Merge: markdown: merge MDProcessor and MDEmitter
[nit.git] / contrib / pep8analysis / test.sav
1 Analyzing tests/privat/02-fibo.pep
2 Analyzing tests/privat/04-abc.pep
3 Analyzing tests/privat/04-leplusgrand.pep
4 Analyzing tests/privat/05-0et100.pep
5 Analyzing tests/privat/05-1a100.pep
6 Analyzing tests/privat/05-aei.pep
7 Analyzing tests/privat/05-otan.pep
8 Analyzing tests/privat/05-simul_3n.pep
9 Analyzing tests/privat/05-simul_n.pep
10 Analyzing tests/privat/05-simul_x.pep
11 Analyzing tests/privat/05-sommeVec.pep
12 Analyzing tests/privat/06-calc-non-pur.pep
13 Analyzing tests/privat/06-compte1.pep
14 Analyzing tests/privat/06-majuscules.pep
15 Analyzing tests/privat/06-menu.pep
16 Analyzing tests/privat/06-print-non-pur.pep
17 Analyzing tests/privat/06-processVec.pep
18 Analyzing tests/privat/06-puissance2.pep
19 Analyzing tests/privat/06-sommes1.pep
20 Analyzing tests/privat/06-sommes2.pep
21 Analyzing tests/privat/06-sommes3.pep
22 Analyzing tests/privat/06-x100.pep
23 Analyzing tests/privat/07-matrice.pep
24 Analyzing tests/privat/07-stri.pep
25 Analyzing tests/privat/07-stris.pep
26 Analyzing tests/privat/07-tri.pep
27 Analyzing tests/privat/07-tri2.pep
28 Analyzing tests/privat/08-abus.pep
29 Analyzing tests/privat/08-div-stack.pep
30 Analyzing tests/privat/08-div-vars.pep
31 Analyzing tests/privat/08-div.pep
32 Analyzing tests/privat/08-fib.pep
33 Analyzing tests/privat/08-incr.pep
34 Analyzing tests/privat/08-liretab-stack.pep
35 Analyzing tests/privat/08-liretab.pep
36 Analyzing tests/privat/08-pile.pep
37 Analyzing tests/privat/08-tab.pep
38 Analyzing tests/privat/08-triforce.pep
39 Analyzing tests/privat/08-varlocales.pep
40 Analyzing tests/privat/09-liste.pep
41 Analyzing tests/privat/09-produit.pep
42 Analyzing tests/privat/fib.pep
43 Analyzing tests/micro/directive-in-code.pep
44 Analyzing tests/micro/range.pep
45 Analyzing tests/micro/to-graph.pep
46 Analyzing tests/micro/types.pep
47 Analyzing tests/terrasa/addition_stro.pep
48 Analyzing tests/terrasa/boucle.pep
49 Analyzing tests/terrasa/chari_charo.pep
50 Analyzing tests/terrasa/division.pep
51 Analyzing tests/terrasa/hello.pep
52 Analyzing tests/terrasa/if_else.pep
53 Analyzing tests/terrasa/if_elseif_else.pep
54 Analyzing tests/terrasa/lecture_chaine.pep
55 Analyzing tests/terrasa/matrice.pep
56 Analyzing tests/terrasa/max_tableau.pep
57 Analyzing tests/terrasa/multiplication.pep
58 Analyzing tests/terrasa/reverse_tableau.pep
59 Analyzing tests/terrasa/somme_tableau.pep
60 Analyzing tests/terrasa/soustraction.pep
61 Analyzing tests/terrasa/tri_bulles.pep
62 # Notes:
63 Warning: tests/privat/05-1a100.pep:10; using data of unsupported type in memory address 1, expected word (got two byte of code)
64 Error:   tests/privat/06-calc-non-pur.pep:32; this instruction is not followed by valid code as it should (misplaced data or missing BR?)
65 Error:   tests/privat/06-calc-non-pur.pep:32; unreachable instructions (dead code?)
66 Warning: tests/privat/06-calc-non-pur.pep:14; overwriting code at instr@m76 with byte of code (code rewriting?)
67 Warning: tests/privat/06-menu.pep:13; jumps to a dynamic address, this may be OK but the CFG may be wrong
68 Warning: tests/privat/07-stri.pep:7; printing uninitialized data, exepected ASCII
69 Warning: tests/privat/07-stri.pep:9; printing uninitialized data, exepected ASCII
70 Error:   tests/privat/07-stris.pep:39; unreachable instructions (dead code?)
71 Warning: tests/privat/08-abus.pep:8--10; unreachable instructions (dead code?)
72 Error:   tests/micro/directive-in-code.pep:4; unreachable instructions (dead code?)
73 Error:   tests/micro/directive-in-code.pep:2; data in program flow (missing BR?)
74 Warning: tests/micro/types.pep:1; using data of unsupported type in register A, expected word (got two uninitialized byte)
75 Warning: tests/micro/types.pep:1; using data of unsupported type in memory address 123, expected word (got two uninitialized byte)
76 Warning: tests/micro/types.pep:3; using a partial word in register A, expected a full word (got a 1st byte of word followed by byte of code)
77 Warning: tests/micro/types.pep:3; using data of unsupported type in memory address 123, expected word (got two uninitialized byte)
78 Warning: tests/micro/types.pep:6; using data of unsupported type in register A, expected word (got two byte of code)
79 Warning: tests/micro/types.pep:6; using data of unsupported type in memory address 123, expected word (got two uninitialized byte)