config(steps, c, "A*") then break
165 c += 1
166 end
167 end
169 # Various Map implementations of memory.
170 # In order to try more configurations with `run_config`, this method
171 # is called to provide alternative implementation.
172 #
173 # For instance, a subclass can redefine this method and extends the result with an additional `RBTreeMap`.
174 # Note: because the true nature of the sates `S` is left to the user, some
175 # specific Map implementation could be more efficient than a HashMop.
176 #
177 # Default: A `HashMap`
178 fun make_memory: Array[Map[S, SearchNode[S, A]]]
179 do
180 var res = new Array[Map[S, SearchNode[S, A]]]
181 res.add new HashMap[S, SearchNode[S, A]]
182 return res
183 end
184 end
186 # A running solver for a given problem, to configure and control.
187 #
188 # For a given problem, a lot of variation of search algorithms can be made.
189 # Thus this class permit the user to control the parameters of the search algorithm.
190 #
191 # Note that this class is not meant to be specialized, and usually not instantiated directly.
192 #
193 #
194 # # Basic run and result.
195 #
196 # 1. Instantiate it with the method `breadth_first`, `depth_first`, or `astar` from `SearchProblem`.
197 # 2. Apply the method `run`, that will search and return a solution.
198 # 3. Retrieve information from the solution.
199 #
200 # ~~~~nitish
201 # var p: SearchProblem = new MyProblem
202 # var res =
203 # if res != null then print "Found plan with {res.depth} actions, that cost {res.cost}: {res.plan.join(", ")}"
204 # ~~~~
205 #
206 #
207 # # Step-by-step runs and multiple runs
208 #
209 # The `run_steps` method (see also `steps`, and `steps_limit`) can be used to run only a maximum number of steps.
210 # This method can be used as a *co-routine* and run them periodically for a small amount of time.
211 #
212 # `run` and `run_steps` return the next solution.
213 # A subsequent call to `run` returns the following solution and so on.
214 #
215 # When there is no more solutions available, `is_running` become false.
216 #
217 #
218 # # Search-trees
219 #
220 # Internally, solvers use a search-tree where nodes are labeled with states, and edges are labeled with actions.
221 # See `SearchNode` for details.
222 #
223 # The `run` method return a `SearchNode` that can be used to retrieve a lot of useful information,
224 # like the full `path` or the `plan`.
225 #
226 #
227 # # Configuration
228 #
229 # The solver provide some *knobs* to control how the search-tree is visited.
230 #
231 # * `memorize` (see also `memorize_late`)
232 # * `do_revisit` (see also `revisits`)
233 # * `depth_limit` (see also `iterative_deepening` and `depth_limit_reached`)
234 class SearchSolver[S: Object, A]
235 # The problem currently solved
236 var problem: SearchProblem[S, A]
238 # The currently open nodes to process.
239 # They are the open nodes.
240 #
241 # It is the nature of the queue that control how the solver works.
242 # However, the methods `SearchProblem::breadth_first`, `SearchProblem::depth_first`,
243 # and `SearchProblem::astar` takes care of its correct initialization.
244 private var todo: Queue[SearchNode[S, A]]
246 # Is the solver still running?
247 # A running solver has not yet exhausted all the possible solutions.
248 var is_running: Bool = true
250 # Does the solver need to memorize visited states?
251 # When activated, there is an increased memory consumption since
252 # all visited states must be kept in memory,
253 # However, there is real a gain, since visited nodes are not
254 # revisited (unless needed by `do_revisit`)
255 #
256 # Default: `true`
257 #
258 # Note: If the graph of states has circuits, then a memory-less search may not terminate.
259 var memorize: Bool = true is writable
261 # Use memory only on visited (closed) state.
262 # Less memory operations, but two big drawbacks:
263 # * duplicated nodes can fill the `todo` queue (and the memory)
264 # * duplicated nodes require more invocation of `SearchProblem::heuristic`
265 #
266 # Note: if `memorize` is false, then this has no effect.
267 #
268 # Default: `false`
269 var memorize_late: Bool = false is writable
271 # Storage of nodes when `memorize` is activated
272 # Each state is associated with a node.
273 # This permit:
274 # * to avoid to revisit visited nodes (see `do_revisit`)
275 # * to avoid to reinvoke `heuristic` on known states (unless `memorize_late` is set)
276 private var memory: Map[S, SearchNode[S, A]] = new HashMap[S, SearchNode[S, A]]
278 # Total number of time an already memorized node is seen again.
279 # If `memorize_late` is set, then only visited nodes are counted.
280 # Otherwise, nodes in the todo-list are also considered.
281 var memorized = 0
283 # Revisit states when a better path to them is found.
284 # Such revisits generally triggers more revisits because they yield
285 # better path to their neighbors.
286 #
287 # If `false`, visited states are never revisited.
288 #
289 # With astar and an admissible heuristic, no visited node should be revisited.
290 # If the heuristic is not admissible, one may consider set this to `true`.
291 #
292 # Obviously, if `memorize` is false, then the value has no specific effect
293 # since all states are considered unvisited.
294 #
295 # Default: `false`.
296 #
297 # See also `revisits` and `SearchNode::revisits`.
298 var do_revisit: Bool = false is writable
300 # Total number of states (potentially) revisited.
301 #
302 # It is the number of time that a better path to a visited state is found.
303 # With astar and a really admissible heuristic, this number should stay 0.
304 # So check this value if you are not sure of the heuristic.
305 #
306 # Note that states are effectively revisited if `do_revisit` is activated.
307 var revisits = 0
309 # The solution found by the last `run`.
310 #
311 # ensure `solution != null implies problem.is_goal(solution.state)`
312 var solution: nullable SearchNode[S,A] = null
314 # Nearest solution found (up to date).
315 # The nearest solution is the one with the smallest heuristic value.
316 # The cost is not considered.
317 var nearest_solution: nullable SearchNode[S,A] = null
319 # Limit in the depth search.
320 #
321 # States found above this limit are not considered.
322 #
323 # Use 0 for no limit.
324 # Default: 0
325 # See also: `iterative_deepening`
326 var depth_limit: Int = 0 is writable
328 # How much time a `depth_limit` was reached?
329 #
330 # This can be used to query if some solutions may have been
331 # ignored because of a `depth_limit`.
332 #
333 # This is also used automatically if `iterative_deepening` is activated.
334 var depth_limit_reached: Int = 0
336 # Increase amount for an iterative deepening search.
337 # It =0, then the iterative deepening search is disabled.
338 # If >0, then `depth_limit` is automatically increased when the todo
339 # queue is empty but the `depth_limit` was reached in the previous iteration.
340 # Default: 0
341 var iterative_deepening: Int = 0
343 # The total steps executed since the beginning
344 # A step is the visit of a node in the `todo`-list
345 var steps: Int = 0
347 # The total number of nodes created
348 var nodes = 0
350 # Limit in the number of steps for a `run`.
351 #
352 # One can modify this value then `run` or just call `run_steps`.
353 #
354 # Use 0 for no limit.
355 # Default: 0
356 var steps_limit: Int = 0 is writable
358 # Total number of neighbors considered.
359 var neighbors = 0
361 # The average number of neighbors by nodes.
362 fun branching_factor: Float do return neighbors.to_f / steps.to_f
364 # Update `steps_limit` then just run some additional steps
365 # Return the best solution so far (if any)
366 fun run_steps(steps: Int): nullable SearchNode[S,A]
367 do
368 assert steps > 0
369 self.steps_limit = self.steps + steps
370 return run
371 end
373 # Reset the search from the initial state.
374 # Is used at the beginning and with `iterative_deepening`.
375 private fun start
376 do
377 assert todo.is_empty
378 depth_limit_reached = 0
379 var initial_node = problem.initial_node
380 if memorize and not memorize_late then memory[initial_node.state] = initial_node
381 = nodes
382 nodes += 1
383 todo.add initial_node
384 end
386 # Run the solver and return the next solution (if any)
387 # Return null is one of these is true:
388 # * `steps_limit` is reached
389 # * the `todo` queue is empty (eg. no reachable solution)
390 fun run: nullable SearchNode[S,A]
391 do
392 if steps == 0 then start
394 var nearest = nearest_solution
395 loop
396 # Enough work
397 if steps_limit > 0 and steps >= steps_limit then break
399 #print "todo={todo.length}"
400 #print " {todo.join("\n ")}"
402 # Next node, please
403 if todo.is_empty then
404 # iterative depth search?
405 if depth_limit <= 0 or iterative_deepening <= 0 or depth_limit_reached == 0 then
406 is_running = false
407 break
408 end
410 depth_limit += iterative_deepening
411 start
412 end
413 var node = todo.take
415 # Skip `old` stuff
416 # Because `Queue` has no remove :(
417 if node.drop then continue
419 var state = node.state
421 if memorize and memorize_late then
422 # Is the state already visited?
423 var old = memory.get_or_null(state)
424 if old != null then
425 memorized += 1
426 if old.cost - node.cost < problem.epsilon then continue
427 revisits += 1
428 if not do_revisit then
429 old.revisits += 1
430 continue
431 end
432 node.revisits = old.revisits + 1
433 end
434 memory[state] = node
435 end
437 steps += 1
438 assert node.steps == 0
439 node.steps = steps
440 self.node = node
442 # Keep trace to the nearest
443 if nearest == null or node.heuristic < nearest.heuristic then
444 nearest = node
445 nearest_solution = node
446 end
448 #print "try {node}"
449 #print "try {node}; todo={todo.length}"
451 # Won?
452 if problem.is_goal(state) then
453 solution = node
454 return node
455 end
457 # Ignore successors states if the depth limit is reached
458 if depth_limit > 0 and node.depth >= depth_limit then
459 depth_limit_reached += 1
460 continue
461 end
463 # Now, expand!
464 var actions = problem.actions(state)
465 if actions == null then continue
466 for action in actions do
467 neighbors += 1
469 # Fast track if no memory or late memory
470 if not memorize or memorize_late then
471 var new_node = node.apply_action(action)
472 = nodes
473 nodes += 1
474 todo.add(new_node)
475 continue
476 end
478 # Get the state and the cost. Do not create the node yet.
479 var new_state = problem.apply_action(state, action)
480 var new_cost = node.cost + problem.cost(state, action, new_state)
482 # So check if the state was already seen
483 var old = memory.get_or_null(new_state)
484 if old != null then
485 memorized += 1
486 # If not better, then skip
487 if old.cost - new_cost < problem.epsilon then continue
488 # If visited and do not revisit, then skip
489 if old.steps > 0 and not do_revisit then
490 old.revisits += 1
491 revisits += 1
492 continue
493 end
494 # Even if `==`, reuse the same state object so
495 # * it may helps the GC
496 # * user-cached things in the previous state can be reused
497 new_state = old.state
498 end
500 # Finally, create the node
501 var new_node = new SearchNode[S, A](problem, new_state, node, action, new_cost, node.depth+1)
502 = nodes
503 nodes += 1
505 if old == null then
506 # Compute heuristic and cost
507 new_node.compute_heuristic
508 else
509 # Reuse heuristic and update the cost
510 var h = old.heuristic
511 new_node.heuristic = h
512 new_node.score = new_cost + h
514 # Is `old` a visited node?
515 if old.steps == 0 then
516 # Old is still in the todo list, so drop it
517 old.drop = true
518 else
519 # Old was visited, so revisit it
520 new_node.revisits = old.revisits + 1
521 revisits += 1
522 #print "found {old.cost}>{new_cost}:{old.cost>new_cost} d={old.cost-new_cost}\n\t{old}\nthat is worse than\n\t{new_node}"
523 end
524 end
525 memory[new_state] = new_node
527 todo.add(new_node)
528 end
529 end
530 return null
531 end
533 # The last visited node.
534 # Unless when debugging, the last visited node is not really meaningful.
535 var node: nullable SearchNode[S, A] = null
537 redef fun to_s
538 do
539 var res ="steps={steps} nodes={nodes} todo={todo.length}"
540 if neighbors > 0 then res += " n={neighbors} (bf={branching_factor})"
541 if revisits > 0 then res += " re={revisits}"
542 if memorized > 0 then res += " mem={memorized}"
543 var n = solution
544 if n != null then
545 res += " last={n}"
546 else
547 n = nearest_solution
548 if n != null then res += " near={n}"
549 end
550 return res
551 end
553 # Run the configuration number `i`, for `steps` number of steps.
554 # The message `msg` suffixed by the name of the configuration is printed followed by the result
555 #
556 # This method is used by `SearchProblem::run_configs`
557 fun run_config(steps: Int, i: Int, msg: String): Bool
558 do
559 do
560 if i == 0 then
561 msg += " -mem"
562 memorize = false
563 break
564 end
565 i -= 1
567 var mems = problem.make_memory
568 memory = mems[i % mems.length]
569 msg += " {memory.class_name}"
570 i = i / mems.length
572 if i % 2 == 0 then
573 msg += " +mem"
574 memorize = true
575 memorize_late = false
576 else
577 msg += " +mem_late"
578 memorize = true
579 memorize_late = true
580 end
581 i = i / 2
583 if i % 2 == 0 then
584 msg += " +revisit"
585 do_revisit = true
586 else
587 msg += " -revisit"
588 do_revisit = false
589 end
590 i = i / 2
592 if i >= 1 then return true
594 end
595 print msg
597 var t = new Clock
598 run_steps(steps)
599 print "\t{self}"
600 var l = t.lapse
601 print "\ttime={l}"
602 return false
603 end
604 end
606 # Used to compare nodes with their score.
607 # Smaller is score, smaller is the node.
608 private class NodeComparator[S: Object, A]
609 super Comparator
610 redef type COMPARED: SearchNode[S, A]
611 redef fun compare(a,b) do return a.score <=> b.score
612 end
614 # A node in the search-tree visited by a `SearchSolver`.
615 # In search-trees, nodes are labeled with states (`S`), and edges by actions (`A`).
616 #
617 # The root node is labeled by the initial state of the problem.
618 #
619 # This class is exposed to allow queries on the solution provided by the solver.
620 class SearchNode[S: Object, A]
621 # A flag that indicate that `self` is virtually removed from the todo-list.
622 # `self` was added to the todo-list but that a better node for the
623 # same state was found latter.
624 private var drop = false
626 # The associated problem
627 var problem: SearchProblem[S, A]
629 # The state associated to `self`.
630 # The state labels the node `self`.
631 var state: S
633 # Is `self` a root node of the search-tree?
634 # ensure: `result` == `parent == null` and `result`== `action == null`
635 fun is_root: Bool do return parent == null
637 # The previous node in the search-tree (if not root).
638 var parent: nullable SearchNode[S, A]
640 # The action used to go from `parent` to `self` (if not root)
641 # The action labels the edge from `parent` to `self`.
642 var action: nullable A
644 # The past cost (g) from the root node to `self`.
645 var cost: Float
647 # The heuristic from self to the goal (according to `problem.heuristic(state)`
648 # It is the future cost (h)
649 var heuristic: Float is noinit
651 # The sum of `cost` and `heuristic`
652 # It is the f function.
653 var score: Float is noinit
655 # Update `heuristic` and `score` according to `problem`.
656 private fun compute_heuristic
657 do
658 var h = problem.heuristic(state)
659 heuristic = h
660 score = cost + h
661 end
663 # The depth of `self` in the search tree
664 # It is the number of parents to the root node.
665 var depth: Int
667 # The number of steps needed by the solver to process `self`
668 # It is just a useless generation number, but could be used to evaluate
669 # the behavior of search algorithms.
670 var steps: Int = 0
672 # The rank of creation of nodes by the solver.
673 # It is just a useless generation number, but could be used to evaluate
674 # the behavior of search algorithms.
675 var id: Int = 0
677 # The number of (potential) revisits of `node`.
678 # This information can be used to debug search algorithms.
679 # And to detect when heuristics are not admissible.
680 #
681 # See `SearchSolver::revisits` and `SearchSolver::do_revisit`
682 # for details.
683 var revisits: Int = 0
685 # Create a new child node for the next state, according to `problem`.
686 # Used internally by the solvers but made public for those who want to replay a plan.
687 #
688 # ensure `result.parent == self`
689 # ensure `result.action == action`
690 fun apply_action(action: A): SearchNode[S, A]
691 do
692 var new_state = problem.apply_action(state, action)
693 var new_cost = problem.cost(state, action, new_state)
694 var new_node = new SearchNode[S, A](problem, new_state, self, action, cost + new_cost, depth+1)
695 new_node.compute_heuristic
696 return new_node
697 end
699 # Build the sequence of nodes from the initial node to `self`
700 #
701 # ensure `result.first.is_root and result.last == self`
702 fun path: Sequence[SearchNode[S, A]]
703 do
704 var res = new List[SearchNode[S, A]]
705 res.add(self)
706 var node = parent
707 while node != null do
708 res.unshift(node)
709 node = node.parent
710 end
711 return res
712 end
714 # Build a sequence of actions from the initial state to `self`
715 # See `path` for a more detailed plan.
716 fun plan: Sequence[A]
717 do
718 var res = new List[A]
719 var node: nullable SearchNode[S, A] = self
720 while node != null do
721 var a = node.action
722 if a != null then res.unshift(a)
723 node = node.parent
724 end
725 return res
726 end
728 # Just print a detailed path on the screen
729 fun dump
730 do
731 print "result:{state}"
732 for n in path do
733 var a = n.action
734 if a != null then print " + {a or else ""}"
735 print " {n.steps}: {n.state} ({n.cost}$)"
736 end
737 end
739 redef fun to_s do return "#{steps}/{id} d={depth} f={cost+heuristic} g={cost} h={heuristic}: {state}"
740 #redef fun to_s do return "#{steps} f={(cost+heuristic).to_i} g={cost.to_i} h={heuristic.to_i}"
741 end