mixin: introduce -D option to redefine functions from the command-line
[nit.git] / c_src / file.sep.0.h
1 #include "nit.common.h"
2 #define COLOR_file__FStream___path 0
3 #define COLOR_file__FStream___file 1
4 #include "file_nit.h"
5 #define COLOR_file__IFStream___end_reached 4
6 void file__IFStream__close(val* self);
7 #define COLOR_stream__BufferedIStream___buffer 2
8 #define COLOR_string__FlatText___items 1
9 #define COLOR_string__FlatBuffer___capacity 6
10 extern const struct type type_kernel__Int;
11 #define COLOR_string__FlatText___length 3
12 #define COLOR_stream__BufferedIStream___buffer_pos 3
13 void file__IFStream__fill_buffer(val* self);
14 void stream__BufferedIStream__prepare_buffer(val* self, long p0);
15 char* string__FlatString__to_cstring(val* self);
16 val* BOX_file__NativeFile(void*);
17 #include "kernel_nit.h"
18 val* string__NativeString__to_s_with_length(char* self, long p0);
19 long kernel___Sys_errno___impl( struct nitni_instance * recv );
20 val* string__Int__strerror(long self);
21 val* NEW_array__Array(const struct type* type);
22 extern const struct type type_array__Arraykernel__Object;
23 val* NEW_array__NativeArray(int length, const struct type* type);
24 extern const struct type type_array__NativeArraykernel__Object;
25 #define COLOR_array__Array__with_native 65
26 #define COLOR_string__Object__to_s 7
27 void file__Object__print(val* self, val* p0);
28 void file__IFStream__open(val* self, val* p0);
29 void file__IFStream__init(val* self);
30 #define COLOR_file__OFStream___writable 2
31 extern const struct type type_string__FlatText;
32 #define COLOR_string__Text__to_cstring 45
33 void file__OFStream__write_native(val* self, char* p0, long p1);
34 #define COLOR_string__Text__substrings 42
35 val* abstract_collection__Iterator__iterator(val* self);
36 #define COLOR_abstract_collection__Iterator__is_ok 31
37 #define COLOR_abstract_collection__Iterator__item 29
38 #define COLOR_abstract_collection__Iterator__next 30
39 void file__OFStream__write(val* self, val* p0);
40 void file__OFStream__close(val* self);
41 val* BOX_kernel__Int(long);
42 void file__Object__printn(val* self, val* p0);
43 void file__OFStream__open(val* self, val* p0);
44 void file__OFStream__init(val* self);
45 void file__Stdin__init(val* self);
46 void file__Stdout__init(val* self);
47 void file__Stderr__init(val* self);
48 short int file__String__file_exists(val* self);
49 val* NEW_file__IFStream(const struct type* type);
50 extern const struct type type_file__IFStream;
51 val* NEW_file__OFStream(const struct type* type);
52 extern const struct type type_file__OFStream;
53 short int stream__BufferedIStream__eof(val* self);
54 val* stream__BufferedIStream__read(val* self, long p0);
55 void file__String__file_copy_to(val* self, val* p0);
56 short int string__Text__has_suffix(val* self, val* p0);
57 val* string__FlatString__substring(val* self, long p0, long p1);
58 val* file__String__strip_extension(val* self, val* p0);
59 #define COLOR_string__FlatString___chars 6
60 #define COLOR_abstract_collection__SequenceRead___91d_93d 39
61 extern const struct class class_kernel__Char;
62 val* BOX_kernel__Char(char);
63 #define COLOR_abstract_collection__SequenceRead__last_index_of_from 44
64 val* file__String__basename(val* self, val* p0);
65 val* file__String__dirname(val* self);
66 val* string__NativeString__to_s_with_copy(char* self);
67 val* file__String__realpath(val* self);
68 val* string_search__Text__split_with(val* self, val* p0);
69 extern const struct type type_array__Arraystring__String;
70 void array__Array__init(val* self);
71 val* array__AbstractArrayRead__iterator(val* self);
72 short int array__ArrayIterator__is_ok(val* self);
73 val* array__ArrayIterator__item(val* self);
74 short int string__FlatString___61d_61d(val* self, val* p0);
75 short int array__AbstractArrayRead__is_empty(val* self);
76 val* abstract_collection__SequenceRead__last(val* self);
77 #define COLOR_kernel__Object___61d_61d 2
78 val* array__AbstractArray__pop(val* self);
79 void array__AbstractArray__push(val* self, val* p0);
80 void array__ArrayIterator__next(val* self);
81 long array__AbstractArrayRead__length(val* self);
82 val* abstract_collection__SequenceRead__first(val* self);
83 val* string__Collection__join(val* self, val* p0);
84 val* file__String__simplify_path(val* self);
85 short int string__Text__is_empty(val* self);
86 val* file__String__join_path(val* self, val* p0);
87 val* NEW_string__FlatBuffer(const struct type* type);
88 extern const struct type type_string__FlatBuffer;
89 void string__FlatBuffer__init(val* self);
90 val* array__Array___91d_93d(val* self, long p0);
91 void string__FlatBuffer__add(val* self, char p0);
92 void string__FlatBuffer__append(val* self, val* p0);
93 val* string__FlatBuffer__to_s(val* self);
94 void file__String__mkdir(val* self);
95 #define COLOR_abstract_collection__SequenceRead__last_index_of 42
96 val* file__String__file_extension(val* self);
97 #define COLOR_file__Sys___stdout 2
98 #define COLOR_file__Sys___stderr 3
99 val* string__Array__to_s(val* self);
100 val* string__NativeString__to_s(char* self);
101 val* file__Object__getcwd(val* self);